Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: ONTARIO, CANADA [New Vape Regs Now In Effect]

“New rules restricting the sale of most flavoured vape products have come into effect in Ontario. The rules mean most of the products can now only be sold at specialty vape and cannabis retail stores, which serve customers 19 and older. Products with menthol, mint and tobacco flavours are exempt from the new regulations, which came into effect Wednesday. The regulations also mean vapour products with nicotine levels higher than 20 milligrams will be limited to specialty stores. Those shops will also no longer be allowed to have indoor displays that are visible from outside.”


New Ontario vaping rules regulating sale of flavours in effect

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“Beginning Wednesday, all vaping products sold in Boulder will be subject to an additional city sales and use tax of 40 percent. Nearly 80% of voters approved the additional tax last November. It applies to any refill, cartridge and component of an electronic smoking device.”


Boulder’s 40% Tax On Vaping Products Starts Wednesday

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Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback Success Stories

From Ronan

Thank again Phil without the help of Innokin products and the fantastic Zenith tank I would never have been able to quit.

I smoked for over 19 years tried multiple times to quit but was always unsuccessful. I tried all from gum to patches always failed but with the Zenith tanks being extremely user friendly it made the transition a breeze for me.

Feeling fantastic I’ve converted at least 5 people to vaping and now I finally got my wife of the cigs also and on the vape train with us.

I’ve been vaping for 19 months now love all my Innokin devices! So user friendly and well built. I’ve ordered the Ares 2 tank waiting patiently for it to arrive.

I got my wife using the Coolfire mini and the Gala shes 8 weeks of the cigs now doing fantastic.

Thank you Phil! I enjoy watching the smoker shows and your reviews. Unfortunately I don’t get to watch it live due to time zones.

Would love to see the unsalted liquid range reach the shelves in Ireland.

Wish you and yours all the best during this pandemic. Keep up the fantastic work you and Dimitris do and thank you once again!

Ronan from Ireland

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Posted in Recent News


From the VTA:

After weeks of waiting for SB 810 to be delivered to the Governor’s desk, things started to boil this week. We learned that the remaining bills were to be sent to the Governor and both VTA, the Florida Smoke Free Association ramped up its campaign to ensure that Governor DeSantis vetoes SB 810, a flavor ban. On Thursday it was announced that next Tuesday, July 7, the Florida Office of Economic Development Review Committee is meeting to discuss the economic impact of SB 810 on state revenues. We are currently working with our team on the ground in Florida to provide the numbers our economists generated to the committee members.

If you want to have flavors in Florida, we NEED YOU and all Florida residents to continue to ask Governor DeSantis to VETO Senate Bill 810. See our TV ad and please take action and tell your friends and colleagues in Florida to contact the Governor here:

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Vaporesso Gen Nano – Small But Feature Packed!

Although I missed the Gen Full size, I did get to take a look at the Nano. Find out everything I liked about it and the one thing I didn’t.

The Links:
Unsalted & Dash Vapes
Unsalted at Rocky Top Vapor (Use Coupon Code TINYLIPS for 20% Off!)

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The Senate Ways and Means and Judiciary committees gave preliminary approval for a ban on flavored electronic cigarette liquids. House Bill 2457 would in effect ban vaping in the islands. If passed, the law would go into effect Sept. 1. Businesses that sell vaping products have also opposed the ban. Some worry this would force them to close their business. But advocates for vaping bans have also relied on media campaigns. The Tobacco Free Kids Action Fund has television ads running through Sunday on cable television, according to contracts filed with the Federal Communications Commission. Even if the bill clears the Senate next week, it must still clear a final vote in the House, where previous vaping measures have died.”


Hawaii Legislature Advances Vaping Ban

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“Tobacco legislation and regulation is constantly under review at the local, state and federal levels. In this monthly roundup, Convenience Store News highlights the latest proposals and approved changes happening across the United States.”


Tackling Tobacco: June 2020 Legislative & Regulatory Roundup

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: MASSACHUSETTS [Flavor Ban Boosts Black Market]

“Testimony in June at the Massachusetts Department of Revenue’s Illegal Tobacco Task Force reveals how flavored e-cig users are responding to the ban. The task force concluded the ban will lead to “an increase in smuggling activity and black-market sales.” The black market is already growing. Black market e-cigarette supplies pose severe health dangers that are ignored by the same crowd who pushed a flavor ban under the guise of public health. Clearly, banning flavored e-cigarette products will drive many consumers to find their flavors in the black market, again exposing e-cig users to unregulated and contaminated products. Others may simply return to smoking. How can elected officials and “grassroots” advocacy groups claim their flavor bans are in the interest of public health?”


E-Cig Flavor Ban Grows $10 Billion Massachusetts Black Market

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Epoch 9A 1100mAh 18350…great performer, slightly overrated capacity

This appears to be a rewrap of the great performing YDL 18350D cell used by other companies, probably the best 18350 available now. The 9A rating seems to be accurate but, like the other cells using the YDL 18350D, this cell has a slightly exaggerated capacity rating.

The Yong De Li New Energy Company (YDL) gives their 18350D a 15A “max discharge current” rating. Notice that this is not a continuous current rating. It seems to be for non-continuous use as the 18350D gets much too hot at 15A for that to be a continuous rating.

The capacity of the four cells I tested was 1073mAh, 1091mAh, 1118mAh, and 1131mAh. While this is decent consistency for cells from the smaller manufacturers like YDL, two of cells failed to meet their 1100mAh rating. The cells I have cannot be the lowest capacity cells in the batch either. I am rating the Epoch at 1000mAh and this is typical for the YDL 18350D cell.

Four cells were donated for the purposes of testing by 18650BatteryStore ( Thank you!

Ratings graphic:

Full Test report:

I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month and you would like early access to battery availability, battery and charger testing and news, and a say in what I test, then please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:

These tests only note the ESTIMATED ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, Murata, LG, Panasonic, Molicel, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.

Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack and you use them AT YOUR OWN RISK. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.

Any rating in my ratings tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market, we get swamped with fakes, or new information becomes available to me. Please, never assume that the ratings in the tables are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.

To see how other cells have tested check out this link:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Queen Battery QB26800 20.4A 6800mAh 26800…great performing, ultra-high capacity

This is a great performing, ultra-high capacity 26800 size cell. Why test such a large cell? I was curious about it and other sizes like 20700 and 21700 weren’t used until manufacturers decided to support those sizes. I always like to see what is available in different sizes in case there are great performing cells out there we’re not using right now. This is one of them.

If more 26800’s become available then the larger manufacturers might be willing to make the investment and create 26800 devices. Or a smaller company could 3D print some 26800 battery sleds and create a device using these cells for a relatively small investment.

The QB26800 is 26mm in diameter and 80mm long, weighing about 121gms. Think of it as a long 26650.

It is rated at 3C (20.4A) continuous by the manufacturer. There is a 5C (34A) “max pulse discharge current” rating for 30 seconds but that could be for just a single pulse so we cannot use that as some sort of “pulse” rating.

This cell performed pretty well at 20A, staying at a decent temperature and without a lot of voltage sag, so the manufacturer’s rating of 20.4A sounds reasonable.

This is a great cell for low to moderate power levels, up to 60W or so, beating the best high-capacity cells in other sizes. The QB26800 outperformed the Vapcell Red 20A 5500mAh 26650, delivering 15.5Wh of energy at 15A down to 3.2V versus 12.8Wh for the Vapcell 26650. The great performing (5000mAh) Vapcell G50 21700 only delivered 10.2Wh of energy.

The capacity of the two cells I tested was 7177mAh and 7203mAh. This is decent consistency for cells from a China manufacturer and they significantly exceeded their 6800mAh rating. This kind of underrating rarely happens and I am wondering if there is either a large inconsistency between batches (or within a batch) or this cell has had its chemistry adjusted or might do so in the future. I am rating them at the manufacturer’s rating of 6800mAh.

Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Oskar Triebe. Thank you!

Ratings graphic:

Full Test report:

I want to work for the vaping community full time! If you feel what I do is worth a couple dollars a month and you would like early access to battery availability, battery and charger testing and news, and a say in what I test, then please consider becoming a patron and supporting my testing efforts:

These tests only note the ESTIMATED ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, Murata, LG, Panasonic, Molicel, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.

Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack and you use them AT YOUR OWN RISK. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.

Any rating in my ratings tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market, we get swamped with fakes, or new information becomes available to me. Please, never assume that the ratings in the tables are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.

To see how other cells have tested check out this link:

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