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From my family to yours… wishing you the happiest of Thanksgivings!


Posted in Mechanicals Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Alpha Omega & The Marquis

Photos Fixed!!

In this video we talk quickly about my experience in California, take a quick look at the Alpha Omega Titanium Mechanical from JB Tech, take a full look at the new Marquis RDA by Dino, Cisco, and Jonboy, add another item to the stocking, and find out who won the last contest!

The Links:
Baker White E-liquids
Odin E-liquids by Baker White
Vapenights B2B Trade Shows
The Alpha Omega Mechanical @ Clean Vapor
The Marquis RDA @ Avid Vaper
The Rook Mechanical @ Vapure
Boomer Vape

The Video:

The Photos – The Alpha Omega Mechanical:

The Photos – The Marquis RDA:

Posted in Recent News



So I did my first build on the Marquis and the experience was good enough to write about. I have NEVER has a more pleasant experience creating a dual coil build The build tools are brilliant, the positive capture post is brilliant. Those of you who are “build challenged” will love this design.

I give Cisco, Jonboy, (and begrudgingly 🙂 ) Dino a lot of credit for the design.

The vape quality is excellent. Although it’s creating a ton of vapor, this is a flavor machine first and a fog machine second.

Regarding the build tools, and holes on the deck creating a kind of “jig” for you’re build. Remember what I wrote the last time about them? This is the message I got back from Dino…

and the coiling rods and holes in the deck were my ideas….dick

You know, usually it’s Phil, sometimes Pete, sometimes Lou, sometimes Pablo, but this is the first “Dick” but I’m sure it won’t be the last. LMAO.

Posted in Mechanicals Recent News


A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Vape Prod FL and The Innokin Arachnid Mechanicals

In this video we do a quick show and tell on a Vape Bag from BoomerVape and we add one to the stocking. We then take a look at two mechanicals, one very expensive, one very cheap. We wrap it up with a new contest!

The Links:
Boomer Vape – Vape Bag
Vap Stor – Vape Prod FL Mod
Smoke City CA – Arachnid

The Post Review Follow-up:

  • 11/20/14 – I’ve confirmed with Innokin that the Arachnid uses solid silver (ag 925) contacts and are not plated.

The Video:

The Photos – Vape Prod FL:

The Photos – Innokin Arachnid:

Posted in Recent News



The brainchild of Dino, Cisco, and Jonboy, this rather plain dripper on the outside (very surprised that Cisco didn’t engrave his face on the side of it, and very happy that Dino didn’t) has a lot of innovative stuff going on inside.

This one looks similar to the Veritas with some of my thumbs down addressed.

IMHO, the included different sized build rods that can be set into the deck acting as a kind of build “jig”, perfectly aligning your coils with the airflow, is an excellent idea. Wonder who’s idea that was? My money is on Jonboy. 🙂

This one looks like a flavor machine and I’m looking forward to taking her for a test drive.

Posted in Recent News


The Kanger Sub-Tank arrived today. It’s a very complete kit. Comes with a .5 ohm head installed, an additional 1.2 ohm head, a rebuildable Kayfun like deck with a dual coil installed (didn’t measure the resistance of it yet), organic cotton, extra pre-made coils, and a screwdriver.

The 25mm diameter is very surprising and disappointing, at least for me. It’s rather large when compared to the Aspire Atlantis.

Not 100% sure if this is a prototype or the final market version. I’ll let you know as I find out more.

Some photos for you…

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We’re official!

According to a press release from Oxford, research showed the use of the word “vape” more than doubled in 2014 over the previous year. Couple that with the growth of electronic cigarettes into a multimillion dollar industry and the Oxford editors decided that the word’s time had come.

See the entire article HERE.

Posted in Devices Recent News Uncategorized


A PBusardo Review – The SVA Mod

In this video we talk about spending money on mods, do a couple show and tells, take a look at the SVA Box Mod, and add a rather special item from a rather special guy to the stocking!

The Links:
The Kayfil
The Kaykork
SVA Mods Email
SVA Mods International Email
SVA Mods Facebook
SVA Mods @ Dot-Mod
JJ Vapes

The Video:

The Photos:

Posted in Recent News


I’m hearing a word more and more in the community lately and I’m getting quite disgusted by it. The word is “discouraged“. This email is a perfect example of the things I’m hearing:

Hey Phil,
I live in south western PA and am becoming very disappointed in the stores in my area. Most cater solely to dripper users and there are a bunch that don’t even carry starter set ups, and if they have them, the selection is very limited.

I have friends that have walked in to get a starter set-up and the salespeople tried to talk them into RDAs, RBAs, and high end mods. They called me and told me what they should start out with. I gave them advice on what I started with, and they said that is what they wanted. They then told me that they felt a lot of pressure from the people working that, they needed to get involved in rebuildables.

I fear that with this growing industry, these store are forgetting that new people start every day and don’t need or want these high end pieces.

I just wanted to tell you that appreciate when you say “if you aren’t smoking, then its working.” I just wish all these store felt the same way.

I do use more high end pieces, but even I feel pressure. I was just criticized for using rebuildable tanks and not a dripper. And I quote “how can you even use thoses, they can’t even compare to a dripper!”

Its a shame. I am getting very discouraged about even still being involved in the vape community because it seems “vape snobs” are ruining the whole experience.

Thanks for listening.

I think it’s very important to not lose sight of why we do what we do, and that’s to help people off of cigarettes.  To eventually eliminate the traditional tobacco cigarette.  We’re trying to prevent things like cancer, not people using clearomizers… not people who aren’t rebuilding.

It’s also important to understand that not every one wants to drip, or rebuild, or use some crazy high powered or expensive device.  No matter WHAT you use, be very very proud of the fact that your don’t smoke anymore.

A vape shop’s most important customer is a smoker.  They can’t be made to feel intimidated or overwhelmed by things like rebuilding or dripping off the bat.  Any vape shop who thinks a smoker wants to go from the ease and convenience of pulling a cigarette out of the box and lighting it up to the potential complexities of rebuilding and the inconvenience of dripping is sorely misguided, IMHO.

There is nothing wrong with a vape shop catering to the hobbyist or enthusiast side to vaping, but it’s important to keep in mind that not everyone falls into or WILL fall into this category and there’s nothing wrong with that.

The person who vapes an ego with a clearomizer is every bit as much a vaper as everyone else and they need to feel welcome in the community and never looked down upon or made to feel “inferior” in any way.

We vape… we don’t smoke.

Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The ProVari P3

In this video we take a full and rather long look at the ProVape ProVari P3, and of course, add to the stocking!

NOTE: the rest of the images and charts will be uploaded tonight.

The Links:

The Video:

The Photos: