Category: Recent News
VAPING NEWS: FDA [Vape & Tobacco Products PMTA Study Guidelines]
“This draft guidance is intended to help applicants (or “you”) design and conduct tobacco product perception and intention (TPPI) studies that may be submitted as part of a modified risk tobacco product application (MRTPA), a premarket tobacco product application (PMTA), or a substantial equivalence report (SE Report). TPPI studies are studies that can be used to assess, among other things, individuals’ perceptions of tobacco products, understanding of tobacco product information (e.g., labeling, modified risk information), and intentions to use tobacco products. It is possible for a TPPI study to also include an actual use component (e.g., an actual product utilized in a simulated use setting or a real environment of use); however, a discussion of actual use research is beyond the scope of this draft guidance. This draft guidance addresses the following scientific issues for applicants to consider as they design and conduct TPPI studies to support tobacco product applications”
Principles for Designing and Conducting Tobacco Product Perception and Intention Studies
VAPING NEWS: AUSTRALIA [Call For Personal Vaping Testimonies]
“The Australian Tobacco Harm Reduction Association (ATHRA) has put out a call to Aussie vapers to send in a personal testimony to the Senate Inquiry into Tobacco Harm Reduction by 5 November 2020. ATHRA says this is “the most important” call they’ve ever put out and tells vapers down under that “it is vital that you write a personal submission”. Unusual for a consultation exercise, The Inquiry has expressly requested personal anecdotal evidence from users of vape products. We have never seen the like in Europe, although vapers were and still are encouraged to contact their local MP about vaping and their experience.”
“A scientific report on e-cigarettes prepared for the European is fundamentally flawed, according to the Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA). In its response to the preliminary opinion, IEVA cited several areas of concern:
- The Committee has concluded that there is insufficient evidence that e-cigarettes are not a useful tool for smokers seeking alternatives, despite quoting two randomized control trials stating precisely the opposite.
- In its risk assessment, the Committee has not taken a risk-based approach at all, but rather a hazard-based approach. It states the potential risks of using e-cigarettes without even attempting to compare these with the risks from cigarette smoking, which are exponentially higher.
- The Committee has concluded that there is strong evidence that e-cigarettes act as a “gateway” to smoking. However, it has done so based almost exclusively on data from the United States, where an entirely different regulatory regime exists. The Committee also fails to acknowledge that smoking among young people has declined significantly: if vaping leads to smoking, then why are there not more smokers observed during the period where the e-cigarette market grew rapidly?”
“The hype of the past few years around nicotine delivery systems such as vapes and e-cigarettes has overshadowed the fact that it is inhaling smoke from burning tobacco, not nicotine, that causes most smoking-related cancers. Electronic vapour products (EVPs) were developed as a tobacco harm reduction tool and offer an alternative way to consume nicotine without the smoke produced through the burning of tobacco. Hype and ignorance about EVPs persists, however, even among those involved in public health legislation. This is despite increasing international research in support of EVPs. A letter from the US office of the attorney general in the Iowa department of justice to the Food and Drug Administration’s director of the Centre for Tobacco Products in March 2020 addressed an erroneous FDA statement suggesting that smoking and vaping posed an equal risk to users during the Covid-19 pandemic. The letter challenging the FDA was signed by the attorney general and 12 academics and researchers in public health from across the US, Canada and the European Union.”
A PBusardo Review – The Innokin Endura M18
In this video we take a look at the Innokin Endura M18 and let YOU know how to win one!
The Links:
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
Unsalted @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Post Review Follow-Up:
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
ARTICLE LINK: UK NAVY [Smoking Banned, Vaping Permitted]
“The Royal Navy is implementing a ‘tobacco-free’ policy from January, with the aim of the British military being smoke-free by 2022. From the start of 2021, tobacco products will be prohibited on all submarines and ships – the first step of a phased process. Combustible and chewing tobacco products will be prohibited, while designated vaping areas will aim to support personnel looking to quit – until the end of 2022.”
A PBusardo Review – A Do All RTA? The StattQualm SQuape [A]Rise!
In this video we take a look at the latest RTA from StattQualm, the A[Rise]!
The Links:
SQuape Vape Shop International
Unsalted @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
Unsalted @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Post Review Follow-Up:
- 11/1/20 – In the video I stated that the MTL mouthpiece shown was part of the kit. It is not. It’s also an accessory to be purchased separately. My apologies! Thanks for noticing and bringing this to my attention Pam!! My comment will be the same for this as with the two additional air discs. For the price, include that mouthpiece too, especially since you’re including everything else to vape DL/RDL/and MTL.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Manufacturing Harm | How COVID-19 Is Being Used to Destroy Vaping
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
Follow the science. It’s the exhortation we hear all the time from politicians and bureaucrats to activists and academics.
Whether at work or at school or via the mainstream media, we are awash in a reverence to science. But what if science is being used to advance an ideological agenda and great harm is the result?Joining us today to discuss this possibility is Dr. Annie Kleykamp an experimental psychologist, medical analyst and evidence-based health advocate. Hear why she believes the COVID-19 pandemic is being cynically used as a golden opportunity to “prove” e-cigarettes damage the lungs and thus destroy the virtues of vaping.
Only on RegWatch by
Released on October 30, 2020
Produced by Brent StaffordMake RegWatch happen, go to:
CoEHAR’s study confirms beneficial effects of ECIG on COPD smokers
Research shows how electronic cigarettes helps in reducing the daily consumption of cigarettes in COPD patients, once again demonstrating the potential of E-cig as an alternative for traditional cigarettes. The results underlined how COPD patients who switch from conventional smoking to regular vaping achieve sustained abstinence resulting in a 50% reduction in COPD exacerbations and improvement in the quality of life.
CoEHAR’s study confirms beneficial effects of ECIG on COPD smokers
Catania, Italy, 28th October 2020 – CoEHAR’s researchers have just published the longest clinical follow-up of E-cigarette users ever reported. The study “COPD smokers who switched to e-cigarettes: health outcomes at 5-year follow up” explores the long term effects of E-cigarette use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and confirms that regular use can ameliorate objective and subjective COPD and is long lasting. COPD patients who switch from conventional smoking to regular vaping achieve sustained abstinence resulting in a 50% reduction in COPD exacerbations and overall improvement in exercise tolerance and quality of life.
Full text
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) comprises a group of smoking-related lung conditions that cause breathing difficulties, and which includes emphysema and chronic bronchitis. The study identified from the medical records of four Italian hospitals, a group of COPD patients using vaping products. These underwent yearly outpatient visits for a total of five years. By the end of the follow-up, complete datasets were available for 39 COPD patients, 20 in the group of COPD patients using e-cigarettes, and 19 in the control group of COPD regular smokers. Although smoking cessation should be always the top priority for smokers with COPD, high relapse rates are very common in smokers with COPD and quitting therapies (i.e. nicotine replacement therapy – NRT, bupropion, and varenicline) appear to have only fairly small effects on sustained cessation in patients with COPD who smoke. Patients experience difficulty in completely ceasing nicotine use, and they may require prolonged treatment and/or sustained nicotine use to attain continued abstinence from smoking. An alternative for patients with COPD who are having difficulty at quitting is that of substituting conventional cigarettes with combustion-free nicotine delivery devices such as e-cigarettes) and to reduce harm from chronic prolonged cigarette smoke exposure.
CoEHAR’s researchers have observed marked and sustained reduction in the daily consumption of conventional cigarettes in COPD patients who were also vaping, with an overall reduction of more than 80% from baseline. The main finding is that patients with COPD who abstained from smoking by swapping to vaping experienced clinically relevant health improvements. Patients who switched to vaping reduced their yearly COPD exacerbations by about 50% and significantly improved cardio-respiratory health compared to the control population of COPD patients who continued to smoke cigarettes.Conclusion
The findings of this study are valuable because many COPD patients show little interest in quitting or reducing cigarettes in spite of their symptoms. Switching to much less harmful substitutes may limit the suffering of many COPD patients and their physicians should consider all the options available and opt for the ones that provide the greatest probability of stopping exposure to tobacco smoke, including e-cigarettes.
Press office – Italy – Mobile: +39 3491843563
VAPING NEWS: EU SURVEY [80% Smoking Cessation Rate]
“More than 80 percent of smokers who switched to e-cigarettes have completely stopped smoking. Around 65 percent of vapers in Europe use fruit or sweet liquids. These are two important results of a survey carried out by the European Independent Vape Alliance (IEVA). More than 3,300 european e-cigarette users took part. The European survey shows: E-cigarettes are a widely used method in Europe to stop tobacco use. 81 percent of vapers have completely stopped using tobacco. Further twelve percent have reduced smoking with the help of e-cigarettes. The variety of flavors seems to be one of the most important reasons for vapers to use e-cigarettes. 40 percent of them use fruit flavored liquids and 25 percent prefer other sweet flavors. A good third of vapers select tobacco-flavored liquids (35 percent).”
European survey: 80 percent of vapers stopped smoking completely