Category: Recent News
VAPING NEWS: FDA [Unauthorized New Products Warning Letters]
“Today, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration issued warning letters notifying ten companies, including Cool Clouds Distribution Inc. (doing business as Puff Bar), to remove their flavored disposable e-cigarettes and youth-appealing e-liquid products from the market because they do not have the required premarket authorization.The FDA’s review of the companies’ websites revealed that each firm is selling or distributing unauthorized tobacco products that were first introduced or modified after Aug. 8, 2016—the effective date of the deeming rule that extended the FDA’s authority to all tobacco products. Any new tobacco product not in compliance with the premarket requirements of the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FD&C Act) is adulterated and misbranded and may not be marketed without FDA authorization. The agency is particularly concerned about the appeal of flavored, disposable e-cigarettes to youth and continues to monitor all available data.”
VAPING NEWS: CANADA [Former Health Minister Joins JUUL Board]
“What message does it send when a former federal health minister joins the board of an e-cigarette company, the way Rona Ambrose did? The practise of public officeholders who make big salaries in government moving on to even bigger salaries as lobbyists, consultants, or corporate board members, based largely on their insider knowledge is growing. Six years ago, then-health minister Rona Ambrose urged Canadians against the use of e-cigarettes until a study of their risks and benefits could be done. Ambrose became a JUUL director in May.”
“Effective August 1, smoking, vaping, or using any tobacco or plant product will be prohibited on all Boston College campuses, including buildings, facilities, grounds, and any other property. The ban encompasses indoor and outdoor spaces, private offices, academic and administrative buildings, all areas of residence halls, athletic venues, dining facilities, and vehicles owned or used by the University. Undergraduate and graduate students who disobey the no-smoking policy will be referred to the Office of Student Conduct; faculty and staff violations will be dealt with in accordance with procedures outlined in the faculty and employee handbooks.”
“Youth experimentation with vaping increased not in spite of anti-vaping messaging but because of it. Many well-meaning public-messaging strategies have failed because they did not account for the rebellion factor. One reason these campaigns failed is that young people tend to reject statements from authority figures, particularly when the messaging features obviously exaggerated harms intended to scare. Furthermore, the programs made the mistake of acting as advertisements for the very substances and behaviors they tried to discourage. If we want to reduce teen interest in vaping, we shouldn’t give anti-vaping campaigns more money; we should end them.”
Stop the Youth Vaping ‘Epidemic’ by Ending Youth Anti-Vaping Campaigns
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Hazard or Benefit? | Unpacking Canada’s New Vaping Regs (2020)
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
In the effort to stem youth use of vaping products, Health Canada announced its final Vaping Products Promotion Regulations, which set out measures to further restrict the advertising and promotion of vaping products to youth.
Central to the government’s approach is a strict requirement to display “health warnings” on all vaping products, promotions, and point of sale materials.While overall the new regulations are welcome by industry, it’s becoming increasingly difficult for stakeholders to accept, what may be considered as the “original sin” of the Tobacco and Vaping Products Act; the enshrinement of vaping as a “health hazard,” rather than as a tool for harm reduction.
The notion that vaping is a “health hazard” imbues the regulatory framework and nowhere does one find a comparison of the potential health benefits of vaping to the known dangers of smoking—what is hazardous to health could never provide a health benefit, so the argument goes.
Joining us today on RegWatch is Sam Tam, President of the Canadian Vaping Association. Hear his thoughts on Health Canada’s latest round of regulations and learn what the impact could be on Canada’s $1.36 billion vaping industry.
Only on RegWatch by
Live Streamed: July 15, 2020
Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
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VAPING NEWS: JACKSON, MICHIGAN [Public Park & Cemetery Ban]
“The council voted 6-1 during its July 14 virtual meeting to outlaw smoking, including e-cigarettes and vapes, in all public parks and cemeteries owned by the city. Those who violate the new Clean Air Ordinance will first be asked to stop smoking, according to the ordinance. If they do not comply, they will be asked to leave the premises or be subject to a civil infraction and a fine of no more than $100. Councilman Jeromy Alexander cast the dissenting vote.”
This is hot off the presses from Renée O’Leary and Riccardo Polosa. Dr. Riccardo Polosa was kind enough to give an interview on the last Smoker’s Show.
This research paper may represent the new “manifesto” for THR. It is very comprehensive and yet easy to read also for non experts.
Purpose – This paper aims to overview the need for tobacco harm reduction, the consumer products that facilitate tobacco harm reduction and the barriers to its implementation. The worldwide endemic of tobacco smoking results in the death of over seven million smokers a year. Cigarette quit rates are very low, from 3%–12%, and relapse rates are high, from 75%–80% in the first six months and 30%–40% even after one year of abstinence. In addition, some smokers do not desire to quit. Cigarette substitution in tobacco harm reduction is one strategy that may reduce the burden of morbidity and mortality
There is conclusive evidence that completely substituting e-cigarettes for combustible tobacco cigarettes reduces users’ exposure to numerous toxicants and carcinogens present in combustible tobacco cigarettes. There is substantial evidence that completely switching from regular use of combustible tobacco cigarettes to e-cigarettes results in reduced short-term adverse health outcomes in several organ systems” (p. 11, emphasis in original)
You can read the entire research paper HERE.
You can see the interview with Dr. Polossa on the Smoker’s Show below.
VAPING NEWS: CANADA [Update To Industry Guide For Vaping Products ]
“Health Canada is notifying interested parties that an updated industry guide for vaping products that are subject to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act (CCPSA) and Part 2 of the Vaping Products Labelling and Packaging Regulations (VPLPR) is now available. The new Industry Guide to Vaping Products Subject to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act replaces the Guidance on Vaping Products not Marketed for a Therapeutic Use, specifically replacing the information provided on the Consumer Chemicals and Containers Regulations, 2001, with the new requirements set out in Part 2 of the VPLPR.”
Industry Guide to Vaping Products Subject to the Canada Consumer Product Safety Act
VAPING NEWS: UK [National Statistic Reports]
“The Office for National Statistics (ONS), the government’s official agency for assessing economic and social behaviour, released its latest bulletin on smoking. The New Nicotine Alliance said, “it made for interesting reading,” and the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA) commented that this could be the time to reduce VAT on vape products. The report says: “E-cigarettes are increasingly being used by smokers to help quit smoking. In a recent evidence review, Public Health England found that vaping poses a small fraction of the risk of smoking and that when e-cigarettes are used as part of a quit attempt, success rates are comparable with or higher than licensed medication alone. Welsh Government have also reported that the most common reason for using e-cigarettes was to help stop smoking tobacco (76% of current users).”