Kickify your 18650 tube mod with THE KICK! Check out the review here:
The plans and reservations have been made! It’s now official! I’ll be traveling to Chicago at the end of March for VapeBash and Vapefest!! The current plan is to be at VapeBash Friday March 30th and at VapeFest Saturday March 31st. Come out, say hello, and support vaping! I so look forward to meeting everyone in person!
3 more from EVaporClouds
A PBusardo Review – 3 more from EVaporClouds
Cinnamon Blueberry Crumble, Haterade, Formula 51
Success stories have been added to the Knowledge Base section! Thank you to Victoria for allowing me to post yours, and congrats on being the first. I so wished I had kept all of them!!
Vision EGO Transparent Clearomizer (Stardust) Review
The Vision EGO Transparent Clearomizer (AKA Stardust) review and photos are up!
The review is finally done & the power of the new site is realized! The review video, the graphs, the photos, and my follow-ups all in one place!
So the site is young and a lot of work went into it. If you find typos, duplicate reviews, incorrect links, etc. PLEASE feel free to let me know! I’m only near perfect 🙂
Ok, here is the beauty of this site and something I’m not able to do gracefully with YouTube… FOLLOW-UPS!!
This is where you’re going to get information “from the chair” (more on that in the future) and any additional information I feel may be pertinent to anything I’ve reviewed.
This is why you need to look at the reviews here!
As I use products (juice and devices), I may find some nuances, problems, etc. I may hear things from other vapers. When this happens, I’ll report what I’ve found under the review video here.
So far, follow-up information has been added to the F-50 Ovale and the VZ VV Mini. Just search up the review here, and look under the video for any follow-up information I may have for you.
Hope everyone had a great weekend!
All Reviews Are Up!
All the reviews have now been published to the site!
Everything is searchable via the upper right search field.
The Chart-O-Juice Prices has also been updated!
Have a great weekend everyone!
Hello everyone! Just a quick note… I don’t have ALL my reviews in here yet. Soon, I promise! Remember, you don’t have to hunt for reviews or info anymore. Just use the search field in the upper right corner! As always… Thanks for the support! Have a great day, and an even better weekend!!