Category: Recent News
VAPING NEWS: MATT RIDLEY [“Vaping Is A Motorway Out Of Smoking”]
“Viscount Ridley has spoken up for vaping and a tobacco harm reduction approach many times in and outside the House of Lords. He is a prolific and successful author, writing on subjects as diverse as science, prosperity, and innovation. The Institute of Economic Affairs’ (IEA) Book Club hosted a webcast where Matt Ridley, discussed “How innovation works”. In 2016, Viscount Ridley launched a spirited attack on the sections of the Tobacco Products Directive where it proposed to regulate vaping [link], “this directive scores an own-goal by bringing in measures that would discourage the take-up of vaping, and thereby drive people back to cigarettes or to prevent them quitting.” At the 2018 Global Forum for Nicotine, Ridley told the audience, “We should treat vaping in the same way that we treat access to mobile phones. The best way to get people to give up smoking is to innovate with technology. Vaping is a motorway OUT of smoking!”“
“A cross-sectional, matched control study by researchers at University College London (UCL) has been published in the journal ‘Tobacco Control’. It looked to see if there was an association of between vaping and subsequent progression on to smoking, and also factored in other tobacco product use with smoking in American adolescents. Lion Shahab, Emma Beard, and Jamie Brown conducted the study using data from 78,265 adolescents in the American National Youth Tobacco Survey. The team concluded: “The NYTS showed a continuing decrease in both cigarette smoking prevalence and in the use of any tobacco product, despite a concurrent increase in e-cigarette use between 2014 to 2017. This suggests that any gateway effect of e-cigarettes, if present, must be small. Further, despite e-cigarettes being more commonly used than any other product from 2015 onwards, cigarettes remained the most prevalent initiation product in 2014 and 2015, followed by other combustibles. <1% of adolescents trying an e-cigarette first became established cigarette smokers, significantly fewer than in any other product category.”
A PBusardo Review – That damn bubble glass! The Freemax Twister 30W!
Let’s take Twister for a spin (see what I did there) and find out more about it. We’ll also give you a chance to win one!
The Links:
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
Unsalted @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
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Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
“Those younger than 21 will be prohibited from buying tobacco products in Minnesota beginning Saturday, Aug. 1. A new statute is set to take effect that day, squaring state law with a federal measure that outlaws purchases of tobacco and e-cigarette products to those younger than 21. Under the law, those under 21 would also be prohibited from entering tobacco or vape shops. Businesses that sell tobacco products to those younger than 21 would face a $300 penalty after the first offense with higher fees on subsequent offenses. And anyone under 21 found buying tobacco products would face license suspensions and adults who furnish the products to them would face a $50 fine.”
Minnesota tobacco ban for those under 21 to take effect Saturday
“Even before “Prevalence of vaping and smoking among adolescents in Canada, England, and the United States: repeat national cross sectional surveys” had completed its peer review process, University of Waterloo Professor David Hammond took to telling the world’s media about “a disturbing trend in Canadian teen vaping rates”. He presented his findings at a meeting of the federal Scientific Advisory Board on Vaping Products when it met on Nov.19. There were six or seven Health Canada officials in the room. People may wonder how hard Hammond looked at the data to see if it wasn’t true, as he ran off before publication to present his findings at the next meeting of the federal Scientific Advisory Board on Vaping Products, speaking to several Health Canada officials. It marked a seismic shift in Canada’s approach to tobacco harm reduction. It turns out he was totally wrong, they weren’t true. “
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Pivotal Moment | Dr. David Hammond Buries Correction on Teen Smoking Rates
You’ve already seen and heard about this here on TYJ, on the Smoker’s Show, and again on the Smoker’s Show with Dr. Riccardo Polosa. Here it is again on Regulator Watch with Dr. Carl V. Phillips.
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
When University of Waterloo professor David Hammond first shared preliminary results of his teen vaping and smoking study with Health Canada and the media in late 2018, he did so with the “hope” that his findings were just a “blip”; a sentiment he expressed at the time, and then again in June 2019 when the study was finally published in the British Medical Journal.
While the results of the survey showed a 74% increase in teen vaping (measured as used once in the past 30-days,) from 2017 to 2018, the most explosive finding was in regard to youth smoking.Dr. Hammond’s research purported to find a massive year-over-year increase of 45% in the prevalence of smoking among youth ages 16 to 19 in Canada. The finding fueled national news coverage, hyping the teen vaping “epidemic” and bolstered the claim that vaping is a gateway to smoking.
Now one year later, Dr. Hammond and the British Medical Journal have issued a correction to the controversial study and admit that not only was there no increase in teen smoking; the rate fell by 7%.
Joining us today on RegWatch is Dr. Chris Lalonde, Professor of Psychology and expert in research methodology at the University of Victoria. Hear his assessment of how researchers, media, and regulators leveraged Hammond’s research to justify new restrictions on vaping products; and learn why he believes this is a “pivotal moment.”
Did Dr. Hammond bury the correction to his study?
Find out. Only on RegWatch by
Live Streamed: July 23, 2020
Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent StaffordThis episode is supported by: FLAVOURART
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A PBusardo Review – If only it came with tape… The Smok Nfix!
I would like this even more if it came with some tape! Find out why as we take a look at the Smok Nfix and find out how to win one!
The Links:
Element Vape
The #1 Best Selling Unsalted Flavor – Watermelon Peach @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The Other Unsalted Flavors @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Unsalted Flavor – Watermelon Peach @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Other Unsalted Flavors @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
“The 50th U.S. state has voted to push forward with a new bill to ban ‘flavoured’ eliquids, saying a big Hawaii Five-NO to tobacco harm reduction. The Senate Ways and Means Committee all voted for the measure, conveniently forgetting that ‘tobacco’ is a flavour too, adults cite sweet flavours as being important to help them quit, eliquid is not ‘tobacco’, and the ‘teen epidemic’ doesn’t exist. HB 2457 “RELATING TO THE YOUTH VAPING EPIDEMIC”, states: “Bans the sale of flavored [sic] tobacco products. Prohibits mislabeling [sic] of e-liquid products containing nicotine. Establishes fines and penalties for violations. Authorizes a court to impose, as a penalty on a person eighteen to twenty-one years of age who is convicted of possession of a tobacco product or electronic smoking device, the requirement to complete a tobacco education program, complete a tobacco use cessation program, or perform community service instead of paying a fine. Effective 9/1/2020.””
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Near Miss? | B.C. Vaping Regs Grow Provincial Patchwork
You’ve already seen and heard about this here on TYJ, on the Smoker’s Show, and again on the Smoker’s Show with Dr. Riccardo Polosa. Here it is again on Regulator Watch with Dr. Carl V. Phillips.
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
It is said nature abhors a vacuum and in regard to vaping regulations in Canada, this maxim appears to hold true. In the wake of the teen vaping epidemic and concern over the so-called “vaping-related lung illness,” provincial governments across the country have taken matters into their own hands by issuing a patchwork of new vaping restrictions intended to fill regulatory gaps left open by Health Canada.
The B.C. provincial government is the latest to drop a slew of new restrictions that are certain to change the way vaping products are produced, sold, and consumed in the province.In this episode of RegWatch we are joined by Darryl Tempest, the Canadian Vaping Association’s Executive Director and Lead Advocate, for a detailed walkthrough and analysis of British Columbia’s new regs.
What will be the impact? Are these regs an industry killer?
Find out, only on RegWatch by
Live Streamed: July 22, 2020
Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent StaffordThis episode is supported by: FLAVOURART
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