I would like to personally welcome Bill Tarling as a contributor to!

As you know, vaping is quite a hot topic all over the world. There are numerous vaping articles coming out every day, and it’s sometimes difficult to keep up with them all.

Bill Tarling has been doing an excellent job collecting vaping related news stories for his Facebook Group Vape Distortion.

I’ve invited Bill to contribute to this website and post the articles here as well, good or bad.

I hope this additional content to proves beneficial and helpful to you.

If you look to the left, you’ll see the new Vaping News page under Information/Resources.  All of Bill’s posts will be kept there as well as on the main news feed page.



VAPING NEWS: FIGHTING CANCER [Vaping Should Be Included As Harm Reduction Tool]

“The upcoming European Union’s Beating Cancer Plan is a historic chance to improve public health in Europe. A comprehensive approach needs to include prevention and harm reduction. While it is important that lawmakers do everything, they can to prevent people from starting smoking, it is equally important to support current smokers in their quest to quit. There is no tobacco nor tar in e-cigarettes and many of the toxins in cigarettes are not present in e-cigarettes. While often well intentioned most newly proposed regulations, such as flavour liquid bans or higher taxes, would disproportionately harm smokers who are trying to quit. Lawmakers should include vaping in the plan as a harm reduction tool to prevent cancer. We know that abstinence is not as effective as alternatives, such as vaping. According to a 2019 study from Queen Mary University London of 100 smokers trying to quit cold turkey, only three to five succeed – while according to the same study, vaping is even more effective for smoking cessation than nicotine-replacement therapy, like patches or gums.”


Backing #Vaping to beat #Cancer

VAPING NEWS: NEW ZEALAND [Vaping As A Smoking Cessation Tool]

“People who smoke are increasingly using e-cigarettes to try to quit smoking, a study by researchers at the University of Otago, Wellington, has found. The research is part of the New Zealand arm of the International Tobacco Control Policy Evaluation (ITC) project and involved surveys with 1,155 people between 2016 and 2017 and 1,020 people in 2018 (400 of them Māori) who smoked or had recently quit smoking. Professor Edwards says the survey results are promising, particularly the findings that use is most common among recent quitters and that a high proportion of regular users are using e-cigarettes to quit smoking. “This suggests e-cigarettes are contributing to reducing smoking prevalence and to achieving the goal of Aotearoa becoming smokefree by 2025.”


Smokers increasingly using e-cigarettes to quit, survey shows


“Germany will finally ban outdoor tobacco advertising from 2022, the parliament announced Friday, becoming the last country in the European Union to do so. The bans will be widened to include electronic cigarettes from 2024. Tobacco advertising is already outlawed in German media, but the country has long been the only EU member state that still allowed street posters and cinema advertising. The new legislation also stipulates that from January 2021, cinemas must stop advertising tobacco products before films where children and young people may be present.”


Germany to ban tobacco street ads from 2022


“As has been shown many times, CTFK plays fast and loose with the truth and these statements veer from demonstrable fact once again. For all of its supposed opposition to tobacco and the tobacco industry (it goes to pains to point out it doesn’t accept money from Big T firms), CTKF colluded with Philip Morris International to agree a set of mutually acceptable terms on more than one occasion. Brody Mullens wrote a 2004 article titled, “How Philip Morris, Tobacco Foes Tied the Knot” in Roll Call. In it, he revealed: “The face-to-face negotiating sessions and conference calls were so sensitive that Philip Morris and the Campaign for Tobacco Free Kids refused to tell even their closest allies.” It did it again in 2007, The American Association of Public Health Physicians (AAPHP) stated that CTFK held “secret negotiations” with Philip Morris to draft the “Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act”.”


Chicago Makes A Song And Dance

VAPING NEWS: DANISH CANCER SOCIETY [Flavour Bans + Anti-Vaping Agenda]

“The Danish Cancer Society (DCS) has written to the European Commission (EC), urging them to enact harsher controls on vaping in the new Tobacco Products Directive (TPD). We warned at the time that this could influence the next iteration of the Tobacco Products Directive (TPD) and that it has been predicted by leading harm reduction advocates that the UK will probably adopt a lot (if not all) of TPD3’s approaches. It is complete nonsense that children are being targeted, conflicting with clear evidence to the contrary. Conflating tobacco use with vaping is at best disingenuous and the rabid anti-harm reduction approach ignores all of the solid science amassing in the United Kingdom and elsewhere.”


Danish Cancer Society Supports Cancer Sticks


“The reality of smoking is too many people simply quit trying to quit. It is too hard. Yet, anti-smoking activists and government regulators are fighting technologies and products that could potentially save millions of lives. Government officials and ‘do-good’ public health advocates are stifling innovation that will help people quit cigarettes. The reality is that e-cigarettes are an effective device for smoking cessation; more effective, in fact, than other nicotine replacement therapies. Therefore, if we want fewer people to smoke cigarettes, the public health community should be looking at policies that do not obstruct adult access to vaping. Public health policy should be based on sound science and rigorous research—on reality not ideology. And as the library of science on vaping continues to expand, policymakers and health advocates must consider the benefits of e-cigarettes over tobacco. In the age of COVID-19, politicians, public health advocates, and experts are all guilty of politicizing science.”


The Realities of Smoking and Vaping


“Nicotine vapor products or “e-cigarettes” are not only a source of pleasure, but also a critical tool that has helped millions of adults kick their deadly smoking habit. Yet, at the same time that public and political support for legalizing recreational cannabis has soared, so also have calls to virtually eliminate or prohibit legal access to potentially life-saving nicotine vapor products. The evidence has emerged that e-cigarettes are vastly safer than smoking, even if not risk-free, and have the potential to save or improve millions of lives. Yet, anti-vaping advocates’ hostility toward e-cigarettes has only intensified and governments around the world have begun banning the products.”


The Double Standards of Cannabis and Nicotine


“The prohibition of the legal sale of flavored e-cigarettes to adults is unsupported by science, undermined by an analysis of the available data and lacks common sense, according to Jeff Stier, senior fellow at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance, and Henri Miller, senior fellow at the Pacific Research Institute. “Federal law already bans the sale of all e-cigarettes to anyone under 21, so the Pallone legislation would only change the legal status of the sale of flavored e-cigarettes to adults,” the authors wrote. “That would harm public health, because the data tell us that adult smokers can significantly reduce their health risks if they switch from smoking to vaping.””


Scholars Argue Against Flavor Ban

VAPING NEWS: UK STUDY [Relative Safety Of E-liquid Vapor Products]

“Electronic cigarettes are significantly less harmful than smoking but are not risk-free, a report from the Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) has concluded. COT, which is made up of independent experts, was commissioned to produce a report by the Department of Health and Social Care and Public Health England to review electronic nicotine delivery systems and devices that use an e-liquid that does not contain any nicotine, collectively abbreviated as E(N)NDS. The review finds that E(N)NDS products, when produced and used appropriately, are “likely to be associated with a reduction in overall risk of adverse health effects, although the magnitude of the decrease will depend on the effect in question” when replacing cigarettes. The review highlighted best practices in manufacturing and production as the way to minimize risks.”


U.K. Study Reiterates Relative Safety of Vaping

VAPING NEWS: FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA [Flavor Restrictions + T21]

“On Monday night, the Fridley City Council voted 4-1 to restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products and update the existing tobacco ordinance. Now, flavored tobacco products, including menthol, will be sold in adult-only tobacco stores. The council also voted to update the tobacco ordinance to meet state requirements that raise the tobacco sales age to 21.”


Fridley City Council Votes To Restrict Sale Of Flavored Tobacco