Hey everyone! A fellow reviewer, HonestVape is doing a giveaway for a starred Caravella #105.
Typically I don’t post things like this, but how and why he’s doing the giveaway grabbed my attention.
He’s trying to bring awareness to the CASAA organization and get their membership up to the 10,000 they’re looking for. I’m sure it won’t hurt his subscriber count either ;-).
The CASAA Mission Statement:
Our mission is to ensure the availability of effective, affordable and reduced harm alternatives to smoking by increasing public awareness and education; to encourage the testing and development of products to achieve acceptable safety standards and reasonable regulation; and to promote the benefits of reduced harm alternatives.
So to enter the contest…
- Subscribe to CASAA HERE. There is no cost involved.
- Take a photo or screen capture proving your membership. You MUST be a member BEFORE doing the following…
- Watch, like, and comment on the video HERE.
- Subscribe to his channel HERE.
The contest runs until February 14th at noon. He’ll hold a random drawing on the 16th.
Good luck everyone and way to bring attention to CASAA Mr. HonestVape!
A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Gamma Tank
In this video I give a quick thanks to Andre from the House Of Vapor for the vape meet, we talk with Mr. Chen Ping Wong from Many Croud Vaping, and we take a full look at the Genesis style Gamma Tank from Budz Worx including a dual microcoil cotton build. We also have a contest for a Mini Gamma Tank!
The Links:
Mountain Oak Vapors
The Video:
The Photos:
A PBusardo Video – The Graham Noodle
WARNING – Contains adult content.
It’s the wood that makes it good in this video as we take a look at the “Graham Noodle”. Thanks to Elaine for trying to make me squirm through this video!
More for fun, less for review. 🙂
The Links:
Affordable Mods
The Video:
A PBusardo Review – The KSD KMax
China has found yet another letter to put in front of “Max”! 🙂
In this video we take a look at the KSD KMax VV/VW telescoping device.
The Links:
The Video:
The Photos:
- The Volcano Inferno Tank
- The Mod Power Kit
- The Joyetech eCom
- The E-LVT
- The Playboy Vapor Collection (no, they didn’t send a Playmate too. VERY disappointing.
- The XVape
- Portable XTAR Chargers
- The Kracken Genesis Atomizer
A PBusardo Video – A Fireside Chat With Zen
In this two part video I have a “Fireside” chat with Zen from the House Of Hybrids. We talk about vaping, his new ZNA, the DNA-30, and Zen-Coating among other things.
We take a look at his new lounge and the upcoming ZFO or Zen Factory Outlet.
We also get a behind the scenes look at his assembly area (quick) and prototyping/manufacturing facility (longer), which is contained in part 2.
I didn’t do a lot of editing here as I wanted to give you an idea of the man & mind behind the product which continues to impress me.
I’m very appreciative he allowed me this look and I’m thrilled to bring it to you. Love him or not, I hope you find it interesting and enjoy the conversation and look at the facility.
I hope you enjoy it!
The Videos:
Part 1
Part 2
Unfortunately I’m not going to be able to attend this one, but you should! 🙂
Click the logo to get all the information!
… and just a quick comment, because I heard something over ECC that bothered me a bit. I don’t want anyone to EVER think I choose the events I attend based on any personal bias or drama in the community. Believe me, I don’t care about the drama and who doesn’t get along with who. I care about you, the vaper. You are the reason I do the things I do and I’m very appreciative for you.
Folks, if it were up to me, I’d attend EVERY event both big and small. I enjoy all of them and I love to meet people (although I can’t remember names to save my life). However… family, work, schedules, time, and money all get in the way. So until I win the Lotto, can quit my job, and can afford this (quick someone Photoshop a private jet with my logo on the side of it so I can post it here)…
I simply can’t attend them all, but I do the best I can.
I get a great many questions about rebuilding devices so I create a new REBUILDING page…
Many people ask me questions about rebuilding, so I thought I’d create this page. There’s not a lot of new information here, but I tried to pull information from other sections to this one in order to give you a “one-stop-shop” where you can get your questions answered.
Building takes time, patience, and practice when first getting started. You are working with tiny coils and tiny places where you mount those coils. If you mess up… DON’T SWEAT IT! Just try it again. It get’s easier with time and practice.
Friendly disclaimer… improper builds could leads to shorts or over tasking your battery. This could lead to a battery failure. Battery failure could lead to property or personal damage. Is it likely to happen? NO (with care). Could it happen. YES. So be safe, understand what you’re doing, and do any build or use any electronic cigarette product at your own risk.
Hope it helps!
This was put together rather quickly, so feel free to contact me if you’d like to see any additional information, or if you have corrections to the page.
You can access it from the INFORMATION section in the left sidebar.
Like I said above… HOPE IT HELPS!
1/22/13 – Update… Working prototype photo has been added.
12/27/13 – Update… Another prototype photo has been added.
The EA Invictus has come a long way since the video I showed you from ECC. I hope to have something to show you before Christmas.
- It does not work by Ohm’s law.
- It has a built-in software that provides the right amount of volts.
- Operating range from 2 to 8.2 volts.
- Operating ohms from 0.5 to 5.0 ohm.
- Safe and controlled.
- Fully automatic so you do not have to do anything else but put your atomizer in place and start vaping or be a pro and choose freely between 2 and 8.2 volts.
- Patent pending verification system which ensures that the atomizer gets the specific amount of power.
Some prototype photos for you…