Category: Recent News
CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Cross-Examination | FDA Grilled Over Destructive Vaping Regulations
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
FDA’s single-minded focus on protecting youth from nicotine vaping products over the well-being of adult smokers is finally undergoing severe scrutiny. Recently a panel of Fifth Circuit judges, joining other courts across the country, took FDA to task for what it calls an unlawful de facto ban on flavored e-cigarettes.
But the courts are not alone in grilling the agency over its shifting criteria and moving the goalposts for approval of vaping products in the U.S.
Joining us today is Allison Boughner, vice president at American Vapor Manufacturers. This non-profit organization recently hosted a frustrating yet revealing live interview with Dr. Brian King, the new director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products.
How did the Dr. King cross-examination go? Find out!
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Released: May 11, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Think Twice | UK Reaction to Quebec Flavour Ban
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
The Quebec provincial government’s plan to ban flavours in nicotine vaping products appears out of step with the science on vaping and runs in stark contrast with the UK government’s astonishing new plan to provide 1 million smokers a free vaping starter kit to help smokers in England to quit for good.
Joining us today with reaction from the UK on Quebec’s proposed flavour ban is Louise Ross, a clinical consultant at UK’s National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, the business development manager for the Smoke Free app, and chair for the New Nicotine Alliance, a registered charity dedicated to promoting issues around tobacco harm reduction.
Is opposition to vaping in Canada getting noticed? Find out!
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Released: May 9, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
This episode is supported by STLTH
Part of our “Last Stand” Canada Coverage.
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Burning Out | Ontario Regulator Puts Squeeze on Health Professionals
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
Bureaucratic hurdles and fixed service fees could be forcing healthcare professionals in Ontario to shut practices and leave the industry.
Physiotherapists, chiropractors, and massage therapists who treat people injured in car accidents have fallen under the control of the Financial Services Regulatory Authority, an Ontario regulator more concerned with promulgating red tape than with patient care.
Joining us today to discuss the challenges facing health service providers in Ontario is Anthony Grande a registered physiotherapist with a Bachelor of Science in Physical Therapy and owner of Focus Physiotherapy a chain of clinics located in the Toronto area.
Could patient care be at risk? Find out!
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Released: May 4, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Will It Work? | UK’s Free Vape Scheme, It’s Impact at Home and Abroad
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
The UK’s recently announced “Swap to Stop” program, which provides free vaping starter kits to one million current smokers, is being hailed a massive boon to public health.
Tobacco control policy expert Clive Bates says the program is a pragmatic and constructive intervention with the potential to be catalytic, hopefully tying smokers to vaping in a manner that is self-sustaining over the long term.
Bates believes “Swap to Stop” should be emulated in other countries worldwide. The question is: Will it work?
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Released: April 28, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Forbidden | Quebec Unleashes Black Market with Vape Flavour Ban
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
Quebec Minister of Health Christian Dubé announced a ban on flavours in nicotine vaping products which could go into effect in only 90 days.
Under the proposed regulation, all flavoured vapes, except for tobacco flavoured, will be forbidden in the province.
It’s devastating news for the 250,000 nicotine vapers who rely on various flavours to stay smoke-free. And for the hundreds of small business owners and the thousands of workers in Quebec’s vaping industry, the flavour ban amounts to a death sentence for their businesses.
Joining us today to discuss the impact of the Quebec flavour ban is David Levesque, spokesperson for ABVQ, the association for specialty vape shops in Quebec and founding partner of Digital Smoke Supplies.
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Released: April 20, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
Part of our “Last Stand” Canada Coverage
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Swap To Stop’ | UK to Provide One Million Smokers Free Vape Starter Kits
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
In an astonishing announcement, the UK government released details of a new program to cut smoking rates in Britain dramatically. Dubbed ‘Swap to Stop,’ the initiative provides one million current smokers with free vaping starter kits and dedicated behavioral support in what is being called a “world-first.”
Joining us today from England to talk through the new plan is Louise Ross, a clinical consultant at UK’s National Centre for Smoking Cessation and Training, the business development manager for the Smoke Free app, and chair for the New Nicotine Alliance, a registered charity dedicated to promoting issues around tobacco harm reduction.
Will “Stop the Swap” finally silence anti-vaping campaigners? Find out!
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Released: April 15, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
This episode is supported by STLTH
Part of our “Last Stand” Canada Coverage.
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Upside Down | Tennessee Vape Vendors Push Back on Big tobacco
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
No state organization has had more success fending off anti-vaping legislation than the Tennessee Smoke Free Association.
Led for years by founder and recently retired president Dimitris Agrafiotis, the group continues to push back on anti-vaping legislation, which, more often than not, is backed by big tobacco.
Joining us today are vape shop owners Danny Gillis and Chris Lautz, president and vice president of the venerable Tennessee Smoke Free Association. Hear how the group stopped a recent RJ Reynolds-pushed bill that would have destroyed vaping in the Volunteer State.
Also, we take a deep dive into the shop-level impact of the FDA’s PMTA process and marketing denial orders. Plus, hear their reactions to an interview Dr. Brian King the new Director of FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products, gave to the American Vapor Manufacturers association last month.
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Released: April 1, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Banned | Canadian Vape Advocates Denied Entry to Conferences
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
Last month tobacco control activists and public health professionals from across the country met for the National Conference on Tobacco and Vaping.
The conference is the premiere event for tobacco control in Canada. But all are not welcome at this event.
According to an Ontario Public Health Association rep, “the conference does not allow those with ties to tobacco or vaping industries to attend.”
One vaping advocate barred from the event is joining us today, Dr. John Oyston, a retired anesthesiologist and former associate professor at the University of Toronto.
Hear his thoughts on why conference organizers should pay more attention to their conflicts with big pharma than worrying about attendees who work on behalf of tobacco harm reduction.
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Released: March 28, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
Part of our “Last Stand” Canada Coverage.
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CATCHING UP WITH REGULATOR WATCH: Crime Scene | Quebec Moves to Ban Flavours
From Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
On Thursday, the government of Quebec unleashed Armageddon on the 250,000 nicotine vapers in the province by confirming reports that it is reviewing draft legislation to ban flavours.
Indeed, a Quebec flavour ban is not only likely but expected!
Joining us today to discuss the impact of Quebec’s War on Vaping and what the industry is doing to fight back is Darryl Tempest, executive director at the Canadian Vaping Association.
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Released: March 4, 2023
Produced by Brent Stafford
Part of our “Last Stand” coverage
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Where’s the DP Show? Is it cancelled? Are you guys still doing it? Is Dimitris Agrafiotis transitioning to a female?
No to all, but I’d date him for sure.
Dimitris has been extremely busy with several projects and today I’m prepping for the Hall Of Vape Germany followed by the Vapor Expo UK in Birmingham followed by VapExpo Italy for Innokin!
We will be doing several lives from the shows, and recording the events and shenanigans to be shown on the next DP Shows which we hope will return to their regular schedule in June.
We miss you guys and hope you miss us just as much!
So in the meantime have a shot (Watermelon Peach, the #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line) and we’ll see you soon!