Category: Recent News
“The United Vapers Alliance (UVA) organised a mass demonstration in Washington this Saturday to push home the message that vaping saves lives, the administration is set to kill the bulk of the independent business sector, and remind politicians that vapers vote – a key message for Donald Trump as he continues to sit behind in the polls. The UVA says it “educates the public and politicians regarding the benefits of harm reduction via vapour products, and strongly conveys that changes must be made, within the FDA, to provide an economically feasible pathway to market. Currently, the FDA pathway to market is not obtainable for small and medium size manufacturers. The only entities that can afford the FDA pathway to market is Big Tobacco, while more than 11,000 family owned vapor businesses will shut their doors. Left unchallenged, 99% of the vapor products, will exit the market in September 2020.””
VAPING NEWS: CHICAGO [Vape Flavor Ban Only, Cigarettes & Smoking Will Be Protected]
“Aldermen are set to consider a ban on the sale of most flavored liquid nicotine products in Chicago on Friday, after an effort to prohibit the sale of all flavored tobacco products failed to advance in July. The measure set for a vote by the City Council’s Committee on Health and Human Relations would ban the sale of all flavored nicotine products — except those that taste and smell like tobacco, according to the proposal. The ban applies to products that feature liquid nicotine that has “tastes or aromas of menthol, mint, wintergreen, chocolate, vanilla, honey, cocoa, any candy, any dessert, any alcoholic beverage, any fruit, any herb, or any spice,” according to the proposal. The initial proposal from Ald. Matt O’Shea (19th Ward) would have banned all flavored tobacco products, however, business groups pushed back on the ban, saying it could hurt small businesses struggling to stay afloat. The scaled-back ban would not apply to flavored cigarettes, cigars or chewing tobacco, according to the proposal, after objections from groups like the Illinois Retail Merchants Association. Instead, the ban takes aim at those who vape flavored tobacco.”
Aldermen to Weigh Scaled-Back Ban on Flavored Tobacco Products
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – One Voice | Vapers Rally to Save the Vape, Washington, DC | RegWatch
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
For the second time in less than a year, vapers are set to descend on Washington, DC to call on President Trump to intervene and put a stop to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s industry killing Premarket Tobacco Application Process.
The rally is scheduled for September 5th, just 4-days before the PMTA deadline and organizers hope a strong showing by advocates and grassroots vapers will pressure politicians to “do the right thing” and support flavored vaping products as a tool for harm reduction.In this episode of RegWatch we are joined by Tristan Thompson and Sherwin Mena from the United Vapers Alliance. Hear the plans for the coming rally, learn how you can make a difference, and ask the organizers questions in advance of the big day.
Only on RegWatch by
Live Streamed: August 31, 2020
Sr. Producer: Cindy Schmidt
Exec. Producer: Brent StaffordThis episode is supported by: DEMAND VAPE
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VAPING NEWS: FLORIDA [Gov. DeSantis Still Hasn’t Signed Anti-Vaping Bill]
“A final batch of bills approved this year by the Legislature, many scheduled to become law Oct. 1, continue to await a call from Gov. Ron DeSantis. Once the remaining bills are formally moved to the governor’s office, DeSantis will have 15 days to act on each proposal. The highest profile of the remaining measures, the e-cigarette legislation (SB 810), would go into effect Jan. 1. The proposal would identify e-cigarettes and vaping products as “tobacco products.” It would raise the age to purchase any tobacco products — including tobacco cigarettes, dip and chew, as well as e-cigarettes — from 18 to 21. The changes, promoted as addressing what health officials called a youth vaping “epidemic,” were a priority of Senate President Bill Galvano, R-Bradenton.”
VAPING NEWS: CALIFORNIA [Referendum Petition Looking To Put Flavor Ban On Hold]
“California voters could be asked to overturn a new law banning the sale of flavored tobacco after opponents notified the state Monday of plans to seek a referendum on the measure. A notice was filed with the state by an attorney who has represented firms including R.J. Reynolds, which led the opposition campaign to Senate Bill 793. If opponents qualify the referendum by collecting the signatures of 623,212 registered voters, the tobacco ban would be placed on hold until voters are given a chance to weigh in, possibly in 2022.”
Referendum filed to overturn California flavored tobacco ban
A PBusardo Review – Vapes fine, but technically… The Rincoe Manto Max 228W Kit
It does what it does pretty good, just don’t look under the hood too much.
We take a look at the Manto Max 228W Kit from Rincoe and then I let you know how to win one!
The Links:
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*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
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Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
VAPING NEWS: FDA [PMTA Applicant List]
“Regulators plan to open up a process that’s normally secretive by listing which e-cigarette makers want permission to sell their products in the U.S., a move that could help consumers and retailers spot illegal products more easily. The Food and Drug Administration now plans to publish a list of all the products subject to the agency’s Sept. 9 deadline, and which have filed applications, Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, said in a blog post Monday. The FDA has received applications for about 2,000 e-cigarettes and other newly regulated tobacco products already. There are more than 400 million eligible items that would need to apply to stay on the market, he said.”
BILL TARLING — It’s rather ironic that the FDA now says there are 400 Million eligible items, while when seeing the up PMTA for vape products, he said it was likely only expected to affect a couple of hundred products and companies.
FDA Will List Which E-Cigarette Makers Applied to Stay on Market
From Lindsay
The Smokers Show S02E21
I just wanted to thank you for bringing such an excellent point to the table. Your episode about Vaping News gives people a chance for people’s eyes to be opened and see behind the curtain a little bit. This is something so much bigger than vaping, and it is damaging the way people receive information and therefore changing their opinions on things. It is manipulative, and it very dangerous.
Using fear-mongering, and presenting vaping as dangerous we are cloaking agendas as news stories. We wait for a story or event to use and propagandize in this case to fuel the anti-vaping fires.
I just think that is awesome that you have allowed people to see this in a way that related to them with vaping. This is happening with news stories about everything, and maybe it will make people second guess the next story about politics, products, etc.
We don’t have trust anymore, we just have agendas, it seems just like more and more manipulation every day. I will continue to listen to your show and am so glad I found it. Keep it up!
“The most critical change – and it’s a sweeping one – would be a shift toward evidence-based decision making in the tobacco-control space. Too often, policy is driven by political or ideological factors, rather than science. As a result, global approaches to improving cessation effectiveness have stagnated and policymakers have banned tobacco harm-reduction products before seriously considering their benefits. Indeed, a dearth of evidence-based guidance has yielded ad hoc policies that run counter to the goals of the FCTC. Consider, for example, the fact that some governments permit the sale of deadly combustible cigarettes, while banning safer e-cigarettes.”
VAPING NEWS: CALIFORNIA [Legislators Pass Flavor Ban]
“California legislators have passed a bill banning the sale of flavored tobacco in retail stores, including flavored e-cigarettes. The state Senate voted unanimously Friday to give final approval to SB793 by state Sen. Jerry Hill, D-San Mateo, to outlaw the sale of fruit, menthol and mint-flavor cigarettes and vaping cartridges. The bill now heads to Gov. Gavin Newsom, who said at a news conference Friday that he would sign it. He said it would be a point of “deep pride and personal privilege” to do so. Newsom has supported a new vaping tax and launched efforts to curb youth vaping. Hill’s bill does not apply to online sales of tobacco products, which often cross state lines, with sellers not headquartered in California. The measure also would not prohibit the personal possession of flavored tobacco. Retail stores that violate the ban would have to pay $250 per violation, though it is unclear if that would mean a $250 penalty per product sold or per transaction.”
Ban on flavored tobacco retail-store sales approved by California legislators