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“The Canadian Cancer Society is asking the provincial government to take a legislative approach to address vaping, by raising the minimum age to 21, cutting access to flavour pods that can attract young people to e-cigarettes, and changing other sales regulations.”


Cancer Society calls on N.L. government to raise tobacco age to 21

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: CONGRESS [HR 2339 Anti-Vaping Bill]

“Try as they might, politicians just can’t seem to stop contradicting themselves. Take, for instance, an anti-vaping bill up for debate this month from Congressman Frank Pallone (D-NJ). Pallone says he wants to make smoking less widespread. But his bill would just make it harder for current smokers to quit by enshrining FDA restrictions, like flavor bans on vaping products and the legal smoking age of 21, while also extending the flavor ban to conventional tobacco products and prohibiting online vape sales. In the process, it’ll decimate small businesses in the vaping space—to the benefit of the cigarette industry. That’s a shame, because since vapes hit the market, smoking rates in the United States have taken a freefall. By comparison, rates in comparable nations like Australia, which bans nicotine vaping, have remained stagnant.”


Rep. Pallone’s Anti-Vaping Bill is Just a Win for Cigarettes

HR 2339:

Reversing the Youth Tobacco Epidemic Act of 2019

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Join us tonight for the Smoker’s Show with special guest Jay Love from Five Pawns as he discusses their new line, Orchard Blend.

Click on the banner below at 9PM EST time to be taken directly to the show.

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“Acclaimed Houston trial lawyer Richard “Rick” Meadow of The Lanier Law Firm has been named to the Plaintiffs’ Steering Committee in litigation against e-cigarette maker Juul in California state court. Nearly 100 cases have been filed so far in the Judicial Council Coordinated Proceeding, or JCCP, which follows a similar process to federal multidistrict litigation (MDL) by consolidating similar legal claims against a common defendant. The lawsuits are brought by school districts across the state, alleging that Juul created an ongoing vaping epidemic through aggressive marketing of e-cigarettes to teenagers. Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Ann Jones appointed Mr. Meadow to the committee, which will continue to investigate and develop the claims while also overseeing the coordination, preparation, and presentation of the cases.”


Rick Meadow Appointed to Committee Driving State Litigation Against Juul

Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“In June 2019, a paper by prominent US academics found that people who used e-cigarettes were at greater risk of a heart attack. Eight months later, the paper was retracted. When a paper is retracted it means we can’t trust its results. It’s like being unpublished. The problem is, the paper still exists. It is possible that if the initial data was publicly available, the flawed analysis may not have made it to publication in the first place. It means being aware of “hot stuff bias” where topics that get a lot of media attention attract more bad science than those that are less on the radar. We must all do better to make sure we don’t repeat history when it comes to e-cigarettes. That includes being open and critical about science and thinking twice when we read stories about hotly contested topics in healthcare. Alarming headlines are catchy, but misinformation might actually kill us.”

NICOTINE: “Nicotine is not the harmful ingredient in cigarettes, or in e-cigarettes. It is addictive, so it gets its bad name because it’s part of what makes people keep smoking. But it’s the other ingredients in cigarettes that cause the increased risk of death and disease.”


Vaping and heart disease: setting the record straight

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VAPING NEWS: UK [Philip Morris Marketing]

“Philip Morris International (PMI), one of the world’s biggest tobacco companies, drew up plans for a £1bn tobacco transition fund in the UK to be spent by local authorities and Public Health England on persuading smokers to give up cigarettes in favour of alternatives such as its “heat not burn” smokeless tobacco product, IQOS, leaked documents reveal.”


Philip Morris drew up plan for £1bn tobacco transition fund

Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“Flavored tobacco and youth vaping will be appearing on Tuesday’s Board of Supervisors agenda with a request for direction from staff members. The timed item, scheduled for 9:20 a.m. Tuesday, will feature a presentation regarding flavored vaping products and the health risks associated with using them. The department will be asking the supervisors to accept the report for information. No vote is expected to be held nor will there be direction. The Butte County Board of Supervisors generally meets every second and fourth Tuesday of the month. Meetings are held at 25 County Center Drive in Oroville and are open to the public.”


Supervisors asked to decide on vaping, listen to groundwater report

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VAPING NEWS: NEW ZEALAND [New Vaping Regulations Bill]

“The bill, which associate health minister Jenny Salesa is calling “the most significant change to New Zealand’s smokefree laws since they were introduced 30 years ago”, will introduce a complete ban on the sale of vaping and smokeless tobacco products to anyone under the age of 18. The advertising of vaping products and smokeless tobacco is also banned, while e-liquid flavours will be limited to tobacco, mint and menthol in non-speciality stores like dairies and service stations. Last year the government suggested it would prohibit other flavours altogether. But this new bill will allow other flavours to be sold at “approved specialist vape retailers”.”


Cheat sheet: what’s the deal with the new vaping law?


Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products (Vaping) Amendment Bill

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: NEW ZEALAND [Flavor Restrictions + Public Ban]

“Sales of vaping products to under-18s will be banned, flavours restricted and vapers barred from lighting up in smoke-free areas under a law change set to be introduced to Parliament on Monday. Vaping laws will be bought closer to tobacco laws under the proposed law change, including a prohibition on advertising and sponsorship of vaping products and e-cigarettes. But the Government has ruled out a complete ban because it sees vaping as one way to help smokers quit more harmful cigarettes.”


Vaping crackdown: new law will ban under-18s and advertising

“As the bill is currently written, no vaping products will be able to be sold to people under the age of 18, nor are the products able to be advertised or used in sponsorship. Vaping will also be banned from smokefree areas, so people would only be able to vape where cigarettes are allowed to be smoked. Salesa said the bill will also limit general stores – including dairies and service stations – to selling only three flavours: tobacco, mint and menthol. All other flavours will only be able to be sold at licensed vape stores.”


Bill to restrict vaping and e-cigarette sales and use in public

“A Bill is being introduced to Parliament on Monday which includes a total ban on all advertising of smokeless products and no sales to under-18s. It will also ban using e-cigarettes and smokeless tobacco in smokefree areas, restrict who can sell them, limit some retailers to only three flavours and give the Ministry of Health powers to recall, suspend and issue warnings about vaping products.”


Government proposes new vaping regulations

Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: NEW YORK [Cuomo’s Anti-Vaping Assault]

“On Thursday, Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced a package of initiatives he supports to combat youth tobacco use, including a ban, contained in his proposed executive budget, on the sale of all flavored vaping products in the state, including menthol flavors. The goal is put the laws on the books after efforts to enact bans via executive order have been rejected by the courts in recent months.”

BILL TARLING – Cuomo wants e-liquid products banned, but has encouraged marijuana availability. Even his anti-vaping petition is strictly one-sided (you can only vote in favor of the ban). New York generates over a Billion Dollars a year in tobacco tax revenue as long as New Yorkers keep smoking. A ban on e-liquid vape products will help protect his State’s smokers revenue stream.


NY wants to ban flavored e-cigarette products