Last Updated: 3/28/20
This is the place for PBusardo’s most frequently asked questions!
In this section, I’ve attempted to predict common questions that would be asked of me as a reviewer.
Q) What is your favorite juice?
A) I have many. At the time of this update, I’m mostly enjoying Delaware Vaper’s Peach Green Tea and Unsalted Watermelon Peach.
Q) What nic level and ratio do you prefer?
A) 12mg, 50/50 PG/VG blend.
Q) How much do you vape in a day?
A) Depends on the stress level I’m usually around 6-7ml a day.
Q) Do you drip?
A) No, I prefer not to walk around with a bottle of juice and constantly drip. I prefer coil and rebuildable tanks. Although I do agree that once you get the hang of it, dripping can produce some of the best possible flavor.
Q) What is (was) your favorite carto?
A) The Boge LR (Low Resistance)
Q) What is your favorite tank?
A) Currently the Innokin Zenith Pro.
A) What is your favorite device?
Q) Believe it or not, the MVP5. This is typically a little large for me, but the battery life is outstanding and it looks great with the Zenith Pro. And the flashlight, although some may consider it “gimmicky” has come in super handy more times than I can count.
A) Who are your favorite reviewers?
Q) Grimm Green and Scott (igetcha69).
Q) Do I get paid for my reviews?
A) No. For a while I was getting paid to do “product tours”. Simply showing the device and how it is used with no comment from me. Haven’t done this in some time now. My payment is the device itself along with your laughs, positive comments, and success stories which, to me, are far more important than the device. Companies can pay me for a “line jump” which will put their device ahead of others and also guarantee a review no matter what my schedule looks like.
Q) What do you do with the items once you’re done reviewing them.
A) I use them as contest giveaways or they are kept for personal use or to refer back to. They are never sold.
Q) Do I ask for products to review?
A) 95% of the time, no. There are some cases however, when I felt a product was going to be a game changer and extremely popular in the vaping community. In those cases, I’ve gone directly to the manufacturer and/or for the product.
Q) Do you trade a positive review for an item?
A) No. My reviews are always fair and impartial. I will always speak my mind and give you my exact experience with the product whether supplied or paid for. To me, there is no difference. I’ve actually turned down devices when it was requested a negative review NOT be posted. I have no allegiance to any vendor or device, but of course I have my favorites.
Since I’ve written this, I have begun to work with Innokin on their products and our (Dimitris and I) Platform Products. Should I decide to review an Innokin product, it’s still a fair and unbiased review. If you disagree or take issue with that, I invite you to not watch.
Q) Have you ever threatened a negative review if a product was not supplied to you?
A) No.
Q) Have you ever turned down a review?
A) Yes. Some of the reasons I’ve turned down reviews?
- I feel I’ve reviewed too many similar devices in the past.
- The review is on a device I consider aged or old technology (Example: a 510).
- The review could add to my addiction and/or could be dangerous to myself and therefore you (Example: Whole Tobacco Alkaloid E-Liquid, high nic salts).
- A vendor requests I do not post the review if it is negative.
- The device or tank forces me to vape in a way I’m not comfortable such as direct lung.
Q) Are you always truthful, fair, and impartial?
A) Again, whether I receive a product or pay for a product… Yes! And I’m being truthful right now as well
Q) Would you like to get paid for what you do?
A) I’m passionate about vaping and helping others who want to make the switch or who are already vaping. Personally I feel it should be any individual’s goal to be paid for what they are most passionate about. This makes for a much more valuable employee and a much more successful employer.
Q) How much time do you put into all of this?
A) Too much!! Too much time in the investigation of devices, the evaluations, the data gathering, taking the photos, the shooting of the video, the editing, posting the videos, answering questions, responding to comments, the Facebook groups, the forums, this website, etc. Yet, I still somehow enjoy it all. There are times, however, when I do feel a little overwhelmed. When that happens, I need to walk away and take a break. The fact that this “hobby” allows me to work at my own pace is a big plus.
Q) Why don’t you review as much as you used to?
A) My role in the vaping industry has changed a bit since I began as a reviewer. Much of my time is now taken up by Innokin. This includes design work, travel, and other responsibilities. I also spend a lot of time on this website, answering correspondence, and helping out in advocacy. I still review when time allows.
Q) Will you respond if I try to contact you?
A) Absolutely! I do my best to respond to every comment and every question sent my way. There is no question I’ve above answering and no such thing as a “dumb” question. We all had to start somewhere!
Q) I’m a vendor or a manufacturer and I have a product I’d like reviewed. What do I do?
A) Simply contact me. Contact links are on the Home Page.
Q) I’m a vendor or a manufacturer and would like to advertise on your site. Are you allowing advertisers?
A) Yes. It’s here now! It’s all automatic. Just click on the “Advertise Here” box on the right hand side of the site under sponsors. Sponsorship will help me offset some of my costs associated with web hosting, site development, maintenance, equipment, overhead, etc. Will advertisers receive “special treatment” in the reviews? Come on! Really? No.
Q) I have a product I’d like to see you do a review on. What do I do?
A) Let me know and I’ll see what I can do.
Q) Do you offer private product evaluations for vendors?
A) Yes, please contact me.
Q) Do you offer private product evaluations for manufacturers?
A) Yes, please contact me.
Q) What equipment and software do you use to make your vids?
A) Not as good as other reviewers.
Conclusion) People will not always agree with what I have to say, and that’s ok. We can still remain civilized. It really is one of my goals to be a friend to everyone and an enemy to no one, even those I give negative reviews to Life is too short. And remember, tastes in devices and juices are subjective!!