Category: Recent News
VAPING NEWS: CALIFORNIA [Voters To Decide Flavor Prohibition]
“Thanks to a mammoth effort of signature gathering undertaken last year amidst the height of the COVID-19 pandemic, California voters will have the final say on whether or not the state embarks on a new era of prohibition. Last year, state lawmakers passed a bill banning flavored tobacco products. But after getting enough signatures to qualify for the statewide 2022 ballot, the decision over banning flavored tobacco products will be left to California voters. In the 2022 election, Californians will decide whether to ban the sale of nearly all flavored tobacco products, including menthol cigarettes, flavored e-cigarettes, and smokeless tobacco. Lawmakers exempted pricey cigars, hookah, and pipe tobacco products from the ban.”
ARTICLE LINK: California’s voters can save the state from ban-happy lawmakers
VAPING NEWS: EKECRF [Research Roundup]
“The UK E-Cigarette Research Forum (UKECRF) is an initiative developed by Cancer Research UK in partnership with Public Health England (PHE) and the UK Centre for Tobacco and Alcohol Studies (UKCTAS). Among other things, it brings together genuine experts to look at research related to vaping and tobacco harm reduction. The UKECRF [link] provides monthly updates aiming giving an overview of new vape. They are aimed at researchers, policy makers, health professionals and anyone else with an interest in tobacco harm reduction. The authors point out that the studies they present are but a snapshot of all the papers published over the last month.”
VAPING NEWS: U.S. FTC [Vape Sales & Marketing Data Ordered]
“The U.S. Federal Trade Commission said on Monday it has ordered five e-cigarette companies including JUUL Labs and NJOY to turn over sales and advertising data. The regulatory agency said it sent orders to JUUL Labs, Inc; R.J. Reynolds Vapor Company; Fontem US, LLC; Logic Technology Development LLC; and NJOY, LLC seeking information from 2019 and 2020 including annual data on sales and giveaways of e-cigarettes and characteristics of their e-cigarette products such as flavors.”
ARTICLE LINK: U.S. FTC tells e-cigarette firms JUUL, NJOY, others to submit sales, ad data
VAPING NEWS: MITT ROMNEY [Calling For Flavor Ban]
“Utah Senator Mitt Romney has called for flavored vaping products to be pulled from shelves across the United States. Romney introduced legislation in September 2019 that would have banned the sale of all flavored vapor products except tobacco flavors, but it was never taken up for a vote. “The analysis shows that nearly one-fourth of high school kids are vaping on a regular basis—tobacco products—and in many cases marijuana as well,” Romney said”
ARTICLE LINK: Mitt Romney Wants Flavor Ban
VAPING NEWS: P.E.I., CANDA [Flavoured Vape Products Banned]
“Flavoured vape and e-cigarette products are now banned on Prince Edward Island. The regulation changes are part of a private members bill from PC MLA Cory Deagle, which received unanimous support from the legislature in 2019. “The only flavour you’ll be able to use would be tobacco flavoured so all those other flavours will be gone,” Deagle said. P.E.I. has already made two other changes to the Tobacco and Electronic Smoking Devices Sales and Access Act as part of Deagle’s bill.”
ARTICLE LINK: Flavoured vape, e-cigarette products now banned on P.E.I.
“The WHO [World Health Organisation] is recommending governments introduce laws to make vaping illegal. A report published by WHO’s tobacco regulatory committee specifically targets open-vaping which allows “the user to control device features and liquid ingredients”. The argument put forward by WHO is that people are able to add dangerous substances to these vapes in making them more harmful. Governments worldwide have reportedly been issued with the recommendation which will be discussed later this year at a conference in Glasgow.”
Form of vaping ‘may be banned for millions of Brits as part of new WHO plan’
VAPING NEWS: NEW BRUNSWICK, CANADA [Nic & Flavour Restrictions]
“The New Brunswick Medical Society is getting behind Health Canada in its efforts to reduce the amount of nicotine e-cigarette manufacturers are allowed to include in their products. In the survey, 41 per cent of New Brunswick students in grades 7 to12 admitted to having tried vaping at least once in 2018 or 2019. Meanwhile, 27 per cent reported using e-cigarettes in the past 30 days. Health Canada is also considering to further restrict flavours in vaping products, and require the vaping industry to provide information about their vaping products, including sales, ingredients, and research and development activities. Health Canada says the regulation would align the country with the European Union”
ARTICLE LINK: Medical society joins call for stricter rules on vape products
“Tobacco [and vaping] legislation and regulation is constantly under review at the local, state and federal levels. In this monthly roundup, Convenience Store News highlights the latest proposals and approved changes happening across the United States.”
ARTICLE LINK: February 2021 Legislative & Regulatory Roundup
FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Art of War | Standing Up to Nic Caps & Flavour Bans
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
In “The Art of War,” the great military strategist and general Sun Tzu says, “Every battle is won before it is ever fought.”
Meaning In order to set the stage for victory, you need to manage both your resources and your forces wisely. Now that’s good advice, but what does one do if resources are scarce to begin with and your forces are disparate and hard to unite?
Joining us today to discuss this pressing question is Darryl Tempest, executive director of the Canadian Vaping Association.
Will the Canadian vaping industry survive the coming onslaught?
Find out! Only on RegWatch by
Released: February 25, 2021
Produced by Brent Stafford
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A PBusardo Review – The Uwell Whirl S AIO – A good one for the smoker!
In this video we’re going to take a look at the Uwell Whirl S AIO. A good little stick device for the smoker or any vaper!
We also find out who won the last contest and kick off a new one to win your own Whirl S!
The Links:
Element Vape
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
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