So my experience with the FC2000 ceramic with for genesis attys has been a challenge. First several attempts ended in cracked wicks. The next attempt, using the Petar K method give me a wick that fit too loosely in the coil. This time, rather than adjusting the bit size for the wrap, I decided to wrap the wick directly outside of the device.
I torched the Kanthal (28, A-1) first to get rid of some of the springiness and so that any expansion would occur before it was wrapped.
Here it is in the DID and firing nicely… ok so it ain’t too pretty.
For the next step, while trimming the Kanthal, insert the wire into your thumb. You can skip this step if you like.
Unfortunately the wick was a little high, so when the cap went on, crack it went.
Here’s the proof:
One more time…
Seems to be working ok. Not great, not bad, but I need more time with it. Also note that I’m started this little experiment with a very thin liquid, damn near watery.
I’ll keep you posted, but for now, back to the Groove evaluation.
A PBusardo Review & Contest – Innokin SVD & iClear30
The Links:
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 2/11/13 – I’ve heard some comments that the plastic disc in the battery cap may prevent venting. I need to check this tonight. If that’s the case, it’s an automatic thumbs down. Good thing this is a review/pre-production unit.
- 2/11/13 – I’ve heard the estimated price on the kit will be around $70.
- 2/11/13 – From Innokin -SVD stands for Super Vapor Device
- 2/11/13 – Battery designation in the video was described as “18 mm x 65.0 mm. It’s actually 18mm x 65mm and the “0” indicates the shape, in this case cylindrical. Thanks for the comments everyone! This old dog loves learning new tricks!! 🙂
- 2/11/13 – More from Innokin. They are listening!!
Here is information that I collected , the production version will make below improves
1) both + – buttons ,lock avoid by accidently adjust when hand around SVD
2) make tube edge more smooth
3) reduce inner telescopic tube threads , so screw down more easy.
4) make bottom cap (-)vent do passthrough air
5) update and avoid electronic bug
6) I think we will add another bottom cap to screw directly , so 3 options for consumers
Small Telescopic Tube (18350/18500)
Big Telescopic Tube (18500/18650)
Bottom Cap Only (18350), no telescopic tube
- 2/11/13 – Even more from Innokin:
Bottom cap color didn’t match SVD body , SVD body is stainless steel material , bottom (-) cap is copper with plating chrome, engineer say copper materiel more connection electricity/ electric conduction.
I also don’t like my SVD inner tube many threads , we will going to reduce threads , so can take off telescopic tubes easier .
we also will going to make inner thread more smooth and precise , when screw and not wiggle
about + – button , we will think about change position , I will follow and talk to engineer about this issue , although can not be same as Vamo or Lavatube , but we need make easy use
we will listen your advice , maintain quality of iClear30
sum up , thanks for your everything , I am sure we will make nice job for production version .
- 2/18/13 – iTaste SVD starter kit retail price in U.S. will be USD$99.99
The Review:
The Photos:
Here it is! The A.P.S. (advanced Pulling System) for the ADAM from Team Rampage. What is it? Basically an Atty Tank! It automatically pulls e-liquid (from the suction action of your draw) up from the tank section into your bottom feeding atty. I have it set up with my HH.357. So far, I’m pretty damn impressed.
All the vapor, flavor, and TH from the 357 without the need to drip or squeeze a little bottle. My God this may be Dimitris’ dream! 🙂
Time to order more 357s!
Look for a review soon (ok, yeah, I know the size of the Review Queue… “soon” is relative).
Vendor Link: Team Rampage
I have come up with a new test for electronic cigarettes. Here is the procedure:
Step 1 – Drive home from work mentally preparing yourself for snow blowing and shoveling.
Step 2 – VERY IMPORTANT – as you get out of your vehicle drop your device in a foot of fresh heavy snow. In this case, the Innokin SVD review unit. NOTES – old snow can also be used, but depth should be a foot or greater, snow density may also affect your results.
Step 3 – Go into the house, see another device and begin vaping it.
Step 4 – In about an hour, notice you haven’t seen the SVD in a while.
Step 5 – Begin looking all over the house for the device. Including coat pockets, different rooms, tables, counters (now getting desperate…) the garbage, refrigerator (it’s happened), sock and underwear drawer, under the cat (dog can be substituted) and of course, next to the shitter (oh come on, you’ve never left one there?)
Step 6 – Go outside into the snow and search your vehicle. If found, the test was not conducted properly. If not, continue on to next step.
Step 7 – Go back into the house and repeat step 5.
Step 8 – Come to the realization that you’re a dumb ass and have dropped a brand new review unit in the snow somewhere between the vehicle and the house.
Step 9 – Bundle up and head back outside.
Step 10 – Start kicking the snow around and find that it’s too heavy to feel the device.
Step 11 – Get on your hands and knees in the snow and begin to feel your way with your hands.
Step 12 – Find the device by the vehicle (and be happy you didn’t start at the house).
Step 13 – Take a photo so others can laugh at you.
Step 14 – Take the unit inside, remove the battery, and dry everything off.
Step 15 – Let it come back to room temperature, insert the battery, and cross fingers…
Although I’m sure most devices would fair the same way, I’m certainly happy that the SVD review unit did.
Step 16 – Consider moving to Florida.
Have a great weekend everyone!
Vaping Pink Spot’s Peach Pit Tobacco today. I have no plans for an “official” video review on this one, but lemme tell ya… AWESOME!
I tried this juice when it first came in and loved it. But I put it aside cause I knew it would be a long time before I got to the review, so there the bottle sat… just staring at me.
Last night after playing with my gennys 🙂 I gave into temptation and loaded it in the iClear30 that sat on top of the Innokin SVD that I’m currently evaluating.
Just love this juice. Sometimes you get two flavors that taste like one sitting on top of one another, this one is just a terrific BLEND of ripe peach and a very pleasant tobacco flavor.
Terrific vapor, flavor, and TH hit on this one. Very pleased.
If I do decide to do a vid on them, you’ll only be able to see an empty bottle.
Thumbs up and a street shout out!!
As I continue my journey into the world of the Genesis Style atty, I decided to try the Petar K method tonight with the Z-Atty Pro.
I had my doubts about this method. My biggest concern was with the coil making proper contact with the wick and therefore the juice.
I’m one of those guys who doesn’t believe anything until I try it for myself.
The results? I’m really happy.
Click on the little “i” in the upper right of the gallery to see my comments on the photos.
Thanks to everyone for all the helpful tips and tricks and to Petar for this method. Very much appreciated!
A PBusardo Review – The Ikarus Hybrid
Vendor Link:
Drop Mods
Drip Tip mentioned in this video:
Sure Vapes
A PBusardo Review & Contest – 4 from Hooligan Vapes and the TKO Dual Coil Atty
Monster Smash
Beach Smoothie
Voodoo Cola
Red Velvet Cake
Vendor Links:
Kidney Puncher
LJ E-Smokes