Hey everyone!
Many people have asked me to advertise their vaping events. Although I’ll always advertise the events I’m attending, I simply don’t have the time to post information about all the events that are happening these days, so I’ve created a page just for you!
Click this link to check it out and to advertise your event!
You’ll also find a link for it on the left side bar under Information.
From Boge-Gate to iPV-V2-Gate! :-)
First, someone asked how the device does if shorted while being fired. No issues there:
I even rolled the camera while I did the test in case anything interesting happened. 🙂
Second, it’s important to point out that the recall that has been mentioned out there is NOT from Pioneer4You, but rather a voluntary recall issued by JJ Vapes after a unit failed, smoked, and melted the internal plastic covering the board on them.
Third, Pioneer4You has requested the serial number off my unit. Not sure why they’re asking, but I’ll keep you all posted on what becomes of this. Yay, something else to chew up my time!
Here are some photos of the packaging, and battery compartment showing the serial number (or at least most of it) It’s L0326.
A PBusardo Review – The iPV V2
In this video we take a full look at the iPV V2, a 50 watt box mod manufactured by Pioneer4You, utilizing the YiHi SX330 board.
Note, I’ve heard reports of units failing to the point smoke has come out of the vent ports and the plastic surrounding the internal boards have begun to melt. Not mentioned in the review as these issues were not experienced during the evaluation.
I’m also aware that JJ Vapes has issued a voluntary recall of the unit.
The Links:
All About Vapor
Post Review Follow-up:
- 8/6/14 – IMPORTANT: The manual states to NOT to vape it while it’s charging, yet the device allows you to do it. Therefore two more thumbs down. 1) because you can’t, 2) If you shouldn’t do it, it shouldn’t let you. IMHO.
- 8/7/14 – Someone asked how the device does if shorted while being fired. No issues there:
- I even rolled the camera while I did the test in case anything interesting happened. 🙂
- It’s important to point out that the recall that has been mentioned out there is NOT from Pioneer4You, but rather a voluntary recall issued by JJ Vapes after a unit failed, smoked, and melted the internal plastic covering the board on them.
- Pioneer4You has requested the serial number off my unit. Not sure why they’re asking, but I’ll keep you all posted on what becomes of this. Yay, something else to chew up my time!
- Here are some additional photos of the packaging, and battery compartment showing the serial number (or at least most of it. It’s L0326.
The Video:
The Photos:
The Erlkönigin RTA & Contest!
A PBusardo Review – The Erlkönigin RTA
In this video we start off with some show and tell. I show you the (kinda ridiculous) Muses, take a look at some new, beautiful drip tips from zArrAs, do a full review on the Erlkönigin RTA including a build, and wrap things up with a contest for a pretty sweet prize package.
Sorry about the appearance. Missed editing it out of the template. But do check them out anyway! 🙂
The Links:
The ICIG Muses
The Erlkönigin RTA
The Post Review Follow-Up:
- 8/4/14 – There have been some grumblings over the price quoted. As you know, I always quote the price of the vendor who supplied the review unit, however, the price included the UK VAT (Value-Added Tax) of 20%. The unit can be purchased directly from Erlkönigin for around $143.00 US (the VAT will be waived at check-out.
- 8/4/14 – I understand that current units are being sold with a tiny spacer that sits before the current spacer on the 510 pin you saw in the video. This should solve connection issues that I had in the video. I did not receive this spacer not was I made aware of it.
- 8/4/14 – zArrAs has reduced the prices of his drip tips as quoted in this video, they are now $25.50 US for the SS/Brass and Brass/SS and $19.46 US for the teflon/Copper.
The Video:
The Photos:
As promised a follow-up to the follow-up. Check out Carbon Method’s response to the switch issue I experienced with the Radix. It’s at the beginning of A PBusardo Video – My Visit To Evolv & Factory Tour – Part 1.
From 00:00:00 to 00:03:25
Way to handle it guys and best of luck to you!
A PBusardo Video – My Visit To Evolv
In this 2-part video we get a behind the scenes look at Evolv, the makers of the DNA boards and the Kick.
We meet and talk with the owners of the company, Brandon and John, we get a tour of their two facilities, and see some of the steps involved in making Evolv products.
In Part 1 of the video, we introduce you to John, a wildy intelligent and interesting guy. John is the Chief Engineer at Evolv and Brandon’s partner who is the President. We start an interview with the two and then tour the assembly facility in Ashtabula Ohio.
In Part 2 of the video, we tour the impressive Akron Ohio facility, see Evolv boards being made, take a look at some of the automation Evolv is adding to their line, and finish up the interview with Brandon and John.
My apologies for the audio quality during the interviews.
I’d like to sincerely thank Brandon and John for this unique, behind the scenes look at Evolv and for allowing me to share it with all of you.
The Video – Part 1:
The Video – Part 2:
The Photos:
A PBusardo Video – The Evolv/Innokin Collaboration
In this video we hear from Evolv (Brandon & John) and Innokin (George) over their collaboration in using Evolv electronics in the Innokin products.
My apologies for the background noise, but it was recorded in the working Evolv facility.
Hope you enjoy it and find it interesting!!
The Video:
Someone, somewhere must have posted information about the Evoke and I’ve received about 30 emails asking me if I know about it. The answer is yes. I actually paid into the IndieGogo Early Bird campaign when I first heard about it with the hope of getting an early unit.
This device is being touted as…
The First Smart Vaporizer Powered By Induction
Bottom line, I’ll believe it when I vape it! 🙂
In the meantime, if you’re interested in reading more CLICK HERE!
URGENT – CASAA Issues Fourth Call to to Action for FDA Proposed Regulations – Submit Comment
Ok Gang, CASAA has issued their Fourth Call To Action. It’s time to submit the comments you’ve prepared. PLEASE take action and SHARE!!
Click THIS LINK for all the details and instructions.