A PBusardo Review – ProTank II, Mini ProTank, Davide, & a Contest
In this video we have a look at the Kanger ProTank II, the Kanger ProTank Mini, and the Anyvape Davide. We do some side by side vaping and take a look at the differences of each.
This is a tough one as the heads for these tanks continue to be somewhat inconsistent even though they are all identical. So if you don’t have the same experience as I did, I apologize in advance. I describe my exact experience using the heads provided within the kits.
BTW – Another thumbs down not mentioned in the video is the fact that the cone skirt of the ProTank Mini does not match the color/look of the rest of the tank. Why? Dunno!
There’s a contest at the end of this one as well!
The Links:
Hurricane Vapor
The Video:
The Photos:
…that there is a great vape scene in Ireland with a big event coming in November. Check out VAPEFEST IRELAND. It will be held on the 16th of November at the Abbeyleix Manor Hotel in Abbeyleix, Co.Laois, which is right next to New Jersey I think (I was always bad at geography). So make your plans, get there, and find a pot of e-liquid at the end of the rainbow!
Click THIS link for the details.
A PBusardo Video – VapeCan 2013 & Contest Winner
In this video we talk about VapeCan 2013 and select the winner of the last contest.
So sorry if you didn’t make the video. It’s never intentional!
Congrats to John Harper for winning the contest!!
The Links:
House Of Hybrids
Cold Turkey Juice
ECTA Of Canada
Flavour Art
JR Custom Turning
La Vapeshop
The Video:
The Photos:
Russ from Click Bang created a document to help fight the NYC ecig ban.
It contains audio clips of the NYC politicians lying to the vapers who testified.
You can find the document HERE.
Please share it with the members of the NYC Health Committee as well as local media.
Contact info for NYC Health Committee members can be found in this CASAA Call To Action Post HERE
Thanks to Russ for taking the time to do this.
First gang, so sorry I wasn’t able to get the contest winner video up tonight. It will have to wait until I get back from Toronto.
Here are some new items that have been added to the review queue:
- The Affinity “Anti-Roll” Carto Tank
- The AGR+ Carto Tank
- The Scorpion Mech (and a sincere THANK YOU for the engraving!)
- The Bulli-Smoker A2 Classic and A2-TM Atomizers
- The Nitecore 3400mAh NL189 18650
So as you know I get a SHIT TON (by the way, that’s 1 metric ton with a pile of shit on top of it) of spam emails from Chinese Resellers & Manufacturers trying to sell me product thinking I’m a vendor. As I’ve tried to tell them MANY times in the past, I’M NOT A VENDOR! Yet the emails continue. The Subject line in the latest spam email was funny enough to share. Although I give them a lot of credit for trying to communicate with me in my native language (I certainly couldn’t do the same for them) the language barrier does sometimes have funny results…
Email Subject: “Will we have the honor to Taste Your Juice”
Every time I hear about another proposed ban on electronic cigarettes, I scratch my head and wonder why. Why is something that has the potential to save so many lives being met with such fierce opposition. Why? Because of how it looks?
I mean it couldn’t be about money could it? Our government and agencies couldn’t possibly care more about money than the health of it’s citizens could it? That just can’t be… right?
Because with every new report and study, we see more and more proof that vaping electronic cigarettes is a far safer alternative to that of smoking a traditional cigarette. Here is yet another example.
There is a new study out from Drexel University School of Public Health. It was created by Igor Burstyn, PhD. You can read the entire study (PDF file) by clicking THIS link. You can also read additional information and ways to discuss and have questions answered about the study on the CASAA website.
Here are the key conclusions from the study:
- Even when compared to workplace standards for involuntary exposures, and using several conservative (erring on the side of caution) assumptions, the exposures from using e-cigarettes fall well below the threshold for concern for compounds with known toxicity. That is, even ignoring the benefits of e-cigarette use and the fact that the exposure is actively chosen, and even comparing to the levels that are considered unacceptable to people who are not benefiting from the exposure and do not want it, the exposures would not generate concern or call for remedial action.
- Expressed concerns about nicotine only apply to vapers who do not wish to consume it; a voluntary (indeed, intentional) exposure is very different from a contaminant.
- There is no serious concern about the contaminants such as volatile organic compounds (formaldehyde, acrolein, etc.) in the liquid or produced by heating. While these contaminants are present, they have been detected at problematic levels only in a few studies that apparently were based on unrealistic levels of heating.
- The frequently stated concern about contamination of the liquid by a nontrivial quantity of ethylene glycol or diethylene glycol remains based on a single sample of an early technology product (and even this did not rise to the level of health concern) and has not been replicated.
- Tobacco-specific nitrosamines (TSNA) are present in trace quantities and pose no more (likely much less) threat to health than TSNAs from modern smokeless tobacco products, which cause no measurable risk for cancer.
- Contamination by metals is shown to be at similarly trivial levels that pose no health risk, and the alarmist claims about such contamination are based on unrealistic assumptions about the molecular form of these elements.
- The existing literature tends to overestimate the exposures and exaggerate their implications. This is partially due to rhetoric, but also results from technical features. The most important is confusion of the concentration in aerosol, which on its own tells us little about risk to heath, with the relevant and much smaller total exposure to compounds in the aerosol averaged across all air inhaled in the course of a day. There is also clear bias in previous reports in favor of isolated instances of highest level of chemical detected across multiple studies, such that average exposure that can be calculated are higher than true value because they are “missing” all true zeros.
- Routine monitoring of liquid chemistry is easier and cheaper than assessment of aerosols. Combined with an understanding of how the chemistry of the liquid affects the chemistry of the aerosol and insights into behavior of vapers, this can serve as a useful tool to ensure the safety of e-cigarettes.
- The only unintentional exposures (i.e., not the nicotine) that seem to rise to the level that they are worth further research are the carrier chemicals themselves, propylene glycol and glycerin. This exposure is not known to cause health problems, but the magnitude of the exposure is novel and thus is at the levels for concern based on the lack of reassuring data.
A PBusardo Review – The Russian
In this video we take a look at the Kayfun clone, The Russian.
The Links:
EZig Online
Post Review Follow-Up:
- 8/8/13 – Day two of the new build (as seen in the video) and this thing is flawless. Virtually all of the “harshness” (which was subtle to begin with) is gone. I’m also going through liquid faster 🙂 I’m thinking it was a combination of too low an ohm for that particular silica build and not getting the loops of the wick down deep enough into the atty chamber.
- 8/8/13 – US purchases of the original Kayfun should be made at VaperRev.
- 8/21/13 – With great wicking comes great juice usage! 🙂 Just to let you know, now that I’ve got this wicking the right away and a better build than my original, I’m down to around 4 hours on a fill. That’s more like it!!
The Video:
The Photos:
In this Fox news story, VapeNY co-owner Spike Babaian talked about the e-cigarette market and hew new shop.
See the video HERE!
Right off the bat you’ll notice the TWO spring loaded connection points.
It’s been added to the Review Queue. Have a first look below…