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FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Shunned | Escalating Attack on Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Submit and give up. This is the demand made by tobacco control officials in their effort to destroy vaping as a viable alternative to smoking.
While vapers have been the target of this type of harassment for many years, tobacco harm reduction researchers are increasingly coming under fire.

In this episode of RegWatch meet Dr. Marewa Glover, Director at the Centre of Research Excellence: Indigenous Sovereignty & Smoking, New Zealand. Learn why Dr. Glover believes a tightly networked cabal of tobacco control officials are blacklisting and bullying THR researchers; deploying propaganda and other tactics of coercion, in order to frustrate smokers switching to less harmful sources of nicotine.

Only on RegWatch by

Released: November 29, 2020

Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DVINE LABS

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: FDA [Anti-Vaping Campaign]

“The FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products is looking for an agency partner to handle communications and advertising for its latest tobacco prevention campaign, which focuses on teens’ use of e-cigarettes. The FDA is looking for an agency to handle the latest incarnation of its youth tobacco prevention initiative, “The Real Cost”. The account could pay up to $900 million over five years. The e-cigarette prevention initiative is the fourth campaign since “The Real Cost” launched in 2014.”

BILL TARLING — The FDA’s “The Real Cost” is well known for blatantly promoting anti-vaping misinformation and fraudulent claims, and were heavily involved with the promoting of teen awareness of the popularity of JUUL, which then enticed teens to gravitated towards its usage so that regular e-liquid vape products would get blamed for the fabricated “epidemic”


FDA Seeks Agency Support For Lucrative Anti-Tobacco Assignment

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Posted in Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Augvape/Mike Vapes Intake MTL RTA

In this video we take a look at the Mike’s newest creation, the Intake MTL RTA! We also announce the winner of the last “Not A” Contest.

The Links:
Mike’s Website – Hit That Juice
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…

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The Kroma-Z continues to receive positive reviews and high praise from all around the world!

See the Vaping Post Results here or click the image below…



(English translation: With an xxl 3000 mAh battery life and refillable pods, the Kroma-Z is solid, easy to use and has a very good grip. The Kroma-Z clearly tops our ranking)


(English translation: The new generation-Z)

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: SAN FRANCISCO [Nanny State Legislation]

“The city of San Francisco is dealing with many pressing problems, such as skyrocketing homelessness, a surge in crime and poverty, a tourism industry in free fall, etc. Yet, amidst all of these troubling issues, the City Board of Supervisors is busy playing nanny state, following suit of California politics. Recently, San Francisco’s City Board of Supervisors voted to advance an invasive piece of legislation that would ban smoking inside private dwellings located in an apartment with three or more units. The bill, filed on November 12, applies to smoking tobacco, vaping, and cannabis products. Not only would this overreaching legislation apply to private dwellings, but it would also include private patios and balconies.”


San Francisco: Nanny State Ground Zero

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FOR MY FRENCH VISITORS: USA : l’apocalypse post-PMTA a-t-elle eu lieu ? Dimitris Agrafiotis et Gregory Conley répondent

Dimitris Agrafiotis : En fait, rien ne s’est concrètement passé qui aurait un effet immédiat sur les vapoteurs et l’industrie. Beaucoup d’entreprises ont entrepris de déposer des PMTA afin de rester sur le marché un an ou plus, selon la rapidité avec laquelle la FDA les examinera. Et c’est un énorme travail. On assiste quand même à une modification du marketing de la part des entreprises. Celles qui se sont mises dans les clous en soumettant une PMTA en ont fait la promotion, mais cela ne semble pas avoir un impact énorme. La FDA n’a pas vraiment respecté le délai non plus, nous n’avons pas vu d’inspections, ni d’envoi massif de lettres d’avertissement pour les produits non conformes.

Voir l’article entier ici

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FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Irreconcilable Conflict | Principle Behind Public Health’s War on Vaping

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

Big tobacco is evil. This “truth” serves as the foundation for tobacco control policymaking across most of the world.
Public health bureaucrats, politicians and non-profit health advocacy groups believe so strongly in the evil of big tobacco that they ostracize any person or group they deem to be advancing the interests of the tobacco industry.

Perhaps big tobacco is evil. Combustible tobacco products are deadly and for decades the industry lied to the public, marketed to children and spent untold millions influencing public policy. Yet, by branding big tobacco as evil, public health organizations like the WHO have egregiously marked vastly less harmful alternatives to smoking, such as vaping and snus as complicit.

Joining us today on RegWatch is Clive Bates, tobacco control policy expert and former Director of Action on Smoking and Health (UK). Bates believes tobacco control crusaders have baked into policy a principle of “irreconcilable conflict” between the interests of the tobacco industry and public health. Bates says the principle is both permanent and inescapable.

What does this mean for vaping?

Find out, only on RegWatch by

Released: November 21, 2020

Produced by Brent Stafford

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Posted in Pod Device Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Famovape Magma AIO

In this video we take a look at the Famovape Magma AIO and add it to the currently running contest!

The Links:
Elego Mall
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“Missoula has become Montana’s first city to pass an ordinance prohibiting the sale of flavored e-cigarette and vape products. On a vote of 8 to 4 the Missoula City Council Monday night passed the ordinance banning the sale of all flavored vaping products within city limits, extending five miles out into the county. It also requires retailers to keep all tobacco products behind the counter and away from underage minors. The move comes three months after the state health department, facing pushback from legislators, withdrew a proposal to enact a permanent statewide ban on the sale and marketing of flavored e-cigarettes. Missoula’s ban on flavored vape products takes effect on January 25th. Both supporters and critics of the ordinance expect a legal challenge to the rule.”


Missoula Bans Sale of Flavored Vape Products; Lawsuit Threatened

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“A Randomized Clinical Trial from researchers at California State University, University of Kansas, Brown University, and (amazingly) the University of California San Francisco has shown that vaping “did not increase nicotine exposure and led to short-term reduction in the major pulmonary carcinogen, NNAL, compared with continued smoking.””

BILL TARLING — NOTE: JAMA is a Pay-To-Publish service, and not an actual Scientifically Peer Reviewed publication — so, as with all the anti-vaping reports that get quickly published on that service without scientific verification, we must take into account these Clinical Trial findings are also published on the JAMA Pay-To-Publish service rather than a professional Scientific Publication


RCT Shows Vaping Reduces Harm

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