A PBusardo Video – The “Genesis Epiphany”
I climb a couple rungs in the ladder on my journey to Genesis Atty perfection and thought I’d share the experience with you.
Devices seen in this video:
- The DID on an EA Mod
- The Ikarus
- The AGA-T on an Adam
I’ve installed the firmware and have started playing with it.
I’m very impressed with this latest firmware and what they’re able to do with the device. I would have never guessed that MVR VV & VW would have been possible through firmware. In this case, I love that I was wrong.
- Getting out of the menus is easier.
- There is better information on the front screen (user selectable).
- You can have a 24 or 12 hour clock.
- You can set it for either Celsius OR Fahrenheit.
- You can set it to NOT TURN OFF (YAY!).
- Those of you with lazy fingers will enjoy AUTO mode allowing you to press and release the fire button while the device fires for a user specified period of time.
- Multiple user configurations are now available.
- Best of all it now says…
Looks like the programmers have been busy for this update!
The software UI (User Interface) needs work, but I’m sure they’re on it.
The 3 MVR-VV settings for the different carto/atty resistance ranges caught my eye. Good thinking!
It still only peaks out at 11 Watts or 5 Volts (which ever comes first) but that should be plenty of power for most vapers.
IMHO this is the first firmware revision since it’s release where the device is showing it’s true potential.
Those of you who had faith in this device and have stuck by it’s side, pat yourselves on the back. You deserve it. You now have the very first device to do true variable voltage and variable wattage over time, and LOTS of settings to play with. It’s almost like getting a brandy new device and not have to pay for it.
Looks like that BUH-IN award was well deserved.
I took a quick look at it’s MVR VV mode. Below you’ll see the settings from the software and the results on the scope firing a 3.0 Ohm carto. Works as advertised. Impressive.
Before you ask me why the signal goes a little screwy at 4.2 volts, I’ll let you know my answer now… I don’t know!
Congrats Joyetech & the developers. Thumbs Up! Very nice.
Well, I THOUGHT I was catching up with the Review Queue, but some new items came in including:
- The Innokin iTaste SVD – Courtesy of Innokin
- The Innokin iClear 30 – Courtesy of Innokin
- Some kits from Panda E-Cig – Courtesy of Panda E-Cig
- The Smoktech Groove – Courtesy of Crystal Clear Vaping
- The Smoktech E-Power Nova Kit – Courtesy of Crystal Clear Vaping
I’ll get to them just as soon as I can!
Have a GREAT Super Bowl Weekend everyone!
A PBusardo Review – The Tesla
Vendor Link: Vapor Alley
My Dearest TESLA, how do I hate thee? Let me count the ways…
Here it is, the new Innokin iTaste SVD! Coming soon to a review near you.
Some specs from Innokin:
iTaste SVD
Basic Parameter:
- Dimension: (109.7-139.7) *23.5
- Material:Stainless Steel
- Maximum Current Output: 5.0 Amperage
- Operating Voltage: 3.3V-6.0V
- Operating Wattage: 3.0W-15.0W
Brief Features:
- Variable Voltage: voltage can be adjusted from 3.3 – 6.0 volts in .1 volt increments.
- Variable Wattage: Wattage can be adjusted from 3.0 – 15.0 W in .5 watts increments.
- Short Circuit Protection.
- Reverse Battery Protection Circuit
- Battery Voltage Detection
- Resistive Load Detection ( Ohms meter )
- ON/OFF battery switch
- LED Battery Power Display
- Low Voltage Warning
- Overtime Vaping Warning
- Telescopic Tube supports 18350, 18500 or 18650 batteries
- Battery safety protection
- Myriad compatible ( Thread fit iClear10 ,iClear16, iClear30,CE4,CE5 ,eGo, T2,T3 , VIVI NOVA and 510 etc )
- Change battery and switch VV or VW have parameter memory function
- Built-in 3 digit display ( Ohms meter , Volts /Watts , Atomizer voltage output )
- The Vivi Nova. Dead! Completely dead! No vapor, no flavor, no throat hit, no nothing!… oh wait, the eVic shut itself off again… never mind 🙂
(and yes, I know about the fix in the 2.0 Firmware)
A PBusardo Review – The Tippa Tank
The Tippa Tank, unfortunately, fails… again.
Vendor Link: FinnVape
The Popular2 a Korean made mech mod from Kato.
Don’t ask me about the Popular1, perhaps it wasn’t popular enough. 🙂
I’ll get to the review soon, but for more information on these feel free to contact Iaan at
A new clearo was added to the mix. After trying out another T3 and validating it was no better or worse than the one used previously, it was modded (UGH!!). The top wick was removed and the silicon cap flipped. Question, why are people flipping the caps? Once flipped they appear to do nothing.  Why not either remove them, or notch then? Anywho…
- The T3 (unmodified out of the box received from LJ E-Smokes) on an AnyVape
- The iClear on a Sigelei Z-Max
- The Boge on a Smoktech Z-Max
- The Vivi Nova on an eVic
- A modified T3 on the VAMO.
A scene from “The Chair”…
- The unmodified T3 even with a two day soak is still producing a plasticy taste. Better than night one, but still unacceptable. It was put aside.
- The iClear did a lot of intense “popping” on night two. The taste was still good, but not enough of it. It was put aside.
- The Vivi Nova started producing a slightly burnt flavor when compared to the others. Did I get “bad head” again? Damn! I may need to try another head.
- The carto tank. It just works! Still a fully saturated and enjoyable vape!
- The modified T3 kicked in pretty quick. MUCH better than the unmodified version. I also noticed it putting out a tremendous amount of vapor. Still slightly plasticy, but not enough to get in the way of an enjoyable vape.
Night two summary
So after night two, can I ask you a question? Is it ok to like more than one device? Let me answer it for you. Of course it is!
I received a wonderful, satisfying vape from the devices I narrowed it down to which were the carto tank, the Vivi Nova, and the modified T3.
The carto tank just works. A rich, fully saturated vape, and completely position independent. Just pick it up and vape. Of course you have to get your punching or slotting right for your liquid.
The Vivi Nova is easy to clean, easy to fill, and easy to change liquids. Of course you may get an occasional bad head and you have to tilt.
The T3 is position independent and provides a good vape if not slightly plasticy. Of course you have to modify it to get it that way.
Next test will be to change the flavor on them. I want to see how will then pick up the new flavor without cleaning and just see if I notice all the same things with a different flavor.
An interesting thing did happen to me. I had another mod sitting next to me that wasn’t in the photo. I grabbed it without looking and thought it was a clearo. I vaped it without tilting and it provided 3 nice clean vapes. When I looked at it I was surprised to see that it was the mini DID.  Hmmm….
Eventually folks we’re going to get something that we can just fill and go.  We’re not going to have to worry about tilting and tipping, not worry about modifying, not worry about burnt, plasticy, or poor taste, not worry about oxidizing and wrapping, and not worry about inconsistency. We’re getting there, but IMHO, we’re not there yet.