Posted in Devices Pod Device Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Now that’s tight! – The Wenax Stylus by Geekvape

I enjoyed the evaluation on this one because I enjoyed the vape on this one. Let’s take a look at the Wenax Stylus, make some changes to the Draw Estimator, find out who won the last “Not A” Contest, and kick off another one to win your very own Stylus!

The Links:
Heaven Gifts
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
Unsalted @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…

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Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show

THE SMOKER’S SHOW REPLAY – S02E22 – An MTL Discussion with Special Guest DANIEL BATISTA – DJLSB

The DP Show! – An MTL Discussion with Special Guest DANIEL BATISTA – DJLSB

Tonight we return to Dimitris’ control room and are joined by our special guest Daniel Batista AKA DJLSB to discuss the MTL Hype & Confusion!

Daniel’s YouTube Channel
Daniel’s Facebook

As always, we get YOU involved in the show answering your questions and taking your calls.

The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!



The updated Smoker’s Show PowerPoint with all the new slides presented during this show can be found HERE!

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The City Council Tuesday approved an ordinance that, among other things, would ban outdoor smoking and vaping in city parks and unify closing hours for all the parks. Smoking and vaping are now allowed only in enclosed cars at the parks. The ordinance gives the police more tools to eject people from the parks. A violation of park rules, ordinances or any violation of the law could result in a 72-hour ejection from all parks. If there is a second violation within 12 months, it may cause a person to be excluded from all parks for 30 days. The third violation within two years may result in a 90-day exclusion from parks, while the fourth violation in two years could get a person banned from the parks for a year.”


Red Bluff bans outdoor smoking at city parks

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: MASSACHUSETTS [Flavor Ban Caused Lost Tax Revenue]

“Massachusetts’ ban on the sale of flavored tobacco products has shifted rather than reduced tobacco consumption, according to Ulrik Boesen, senior policy analyst with the Center for State Tax Policy at the Tax Foundation. At first sight, early data suggests a public health success: sales of cigarette tax stamps in the Bay State have declined 9.2 percent in the first half of 2020 compared to the same months last year. However, sales of tax stamps in the Northeast region have remained stable suggesting Massachusetts consumers are now buying their tobacco products in neighboring states. “In addition, the ban on flavored tobacco highlights the complications of contradictory tax and regulatory policy, the instability of excise taxes that go beyond pricing in the cost of externalities, and the public risks of driving consumers into the black market through excessive taxation or regulation.””


Massachusetts Flavor Ban Drives Users Elsewhere

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The public was sold a false bill of goods by “grassroots” anti-vaping activists when they crusaded against e-cigarettes and e-cigarette flavors in front of city councils, state houses and the U.S. Congress throughout 2019. Were flavor bans the right approach to curb teen vaping? A new scientific survey suggests otherwise. Authors of the “Youth Perceptions of Juul in the United States,” found that a paltry 5 percent of respondents said it was the different flavors of the e-cigarettes that brought them to the product. “Flavors are an essential element of encouraging switching to vaping, and we need regulations that focus on a risk-benefit analysis rather than inadvertently perpetuating the cigarette epidemic,” said David Sweanor of the Center for Health Law, Policy and Ethics at the University of Ottawa. The real victims of the anti-flavor crusade are former smokers who use flavored e-cigarettes to stay away from combustible tobacco cigarettes along with current smokers who are looking for an effective way to quit smoking.”


The Real Victims Of The Vaping Anti-Flavor Crusade Are Former Smokers – Opinion

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Posted in Recent News

FROM REGULATOR WATCH – PMTA Purge | Shot in The Dark, Hope for The Best

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

For the U.S. vaping industry, the past 12-months have been horrific. Countless vaping product retailers and many e-liquid manufacturers have shuttered operations in the wake of the so-called epidemic of teen vaping, the CDC’s outright deception over the so-called vaping-related lung illness and following the economic destruction resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown.
Now with just a little over a month left to meet the final deadline for the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Premarket Tobacco Product Application process; the U.S. vaping industry is bracing for yet another purge, which could destroy vaping as we know it in America.

In this episode of RegWatch we are joined by Amanda Wheeler, President of the Rocky Mountain Smoke Free Alliance and Executive Director of the Arizona Smoke Free Business Alliance. Advocating on behalf of small manufacturers of non-cartridge ENDS products, Wheeler has been in direct discussion with officials at the United States Department of Health & Human Services, FDA and the Trump White House.

Learn details of the proposed plan to immediately establish an alternative “streamlined” PMTA pathway for small businesses selling non-cartridge ENDS. Hear what the response has been from HHS, FDA and the White House. And find out why Wheeler believes, that while “it’s a shot in the dark,” the industry should still “hope for the best.”

Only on RegWatch by

Live Streamed: August 3, 2020

Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: DEMAND VAPE

Make RegWatch happen, go to:

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Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Pete

I started vaping in early 2012, dropping a pack a day (at least) habit. Marb or camel menthol and a big ‘ol Burl Pipe was my thing back then.

I’ve heard over and over and over in the last few days more bullshit from people out in public about vaping than I’ve heard in the last couple years. I’m not afraid to correct them, I’m not afraid to use my words to prove them wrong. I do it on the daily.

In August 2011 my pulmonary function was ~10% normal adult function, I was in the process of getting approved for supplemental oxygen, getting tested for sleep Apnea and other medical conditions.

By the beginning of 2013 and one full year of using vapor products, I had recovered to ~95% lung function. Multiple tests were performed at the same hospital over that year. Peace health in Bellingham, WA.

My risk of heart attack and lung cancer are that of a non smoker. My COPD and Asthma are well controlled without the use of anything except a rescue inhaler once in a while. I’m not constantly sick now either.

I don’t want to hear ANYONE say that “vaping is bad for you, it’ll cause popcorn lung, that thing is gonna blow your face off, those things are worse for you than cigarettes“…. or some other Bullshit that has been posted about by media, pseudoscience idiots, fear mongers, uneducated public and those paid by big pharma.

Don’t get me wrong, there are risks involved, there’s risk in everything we do. You take risks walking, biking, running, even eating and drinking.

This also isn’t for everyone. It doesn’t work for everyone. If it works for you, great! If another stop smoking aid works for you, great!

I am living proof that vaping saves lives! I have met some of the greatest people on this planet by being an activist and a vaper.

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Posted in Recent News



Tonight we return to Dimitris’ control room and are joined by our special guest Daniel Batista AKA DJLSB to discuss the MTL Hype & Confusion!

Phone lines will be open again to please chat, call, interact, and bring a smoker!  #SmokersWanted

Click the banner below to be taken directly to the YouTube feed at 9PM EST.

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Posted in Devices Pod Device Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Yeah I suck, but not hard enough – The Smok NovoX!

First I quit reviewing for 7.26 seconds, then we take a look at the Smok NovoX, a pod system very similar to the Nfix. We also find out how you can win your own and who won the last contest!

The Links:
Element Vape
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
Unsalted @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: P.E.I., CANADA [Anti-Vaping Regulations]

“As Canada prepares to enact new regulations restricting the promotion of vaping products this week, the P.E.I. Lung Association is turning its focus to social media influencers and their impact on teenagers. The new rules, which take effect Friday, will prohibit vaping advertisements in public spaces — including online or other media channels — if the ads can be seen or heard by youth. On top of educating the public about social media influencers, the P.E.I. Lung Association is continuing to advocate for an end to flavoured vape juice”


P.E.I. Lung Association says social media is the next frontier in vaping battle

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