A PBusardo Video – Meet The Militia
In this video we meet Joe from the Vaping Militia, discuss how it got started and what it does, and talk about other groups and organizations that are here to help both vapers AND vendors.
The Links:
The Vaping Militia Website
The Vaping Militia Facebook
The Video:
A PBusardo Review – The Taifun Eye
In this video we take a full look at the Taifun Eye.
The Links:
Smokin Crow’s Apple Pie
Tatroe’s Atlas
SmokerStore – The Taifun Eye
Post Review Follow-Up:
- 07/03/14 – I’ve heard through the grape vine that the reverse battery protection build into The Eye is hardware and not software based, thus the requirement for a nipple or button top battery, much like the ZNA.
The Video:
The Photos:
Reaffirmation – New Study Shows that E-Cigarettes, Unlike Real Ones, Do Not Adversely Affect Acute Heart Function
Although I think Doctor Farsalinos already proved this, here is another article pointing out his study yet again in case you didn’t get it the first time. 🙂
A notable quote:
Given that abundant evidence, it is inappropriate for many anti-smoking advocates and groups to continue to tell the public that we don’t yet know whether vaping is safer than smoking.
New Study Shows that E-Cigarettes, Unlike Real Ones, Do Not Adversely Affect Acute Heart Function
I know nothing about this wire other than the fact people are concerned and asking me about it. This is one of the reasons I don’t jump onto the latest trend for the sake of jumping onto the latest trend. 🙂 I’ll continue to stick to my Kanthal…
If I hear more, I’ll post it.
G-Plat Public Announcement:
As all of you are aware, there have been some concerns that have been brought to our attention in regards to the composition and safety of G-Plat wires. We have spoken to the metallurgist at the facility in which our wires are being prepared and he has given us some insight regarding the “Manganese” content of G-Plat wires. Manganese has no part in the actual composition of both our V1.2 and Elite versions of G-Plat. However, during the manufacturing process, the wire is exposed to Manganese indirectly due to other types of wires containing Manganese being produced within the same facility.
Although it may seem as if a member of the G-Plat team issued a WARNING about the use of G-Plat wires, the conversation has been misinterpreted to make it seem as if G-Plat wires are a health risk. Our team member, knowing that our wires may have been exposed to trace amounts of Manganese, was only trying to look out for the best interest of an individual that stated he was allergic to the substance. With that being said, we would like to apologize for the delay in providing the information that the vaping community has been requesting. We are currently waiting on our metallurgist to provide us with the most accurate information about the wires (i.e. although Manganese is listed on the MSDS, it is not part of the actual composition of G-Plat wire). The information will be disclosed to the vaping industry no later than tomorrow evening.
We appreciate those of you who believe in our product and continue to stand behind us as we overcome this obstacle!
Mark Vape, Melmie Lincod & G-Plat Team
A PBusardo Review & Contest Winners – The Radix V1
In this video we have a few shout outs, some quick show-n-tell, a closer look at the Radix V1, and announce the latest contest winners.
The Links:
Vast Vapor Stands
JJ Vapes
Carbon Method
Vaping Convention Circuit
The Post Review Follow-Up:
- 7/23/14 – Switch Issue found in video 2 below. This is an unfortunate issue for me as I’ve been a fan of the Radix since I received it. However, it’s what I do, and if it’s happening to me, it could potentially happen to you. Hopefully this issue is limited to my own. If it’s not, perhaps Carbon Method can find a solution or a replacement switch. See the second video below.
- 8/6/14 – Radix responds to the switch issue. This makes me happy. Check out the beginning of video 3 below.
The Video:
The Follow-Up Video:
Radix Responds to the Switch Issue (beginning of this video):
The Photos:
I’ve been able to re-work my schedule and I will be attending VCCNE. Here is the event schedule:
VCCNE2014 Schedule:
Friday, June 27, 2014 Open for setup 2 pm-9 pm (Vendors only, not open to public)
Saturday, June 28, 2014 Vendors: 10:30 am – 7:30 pm, Open to public 11 am – 7 pm
Sunday, June 29, 2014 Vendors: 10:30 am – 7:30 pm, Open to public 11 am – 7 pm
I will be there all day on Saturday. Hope to see you there. Click the banner below for all the information…
A PBusardo Golf Cart Review – 7 from P.O.E.T.
In this video we take a look at 7 liquids from P.O.E.T. FROM THE CART! 🙂
The Links:
Aggressive E-Cigarette Marketing and Potential Consequences for Youth
P.O.E.T. @ VapeRev
The Video:
TMA (Tobacco Merchants Association) VIDEOS ARE UP
The TMA annual conference was 4 days of worldwide experts and around 85% of them presenting on e-cigs. Those presentations were all video recorded and are now posted for public viewing.
If you go to this page, then click on “view details” for aech/any day, you see the speaker agenda. At each segment, there is a camera icon to click and watch the video recording of that segment.
I haven’t had a chance to look at many of these, but I’ve heard some are very much worth watching. Thank you Lou Ritter for the heads up!
A PBusardo Video – Miami & Vegas Events
This video kicks off with “Cranky Phil” ranting again.
Things calm down as we take a look at the Miami World Vapor Expo event including some new items from Innokin, Kanger, and VaporShark. We then head west to the Vape Summit 2014 in Vegas and see some new mechanicals and say hello the Tobh!
We wrap it up with some zen-snorkeling in Miami.
The Links:
All found in the video.
The Video:
URGENT ALERT for New York vapers: E-liquid ban has passed the Senate, moves on to the Assembly
This is an important Tweet from Gregory Conley.
And for the record, I hate that this site has had a fair amount of activism and CTAs on it recently as it was never designed for that reason, but the shit is getting real folks and I’m going to do my best to keep you aware of the big issues and CTAs.
Please read THIS, then ACT and SHARE!