Posted in Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Let’s Vape the SQuape!!

In this video I give you a heads up on the Spectrum M1 mech and then we take a full look at Swiss made SQuape RTA.

The Links:

The Video:

The Photos:

Posted in Recent News


Italy is getting ready for a peaceful protest against the taxation of Electronic Cigarettes and associated products.

See the Press Release HERE!

Other official materials HERE!

And the official Facebook event page HERE!

Best of luck to you with the protest!  All my best!


Now do me a favor and get to work on some fine Italian made mods. I’m tired of hearing from Dimitris how great Greece is! 🙂


Posted in Recent News


Several people have asked me if the two section screw found in the Russian can replace the single screw design of the Kayfun in order to make the Kayfun’s pin adjustable without messing up the internal build.

The answer is… well… I haven’t been able to do it.

The problem I’ve run into is that each device has a different insulator at the 510 connection.

You can’t just switch the screw assemblies, you have to switch the insulators as well or the post on the Kayfun will stick out too far (see photos below).  The Kayfun’s is easy to remove, however the Russian’s is in there and GOOD.  I tried to use a drill bit to push it through, no luck.  Tried banging on the drill bit, no luck.  With the drill bit in place, I tried banging on the 510 connection with a Jewelers nylon mallet.  It moved, but I couldn’t get it all the way out.

Fearing damage to the 510 connection, the insulator (which you can already see is a little chewed up in the photos below from me trying to get it out), and the Russian itself, I gave up.

If anyone has been able to do this, let me know.


Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Paul

Typically, I post these in the “Success Stories section. But I can hope that Paul’s story, condition, message, and upbeat attitude can influence others as to why and when to quit smoking.

Hey Phil,

Thank you first for inspiring me to learn a higher level of vaping as far as
builds and devices.
But this letter is a hopefully short letter to tell you how i started vaping.
Last April I was diagnosed with lung cancer after 49 yrs of smoking. This was
on top of emphysema so I knew my road would be bumpy to say the least. The
doc asked if I smoked and laughing said yes. He said I need to quit smoking!
Of course I asked the same question anyone would “isn’t that like shutting the
door to the barn after the horse escaped”! Of course I just laughed. But he
said my treatment would be easier if I did. Well I went to Walmart and got some
fifty dollar kit and it took away my craving without having to quit smoking.
From there I went to ego style system and then an evic. I’m hooked on vaping.
I research all I can on your site and YouTube.
I wish I found this earlier I only have 6 to twelve months to live. But not
smoking has me feeling so much better. I can run up stairs and my mate admires
my stamina lmao.
I guess if there’s a message here its that there is no “too late” to quit smoking.
My quality of life is so much better since I found this alternative in April.
Thanks again Phil for all your helpful info. Oh BTW I did get that Aspire
Nautilus tank yesterday and my Hurricane Vanilla Sky is rocking it in that topper.
I know I’ll break that glass though!


Paul, my message to you… keep vaping, keep running up those stairs and keep LMAOing!! Thank you for your story.

Posted in Just For Fun Recent News


A PBusardo Tutorial – The FlameTamer Build

In this video I show you how to create my “FameTamer” dripper build.

The Links:


The Video:

Posted in Recent News


Something else we may have known, but I can now let you know is that Zen’s new upcoming ZNA will use the new DNA-30. More coming soon.





  • The Standard Edition will be $279.  The Launch Day Limited Edition, as seen in the first two photos below will be $320.
  • The launch is set for tomorrow, 1/17/14, mid-day.
  • Launch sites will be Electronic Stix and Steam Monkey.
  • Launch B&Ms will be Central Iowa E-Cigs & Sky Vapor.

In the VaperCon 2013 video below I talk to Zen about the new ZNA around the 14 minute mark.

The Video:

Posted in Recent News


As you know, I’ve never held back any information about vaping be it good or bad…

A recent study performed by Dr Farsalinos revealed the presence of some potentially harmful-to-inhale ingredients in electronic cigarette liquids. In order to define the magnitude of the problem and provide the solution for the safety of all vapers, we (they) decided to organize this fund-raising campaign and obtain as many e-liquid samples as possible that will be tested in an experienced and highly-specialized laboratory.

So Dimitris and Dr. Farsalinos have set up a fund-raising campaign in order to complete the research to identify potentially harmful ingredients found in e-liquids. The funding required is relatively small and I urge those of you who are in the electronic cigarette business (e-liquid vendors!!!) or have been affected by it in a positive way to donate what you can, if you can.

Let’s get this done in order to keep vaping as safe as possible.

Click the image below to be taken to the campaign, to read more about, to find out what will be accomplished, and to donate if possible.

Thanks all!

Hello pbusardo,

Congratulations! You brought the ‘Electronic cigarette liquids analysis-evaluating potentially harmful ingredients’ team one step further to making their campaign happen!


Posted in Juices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – 4 From Hurricane Vapor

In this video we take a look at 4 from Hurricane Vapor.

Papaya Milkshake
Vanilla Sky Tobacco
Pineapple Cheesecake
Belgian Simmered Tobacco

The Links:
Hurricane Vapor

The Video:

Posted in Recent News


Many of us knew about this. Many of us heard about this. Many of us speculated about this.

Now it’s official as the DNA-30D has shown up on the Evolvapor’s website. Click the image below to be taken there.

ScreenHunter_159 Jan. 15 09.55

Posted in Juices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – 4 From Smoov Ultra

In this video we take a look at 4 liquids from the SmoovCigs Ultra line of e-liquids.

Pomo Berry

The Links:
SmoovCigs Ultra Line

The Video: