Category: Recent News
VAPING NEWS: DENMARK [Flavour Ban, Plain Packaging, Retail Visibility Ban, More Vape Restrictions]
“Denmark has listed notification of its intent to place harsh restrictions on vaping on the European Commission’s website. Regardless of country of origin, vapers are able to add their constructive comments to try to persuade the nation not to go down this ignorant route. Bill 2020/228/DK proposes: A display ban on vape products, not to be visible to consumers at points of sale — The manufacturer and product name must appear in a standardised way, that logos must not stand out and that the colour etc. of the packaging must be standardised — A ban on flavourings eliquids other than the taste of tobacco and menthol”
VAPING NEWS: FDA [Approves Tobacco Based Harm Reduction Products But Still Handcuffs E-liquid Vape Products]
“The FDA’s “reduced exposure” finding was a no brainer because IQOS users are exposed to far fewer carcinogenic substances than cigarette smokers. Harm reduction advocates, however, cannot be lured into complacency following this public health victory. The FDA continues to hold vaping products hostage to an onerous and confusing regulatory approval process, despite e-cigarettes being at least 95 percent safer than conventional cigarettes. The agency regularly yanks “unauthorized” products off the shelves, despite little evidence of harms posed to consumers. And bureaucrats continue to needlessly restrict flavored vapes, despite flavors playing a critical role in helping adult smokers transition away from tobacco. It makes no sense for the FDA to strictly regulate e-cigarettes as “tobacco products,” since vapes contain no tobacco. Yet agency officials continue to enforce their strict rules with a heavy hand and restrict options for smokers trying to quit. The FDA should double down on harm reduction and allow tobacco users an array of exit ramps off their deadly habits.”
The Smoker’s Show S02E21 – Temperature Control Revisited
We start this show off by replaying a news article I heard on Google and prove how deceptive these articles, headlines, and images are.
Then, by popular demand, we revisit temperature control in this episode:
- How it works
- Challenges
- Building for it
- Setting it up
The slide package which you can download below has been updated to contain all the TC slides for your viewing pleasure.
Thank you to Bill Tarling for filling in as co-host while Dimitris was on vacation and then taking a vacation from his vacation. 🙂
The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.
A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.
We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!
Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!
The updated Smoker’s Show PowerPoint with all the new slides presented during this show can be found HERE!
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Recruits Wanted | Global Study Seeks to Confirm Vaping Is Safe
You’ve already seen and heard about this here on TYJ, on the Smoker’s Show, and again on the Smoker’s Show with Dr. Riccardo Polosa. Here it is again on Regulator Watch with Dr. Carl V. Phillips.
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
It is the single most important question: Is vaping safe? Despite a mountain of research pointing to low health risks associated with vaping compared to smoking; a definitive answer remains elusive. But researchers behind a new multi-site international study of the health effects of vaping hope to remedy that and need your help.
The VERITAS (Vaping effects: real-world international surveillance) Cohort Study is headed by Dr. Riccardo Polosa out of CoEHAR, the Center of Excellence for Harm Reduction, Catania. The lead scientist and global project manager is Dr. Carl V. Phillips.In this episode of RegWatch hear Dr. Phillips explain why the VERITAS Study is by far the most substantial study of the health effects of vaping (in the absence of smoking,) and will provide invaluable information for vapers, smokers, and policymakers.
You could play a critical role, find out how.
Only on RegWatch by
Live Streamed: July 21, 2020
Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent StaffordThis episode is supported by: DEMAND VAPE
Make RegWatch happen, go to:
Tonight at 9PM EST on the Smoker’s Show, by popular demand, we’re going over temperature control again.
- How it works
- Challenges
- Building for it
- Setting it up
As always we take and answer your questions.
Bill Tarling with be my co-host as we let Dimitris recover from his vacation.
Tonight we will be broadcasting on the YouTube stream only and we won’t have the phone lines available.
Click the banner below at 9PM EST to be taken directly to the show.
VAPING NEWS: BIRMINGHAM CITY COUNCIL, UK [Promote Vaping To Help Smoking Cessation Success]
“Hot on the heels of the sterling work being done by Richard Holley and the smoking cessation team at Northamptonshire County Council, Smokefree Sheffield and the Birmingham City Council are currently pushing the benefits of vaping to smokers in their localities. Created by a range of city partners, Smokefree Sheffield was developed to bring together everyone with a shared goal. “We’re giving the people of Sheffield the confidence that we are all working to tackle smoking in our communities.” Smokefree Sheffield has released a free to download pdf detailing the benefits of vaping.”
A PBusardo Review – My Favorite One Yet? The Vaporesso XROS!
This one may be my favorite one yet in the “bar” refillable format! Let’s take a look at the Vaporesso XROS and then give one away!
The Links:
Element Vape
The #1 Best Selling Unsalted Flavor – Watermelon Peach @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The Other Unsalted Flavors @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Unsalted Flavor – Watermelon Peach @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Other Unsalted Flavors @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
From Hamdi
Comment: Hey Phil,
You are the reason I quit smoking about 8-9 years ago, we always had the same taste for juices, devices (Boge cartomizers come on they rocked!!) and mods. I want to thank you for all your reviews because I liked what you liked I kinda tend to go with your opinion.
I am rocking the kroma-R and the Ares-2 for a few days now coming from a kayfun lite, yes you heated it right, the kayfun always was my favorite in flavor and I’m so used to it. The Ares-2 may even be better (convenient).
Anyways I don’t want to bore you with my already too long of a mail to just say Thank you for being here for me and the community and I love you and Dimi, specially what you both do to contribute to the community.
VAPING NEWS: BC, CANADA [Restrictions, Bans, Nic Cap, Taxes]
“The B.C. government says sweeping new regulations on sales and marketing of vaping products will be in full effect by the end of the summer. The new E-Substances Regulation was announced last November and caps the nicotine content in vapour pods and liquids at 20 milligrams of nicotine per millilitre, while requiring plain packaging with health warnings. It also prohibits non-nicotine or nicotine-cannabis blended vape products. Meanwhile, changes to the Tobacco and Vapour Products Control Regulation mean that flavoured products can only be sold in adult-only stores, and no advertising is permitted in public spaces like bus shelters or parks where young people gather. New retailers will be required to comply immediately with the new rules, while existing retailers will have until Sept. 15 to comply. Other parts of the province’s plan are already in effect. Beginning on Jan. 1, the provincial sales tax on vaping devices and substances jumped from seven to 20 per cent.”
B.C. government’s strict new rules on vape products coming into force this summer
“The New Nicotine Alliance (NNA), Britain’s consumer charity for nicotine users, has been hosting a series of hugely successful webcasts. We have seen the likes of Clive Bates and Dr Farsalinos discussing vape related matters. The latest one will feature experts discussing why smokers don’t appear to get on with alternative nicotine products and what can be done to address this. The online webinar discussion will feature Louise Ross, Hazel Chinnery and Liz Barber discussing the subject “Tried it, didn’t like it: Why do many smokers not get on with alternatives?”. It will take place from 6pm – 7pm (BST) on Thursday 23rd July.”
| 6PM BST | 1PM EST | Noon Central | 11AM Mountain | 10AM Pacific | AUSTRALIA Wed July 24th 3AM |