Category: Recent News
“Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan needs bold action on tobacco, and MEPs must Back Vaping to Beat Cancer, according to the World Vapers’ Alliance. The Special Committee on Beating Cancer (BECA) today identified that ‘tobacco use, in particular cigarette smoking is the main risk factor for cancer death in Europe’. Vapers across Europe are calling on policymakers to recognise the benefits of vaping, and its potential to massively reduce the harm of smoking. Policymakers cannot ignore the facts any longer.”
Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan: Time to back vaping and beat cancer
“Gina Collins at the University of Exeter has approached Planet of the Vapes to enlist our help in a research project. Gina is looking for people who are about to or have recently switched from smoking tobacco products to vaping, and participants will be rewarded for their time. Gina Collins added: “While some of the health benefits of vaping compared to smoking have/are being researched, we feel that some of the wider effects of switching from smoking to vaping – such as how it might affect your sense of self and identity – are currently being overlooked. That’s why we want to talk to people at the very beginning of their vaping journey and speak to them over time to see if their views change.” The study will be conducted over a series of three online interviews to investigate motivation for quitting, motivation for vaping, and how switching from smoking to vaping might affect identity. Anyone interested in taking part can email Gina at for more information.”
VAPING NEWS: AUSTRALIA [Nic Ban Defeated For Now]
““Huge news! The January 1st nicotine import ban has been defeated…for now,” declared Legalise Vaping Australia (LVA). The Australian Therapeutic Goods Association (TGA) has announced that Greg Hunt’s plans to place a de facto ban on vaping has been postponed and advocates are hoping this could lead its permanent scrapping. Dr Colin Mendelsohn has been arguing for a more open-minded Australian approach to tobacco harm reduction for years. He recently told journalists: “Vaping nicotine has the potential to disrupt the cigarette market and significantly reduce smoking rates in Australia. However, excessively harsh and restrictive regulation as proposed by the Health Minister will reduce its potential impact and lead to more smoking-related deaths. No other western country requires vapers to have a prescription to obtain nicotine liquids. Low concentrations of nicotine liquid are not medicines. They are a safer consumer product used to replace an existing consumer product: lethal cigarettes.”
“The San Diego County Board of Supervisors Tuesday took a step toward adopting a tobacco retail license ordinance covering unincorporated areas in an attempt to reduce usage by minors and hold retailers more accountable. After an approximately 90-minute public hearing and debate, the board voted 3-2, with Supervisors Jim Desmond and Kristin Gaspar opposed. The board will consider formal adoption at its Nov. 17 meeting. If passed, the ordinance would: allows the county to enforce minimum age laws and a previously adopted ban on flavored tobacco products”
BILL TARLING — Kristin Gaspar has been an amazing defendant against e-liquid vape flavor bans, and recognized the factual science based Harm Reduction aspects they provide adult smokers wanting to break away from health damaging cigarettes. While she neither vapes, nor is she involved in the vape industry in any way; she has always been a very attentive listeners, and is one of the few Politicians that bases her opinions and decisions on actual facts, rather than Political agendas. She presents very balanced and logical arguments, such as during the 2019 San Diego Flavor Ban Hearing
Supervisors Consider Ordinance To Further Curb Youth Tobacco Use
VAPING NEWS: MISSOULA, MONTANA [Flavor Ban Considerations]
“A proposal to ban the sale of all flavored tobacco products in Missoula goes back to committee for some fine-tuning. The Missoula City Council made that decision Monday night after some legal questions arose. The proposed ordinance would ban the sale of all menthol, candy and mint flavored tobacco, smokeless tobacco and e-cigarette products. Missoula took up the idea after the state health department earlier this year offered and then pulled back a more limited state-wide proposal on banning flavored e-cigarette products. Opponents say the ordinance would devastate local retailers, who point out they already only sell to adults over the age of 21. Critics also note that Montana’s “Youth Access to Tobacco Products Control Act” prohibits local governments from making regulations more stringent than those already imposed by the state. That specific interpretation is echoed by Missoula’s city attorney.”
A PBusardo Introduction – The latest member of the Z-Coil fam – The Innokin/Platform Series Kroma Z!
This is an introduction video for the Innokin/Platform Series Kroma Z Pod Mod. We are proud to welcome the Kroma-Z to the Z-Coil family of products!
We’re also going to find out who won the last two “Not A” Contests and kick off a new one to win your very own Kroma-Z!
The Links:
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
Unsalted @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
“After a briefly heated discussion, the Grand Rapids City Commission approved a ban on smoking and vaping in all public parks — except for a city-owned golf course. The ban on smoking, vaping and all types of marijuana and tobacco products from city parks and playgrounds was approved by a 6-1 vote Tuesday evening, Oct. 27, by the Grand Rapids City Commission. The ban, issued in the form of an ordinance amendment to the city’s Clean Air Ordinance, goes into effect Jan. 1, 2021.”
Grand Rapids bans smoking in parks, but not at city-owned golf course
“Researchers at the University of East Anglia (UEA) have looked at ex-smokers who lapse back to tobacco use. Sarah Victoria Gentry, Emma Ward, Lynne Dawkins, Richard Holland, and Caitlin Notley found that smokers who had switched to vaping didn’t consider their quit attempt over if they briefly lapsed – unlike those who tried to quit using other methods. The study, “Reported patterns of vaping to support long-term abstinence from smoking: a cross-sectional survey of a convenience sample of vapers”, has just been published in the Drug and Alcohol Review journal. The researchers said that while vapers may occasionally have the odd smoking lapse, “they don’t see it as ‘game over’ for their quit attempt and it doesn’t have to lead to a full relapse. The findings suggest that vaping encourages not just smoking cessation, but long-term relapse prevention.”
From Wayne
G’day Phil,
Wandering through your back catalogue just now and came across another
example of why you and Dimi are invaluable in this idiotic battle.
When I quit smokes and started on this vaping thing a few short months
ago I had NO idea how effective it would be and NO idea of the stupidity
of governments (the world over) and scientific and private groups who’s
true aim is…. I’m yet to figure that out.Ok save the children, yes but do it where that is needed…..targeting
vaping is creating a war where none exists.
will smoke
will vape
will drink
will drive
will fuck that girl/boy they fancy
will get pregnant
and on and on it goes…..Do we ban smokes….
Do we ban alcohol
Do we ban cars
Or any of the million things stupid kids do growing up
I was there once a long time ago, I’m allowed to call it stupid.Can government regulate that, stop that….NO never.
What they can do is educate and hopefully get the message across that
all the above is not a real bright choice in life.Bring in the old guy who’s dying from lung cancer into the schools.
Bring in the kid who cant walk anymore after crashing dads car he took
for a drive late one night.
Or the girl at 14 who’s pregnant and who’s life has been destroyed at
that age.
Bring in the stupid fucker who wants to vape……I don’t fucking know
what ….Evali, vitamin E acetate ?. I’m ignorant here but I think those
ones are past help.Teach, educate, and FUND the schools….. show the consequences of
making poor choices. You’ll get the attention of some, perhaps a
lot…not all. Get them when they’re young, I can’t think of a better
All this education is fully funded, no need take money from anyone but
smokers. In Australia 17 BILLION per year is collected in tobacco tax.
Does the Australian government spend 17 billion a year on quit smoking
programs….lol you know the answer.
Nicotine patches and the like should be free here given they are utterly
fucking useless ….they are not.Ok sorry for the rant here but the video in the back catalogue set me
off. I’ve seen it many times in other videos but none more than in this
Maddening FrustrationThe…..
The raw passion for what should be but isn’t….Common Fucking Sense….why is that so hard !
Vaping works where nothing else does for most, it’s the safest and best
option there is at present.
I’m 62 and not a fighter, I go with the flow on most issues… it
apathy, call it old fucker don’t give a shit cause I cant change it.
I DO CARE about this, smoking kills and vaping FUCKING works to stop
that. You want a study?, study me…..just a few days after getting off
the cigs I wasn’t coughing up a lung in the morning , FACT….that
And that was the catalyst, I became my father….on his death
certificate smoking was one of 3 causes. I guess I got scared….or wise.I don’t know what’s behind all this….Big Tobacco, follow the money or
what. I just don’t know what’s behind all the utter stupidity surrounding
vaping. It Works You Dumb Fuckers !You and Dimi are worth your weight in gold, you do what most of us can’t.
Be a real shame if you disappeared from Youtube. Love seeing you guys
‘chucking a wobbly’ ….aussie slang for Outrage and Fuck This !
Dimi quite restrained and Phil far less so 😉
Love It !Cheers to you Both