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“Alaska stacks up 700 tobacco-related deaths and meets a $575 million health care cost bill every year. The bright sparks in the Anchorage Assembly have decided that the best thing they can do to combat the physical and financial toll smoking takes is to attack vaping. Anchorage city officials have decided to treat the best form of tobacco harm reduction as being exactly the same as tobacco. Vaping products will now be placed under the tobacco tax regime which means eliquids and devices will now carry a ridiculous levy of 55% on the wholesale price. Yet again, mirroring the action taken in California, the approach isn’t being conducted in an even-handed manner. While all vape products will now carry the tobacco tax rate, all vape products used for the consumption of marijuana escape the new legislation. In August, Pesko, Courtemanche, and Maclean from the National Bureau of Economic Research published a paper that concluded vape tax rises lead to vapers stopping vaping with the majority switching back to smoking.”


Anchorage Absurdity

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Consumer Survey! Can You Spare a Few Minutes?


It’s that time of year again! CASAA is pleased to share the annual ECigIntelligence consumer survey with our members.

As you may remember from previous years, CASAA works cooperatively with ECI to develop survey questions that aid us in our advocacy efforts and help take the pulse of the vaping community.

Your participation in this survey will help inform regulators, advocates, and commentators as we all work to build policies that benefit consumers.

Please take 10 – 15 minutes to complete this year’s ECigIntelligence Consumer Survey!

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VAPING NEWS: COLORADO [40% Vape Tax To Pay For School & City Budget Shortfalls]

“The Basalt Town Council, on Tuesday night, showed its support for investing a significant portion of its tobacco tax dollars into Basalt Elementary School and the Aspen Hope Center to further bolster the community’s mental health services. In 2018, Basalt voters overwhelmingly approved a tobacco tax question that went onto levy an additional $2 per pack of cigarettes purchased as well as a 40% tax on all other tobacco products sold in town. However, in accordance with the Colorado Taxpayer Bill of Rights, the town had to briefly stop collecting the revenue generated from the tobacco tax after underestimating how much it would bring in during its first year of collection. Subsequently, in 2019, the town only collected $29,162 in tobacco tax revenue. No longer bound by TABOR’s restrictions, the town has projected that by the end of 2020 it will have collected $480,000 in tobacco tax.”


Basalt’s tobacco tax dollars going toward local mental health services

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VAPING NEWS: FRANCE [Study Finds E-cigs Are Not A Gateway To Tobacco]

“A study led by Stéphane Legleye from the Faculté de Médecine at the Université Paris‐Sud has not been able to find evidence of a teen gateway from vaping into smoking. She worked alongside Henri‐Jean Aubin, Bruno Falissard, François Beck, and Stanislas Spilka and found that vaping worked to keep kids away from smoking initiation. They looked at data from 24111 French adolescents aged 17-18.5 years. All these individuals self-reported previously experimenting with either e‐cigarettes or tobacco. The study mirrors findings from France in 2019, where the authors concluded: “Our results found no evidence of an increased risk of transitioning to daily smoking at 17 among ever-smokers who also experimented with e-cigarettes.”


French Study Can’t Find A Gateway

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“Quebec intends to ban the sale of flavoured vaping cartridges and limit their nicotine content after a public health report warned of a major increase in youth vaping in the province. Dubé said the health ministry intends to limit nicotine concentration to 20 mg/mL. One cigarette, for comparison, contains about 8 mg of nicotine.”

BILL TARLING — Quebec continues to just accept the bogus or debunked fraudulent anti-vaping studies, and refuses to acknowledge true harm reduction scientific studies. They also continue to conflate e-liquid product vaping with other alternative market versions, as well as with smoking in order to duped the public into supporting their anti-vaping agenda.


Quebec to ban vaping flavours and restrict nicotine content

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Posted in Recent News The Smoker's Show


The Smoker’s Show! – Do You Know Nicotine? + Innokin EQ-FLTR Highlight – S03E03

In this episode we talk about Dimitris’ travels to Greece and the state of affairs there, discuss the documentary, “You Don’t Know Nicotine” and take a look at the Innokin EQ-FLTR.

Bring a friend!
Convert a smoker!
Save a life!


As always we answer your questions.

The Links:

You Don’t Know Nicotine
The EQ-FLTR @ Innokin
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)


The Smoker’s Show is a vape show not for vapers, but for smokers.

A show to get information about vaping, to debunk vaping myths, to discuss vaping terminology & technology, and to look, review, & provide starter kits for the transitioning smoker.

We urge all vapers to invite those they know who still smoke to watch the show!


Thank you all for your support and let’s convert more smokers together!



The updated Smoker’s Show PowerPoint with all the new slides presented during this show can be found HERE!

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s and Dimitris Agrafiotis’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

See everything Smoker’s Show Related HERE!

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VAPING NEWS: SAN DIEGO [Flavor Ban Enforcement]

After several revisions and two months of debate, the San Diego County Board of Supervisors Tuesday approved a tobacco retail license ordinance intended to reduce usage by minors and hold retailers more accountable. The measure allows the county to enforce minimum age laws and a previously adopted ban on flavored tobacco products; and prohibits the sale of tobacco products at pharmacies. The vote was 4-1 in favor of the ordinance, with outgoing Supervisor Kristin Gaspar opposed. The ordinance — which will take effect on July 1 and applies only to unincorporated areas within the county — does not affect hookah tobacco use. Unlike previous meetings, there was little discussion among the supervisors before the final vote.”


Supes OK Ordinance Intended To Further Curb Youth Tobacco Use

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“In a compromise solution, the borough council has introduced an ordinance that bans smoking in the Division Street pedestrian plaza only during public events. Last month the council tabled an ordinance that would have prohibited smoking entirely in the plaza, which has become a centerpiece for the county seat’s downtown area. The new ordinance would only place a temporary ban on smoking during events sponsored either by the borough or the Downtown Somerville Alliance. In 2018, New Jersey adopted a law prohibiting smoking or vaping on any boardwalk in the state, with fines up to $250 and $1,000 on the third offense. Towns, however, can designate areas along the boardwalk where smoking will be permitted.”


Somerville considers partial smoking ban on Division Street

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VAPING NEWS: SAN FRANCISCO [Proposed Apartment Ban Sent Back For Refining]

“In a second vote, San Francisco supervisors Tuesday made the unusual move to send back proposed legislation that would ban tobacco smoking multi-unit housing buildings. Last week, supervisors voted 10-1 in the first reading of the legislation, with Supervisor Dean Preston in dissent. In the second vote, supervisors voted 6-5 in favor of sending the proposal back to the board’s committee so the legislation can be refined and the public can weigh in. Supervisors Catherine Stefani, Ahsha Safai, Sandra Lee Fewer, Rafael Mandelman and board President Norman Yee voted in dissent. Supervisor Aaron Peskin said he is looking to fix, not scrap, the legislation in committee.”

NOTE: Using E-liquid Vaping Products [EVP] is included in the proposed ban


San Francisco supervisors send smoking ban proposal back to committee

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