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VAPING NEWS: COLORADO [Counties Excited To Spend Smokers & Vapers Tax Cash Cow Revenue]

“After rolling out their respective tobacco taxes in 2020, Pitkin County and Glenwood Springs have enjoyed a healthy amount of sales tax revenue off the purchase of tobacco and nicotine products locally. In Glenwood Springs, its voter-approved tobacco tax generated too much money, city officials have estimated. Although still finalizing 2020’s tobacco tax revenue, Boyd believed Glenwood Springs tax brought in $928,000 last year. Glenwood Springs’ tobacco tax levies $4 on each pack of cigarettes and a 40% tax on all other tobacco and nicotine products sold in the city. Because Glenwood Springs’ ballot question said the tax would collect up to $900,000 in 2020, in accordance with the Taxpayer Bill of Rights, or TABOR, the city must rebate the excess $28,000. According to City Attorney Karl Hanlon, city council members will ultimately decide how to rebate the $28,000 back into the community.”

BILL TARLING — Notice how they say they will think of a way to rebate $28,000 back to the community, and not back to the people they overcharged or the vapers they’re pushing back to smoking.

ARTICLE LINK:   Tobacco tax provides big bucks to county, city coffers

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VAPING NEWS: USPS [Vape Mail Ban Public Input]

“Stakeholders will have 30 days to comment on the proposed U.S. Postal Service rules for mailing electronic nicotine-delivery systems (ENDS). The USPS posted the rules on Wednesday and they were published in the Federal Register today. Comments must be submitted by March 22. The rules are expected to take effect March 27. “The Postal Service proposes to revise Publication 52, Hazardous, Restricted, and Perishable Mail, to incorporate new statutory restrictions on the mailing of electronic nicotine delivery systems,” the listing reads. “Such items would be subject to the same prohibition as cigarettes and smokeless tobacco, subject to many of the same exceptions.””

ARTICLE LINK:   U.S. Postal Service Invites Input on ENDS Restrictions

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VAPING NEWS: FDA [Slow Processing PMTA Submissions]

“Through the first four months after the premarket tobacco applications (PMTA) deadline, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) processed submissions from more than 230 companies. According to a post from Mitch Zeller, director of the FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products (CTP), as of mid-January, the agency completed the processing step of applications for more than 4.8 million products from those companies. After a company submits the application, the FDA begins processing the PMTA to properly receive and prepare it for review. The steps, as Zeller outlined, include physical or electronic intake of the submission and determining the type and number of applications contained in the submission. “One firm submitted information on more than 4 million tobacco products within a single submission. The amount of content in each submission also greatly varied, with some applications including up to 2,000,000 files where each file contains multiple pages of content for FDA to review,” he added. The agency continues to move through the processing steps of the PMTA submissions, and once complete, will release a list of products submitted under all three pathways for FDA approval: PMTA, Substantial Equivalence (SE) and Substantial Equivalence Requests (EX REQ).”

BILL TARLINGThe FDA said that they have processed more than 4.8 Million PMTA submissions since September 2020 [i.e. over 5 months processing so far] just do do intake recording of the submissions — they haven’t even reached the Reviewing Stage], and they admit 1 company alone submitted for over 4 million products, and some applications have over 2 million files submitted. Rather turtle paced considering the FDA and Zeller originally said the PMTA would only affect a couple of hundred companies and products. So far the only products being approved are for tobacco company products.

ARTICLE LINK:   FDA Processes Premarket Tobacco Applications for 4.8M Tobacco Products

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“Big Tobacco is winning big. And no, that’s not just because the giants are selling more cigarettes and rolling tobacco. They’re also making serious gains in the vaping market. A quick look at the winning brands says it all. Vype (BAT), Logic (JTI) and Altria-backed Juul have all enjoyed substantial growth. Juul was a particular winner, adding an extra £16.9m in sales [Nielsen 52 w/e 9 January 2021]. Meanwhile, Vype is up 59% or £16.5m and remains the market leader, while Logic has grown 34% or £9.2m. During lockdowns, there has been a major channel shift away from specialist stores, which have been forced to close. These outlets now account for just 20% to in-store spend, says Kantar, down from 41% the previous year. “As they fell into the category of ‘non-essential’ shops, adult vapers have had to look elsewhere to stock up on e-liquids and devices, turning to trusted local [convenience] shops and supermarkets,” says Lyle Mitchley, reduced risk products and brand portfolio manager of JTI UK.”

ARTICLE LINK:   Big wins for Big Tobacco: vaping category report 2021

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“A proposal to ban the sale of all flavored tobacco products in Minnesota has resurfaced in the Legislature. House Bill 904, which cleared a House committee Wednesday, comes with renewed backing of those wanting to address health disparities across the state. The measure would prohibit retailers from selling flavored tobacco and related products, including menthol cigarettes. Supporters also said the move would address the dangers of vaping”

ARTICLE LINK:   MN House Panel Advances Flavored Tobacco Ban

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VAPING NEWS: USPS [Vape Mail Restrictions]

“The United States Postal Service (USPS) is scheduled to publish in the Federal Register its rules for mailing electronic nicotine-delivery system (ENDS) products today. The unpublished rule states that the prohibition on mailing ENDS will apply immediately “on and after” the date of the final rule. However, the Preventing Online Sales of E-Cigarettes to Children Act, which placed ENDS under the PACT Act, was enacted on Dec. 27, 2020, and becomes effective 90 days after enactment (March 27, 2021). Under the USPO rule, the agency will mail vapor products under narrowly defined circumstances”

ARTICLE LINK:   U.S. Post Office to Publish ENDS Mailing Rules Today

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Thank you E-Cig Source in DeLand FL!!

Now carrying the Unsalted Line in-house! Get over there and try some of the delicious Watermelon Peach, the #1 Best Selling flavor in the Unsalted Line! (and the other flavors too) 🙂

E-Cig Source
955 S. Woodland Blvd, Suite A3
DeLand, FL 32720

E-Cig Source Facebook
E-Cig Source Website

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“West Hollywood is banning the sale of flavored tobacco products as well as the use of tobacco coupons and discounts. The city council voted 5-0 Tuesday night to approve the ban. The city is now the fourth jurisdiction in California with a tobacco coupon ban, including Santa Barbara and Alameda counties and the city of Oakland. The ban on tobacco coupons starts March 16, while the ban on sales of flavored tobacco products starts Sept. 16.”

ARTICLE LINK:   West Hollywood to ban sale of flavored tobacco products

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A PBusardo Golf Cart Review! – 4 From Rocky Top Vapor!

Let’s take a look at 4 flavors from Rocky Top Vapor’s House line!

Are you a US based e-liquid manufacture of know of one that offers 12mg freebase? Get a hold of me for a review!

The Links:

Rocky Top Vapor

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

Thank you to and please support the Premiere Taste Your Juice Sponsor…

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In this Episode we discuss how not to drive a motorcycle, unbox and talk more about the Innokin Sensis, talk about the vape shipping ban and what it means and have an exciting coiling competition (suggestion… bet on Phil 🙂 🙂 🙂 )

Big Willie’s
Dash Vapes
Five Pawns
Lunar Rover


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