Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: FRIDLEY, MINNESOTA [Flavor Restrictions + T21]

“On Monday night, the Fridley City Council voted 4-1 to restrict the sale of flavored tobacco products and update the existing tobacco ordinance. Now, flavored tobacco products, including menthol, will be sold in adult-only tobacco stores. The council also voted to update the tobacco ordinance to meet state requirements that raise the tobacco sales age to 21.”


Fridley City Council Votes To Restrict Sale Of Flavored Tobacco

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VTA Launches New Individual Membership

Washington, D.C. September 15, 2020 – Today, the Vapor Technology Association (VTA) launched its first-ever individual membership designed to engage more vapers and vape advocates in the VTA’s fight to save vapor. This membership will elevate the voices of vapers and those individuals who believe in vaping and engage them in the fight with access to cutting-edge advocacy tools.

Now more than ever, we must join together to ensure that vapor products remain available and accessible to all those who rely on them. This is vital for public health and safety.

VTA’s individual membership will cost only $25 a year. Upon joining VTA, Individual members will:

  • Join sophisticated and established lobbying efforts to protect their right to vape;
  • Receive up-to-date information on all things vapor;
  • Participate in successful vapor advocacy campaigns;
  • Access advanced technology to engage with legislators and local media;
  • Receive discounts on vapor products at participating stores across the country.

“By welcoming Individual members, VTA’s Board has recognized the critical importance of amplifying the millions of voices for vaping – former smokers who have turned to vapor products on their journey to quit smoking – as well as for the business owners who serve them,” said VTA Executive Director Tony Abboud. “This new membership will take our unified fight to defend vapor to the next level by combining the power of consumers and businesses into the largest vapor advocacy force in the country.”

Join VTA’s fight to defend vapor today:

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) is organising an online event that consumers will be able to view for free. Its webinar will feature experts talking about the new iteration of the European Tobacco Products Directive, commonly referred to as TPD3, and what it means for businesses and end consumers. It is highly possible it will impact on the United Kingdom in some form so consumers may like to know how and what they can do to influence it. The webinar will take place on Monday October 5th, 2020 at 12:00pm Central European Time/11:00am Greenwich Mean Time.”


Webinar: The Revision of the EU TPD

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: NETHERLANDS [Flavour Ban + Plain Packaging]

“The Netherlands is on the brink of introducing plain packaging for e-cigarettes. The Dutch government also plans to ban (non-tobacco) e-cigarette flavours. he obvious problem here is that e-cigarettes and non-combustible tobacco products are not ‘smoking materials’. They are substitutes for smoking materials which help people stop smoking. We now have a huge amount of evidence showing that nudging people away from e-cigarettes leads to more cigarette sales. We know that raising the price of vaping products leads to greater sales of cigarettes. We know that taxing e-cigarettes leads to increased rates of youth smoking. And we know that e-cig flavour bans lead to increased cigarette sales, as we have seen in San Francisco and more recently in the whole USA.”



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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“Grand Rapids is proposing to ban smoking and vaping in all city parks and playgrounds. If approved later this year by commissioners, the ordinance amendment would ban not just smoking and vaping, but also all types of marijuana and tobacco products from city parks and playgrounds starting Jan. 1, 2021. The city’s Indian Trails Golf Course is included in the ban. By a vote of 6 to 1, commissioners gave initial approval to move the ban forward to a public hearing on Oct. 13. Commissioner Nathaniel Moody was the sole no vote on the measure. The ordinance amendment to ban smoking in parks was introduced at the city commission’s Committee of the Whole meeting Tuesday morning, Sept. 15.”


Smoking ban proposed for all Grand Rapids parks

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FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Down to the Wire | B.C. Deadline Leaves Vape Retailers Hanging

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

In July, when the B.C. provincial government enacted new rules and regulations governing the sale of vaping products in the province, it gave retailers until September 15 to sell off non-compliant product and adjust inventories to meet the new B.C. (specific) packaging and device specifications.
With the deadline only days away, the industry is waiting for the B.C. provincial government to provide critical clarifications that promise to ease compliance burdens and to harmonize the new rules with existing federal government regulations under the TVPA.

In this episode of RegWatch, we are joined by Sam Tam, President of the Canadian Vaping Association to discuss what the industry needs in order to navigate the new regulatory environment and to learn what critical clarifications the province has indicated it might deliver before the deadline.

Only on RegWatch by

Live Streamed: September 14, 2020
Exec. Producer: Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by: DVINE LABS, FLAVOUR CRAFTERS & VAPE NATION

Make RegWatch happen, go to:

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Posted in Recent News Smoker's Show Feedback Success Stories

From Danette

Comment: Hello Phil. I spoke with yourself and Dimi last night on the show. My name is Danette and I am a 62 year old vapor proudly. I wanted to thank you for all you have done. I have watched you for years and almost every review to learn all that I could. You have and of course Dimi have given me hope. I was so scared with the PMTA that I was even having a hard time sleeping. You see I don’t to die and for me smoking is a death sentence with COPD and CHF. I tried everything to stop smoking and NOTHING worked but I tried. So please for me and the world keep fighting and keep talking until they listen and they will one day they will. Until please know that you matter and you are making changes in this world. Much love to you and yours, Danette #1 fan…..

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“As of March 1, 2021, the sale of flavoured vape and e-cigarette products will be banned on Prince Edward Island. The regulation changes were passed by cabinet last month. It comes as part of a private members bill from PC MLA Cory Deagle, which received unanimous support from the legislature in 2019, to crack down on nicotine use among young people. P.E.I. has already made changes to the Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Devices Sales and Access Act as part of Deagle’s bill. Effective March 2020, the age of access for tobacco and vaping products increased to 21, and the points of purchase became more regulated — with products only available through vape shops and tobacconists. Deagle would now like to see P.E.I. follow Nova Scotia’s lead — capping nicotine concentration in e-liquids at 20 milligrams per millilitre.”


P.E.I. to ban flavoured vape, e-cigarette products effective March 1

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News


“The Park MGM casino resort on the Las Vegas Strip will ban indoor tobacco smoking when it reopens later this month. Executives made the property, formerly known as the Monte Carlo casino-hotel, smoke-free due to “guest demand,” Anton Nikodemus, president of MGM Resorts’ Las Vegas Portfolio, said. “As we looked toward our reopening, we identified an opportunity to be responsive to recurring guest demand for a fully non-smoking casino resort on The Strip,” he said in a statement.”

NOTE: While they don’t specifically mention the word “vaping” in their statement, it can likely be assumed they also intend to ban vaping (unless they specifically include notice that vaping will be permitted)


Smoking to be banned at Las Vegas Strip casino Park MGM

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Posted in Recent News Vaping News

VAPING NEWS: UK [E-liquid Vaping Products Confirmed As Risk Reduction]

“The United Kingdom’s independent Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) looked at electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems and found vaping products “are likely to reduce the harm to health if used as a replacement for conventional cigarettes”. The United Kingdom’s independent Committee on Toxicity of Chemicals in Food, Consumer Products and the Environment (COT) looked at electronic nicotine and non-nicotine delivery systems and found vaping products “are likely to reduce the harm to health if used as a replacement for conventional cigarettes”.”


Reduced Risk Confirmation

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