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“The All Party Parliamentary Group on Vaping has published its report on the WHO’s secretive tobacco conferences, the latest of which is due to be held in the Netherlands in November. Known as COP meetings (conference of the parties), they have become a hotbed of anti-vaping agitation in recent years. The WHO encourages member states to impose the strongest regulation on e-cigarettes, preferably including prohibition. They made the wrong call early on and has been doubling down ever since… Two leaked papers from WHO’s Eastern Mediterranean Regional Office (EMRO) suggest that the WHO is exploring whether to advocate that reduced risk products are treated in the same manner as cigarettes or to ban them outright. The WHO continues to undermine a policy which has been proven to help people stop smoking.”

ARTICLE LINK:   The APPG on Vaping’s report about the World Health Organisation

“In a report released March 31, the All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) on Vaping calls upon the U.K. government to make the most of Brexit by challenging the World Health Organization’s (WHO) opposition to vaping at the upcoming Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Conference of Parties (COP).”

ARTICLE LINK:   Call for Britain to Make Its Mark in Fight to End Smoking

“The All-Party Parliamentary Group (APPG) for Vaping has been holding an evidence gathering inquiry in advance of the next World Health Organization (WHO) Framework Convention for Tobacco Control (FCTC) Conference of Parties (COP9). As well as hearing from experts, organisations have been uploading evidenced documents to the APPG’s website.”

ARTICLE LINK:   APPG for Vaping’s COP Inquiry Submissions

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VAPING NEWS: ALABAMA [Vape 21 Plus More]

“The Alabama House on Tuesday passed a bill that would ban the sales of e-cigarettes and vaping products to people under 21, the Alabama House Democratic Caucus said Wednesday. Along with prohibiting the sales of e-cigarettes and vaping products to people under 21, the bill would also create a database to track retails to monitor that they are following the law and regulate advertising to make sure minors are not being targeted if passed by the Alabama Senate and signed by Gov. Kay Ivey. There could be additional legislation regulating tobacco use, including classifying vaping devices and alternative nicotine products as tobacco products and penalties for businesses that sell such products to youth instead of criminalizing the minors.”

BILL TARLING — Rep. Barbara Drummond is putting fraudulently forward legislation based on her fabricated and unsubstantiated claims when she says “The simple truth is that these products are dangerous, highly addictive, and they are killing our young people.”. E-liquid vape products have not resulted in any deaths whatsoever when used properly, unmodified, and as intended.

ARTICLE LINK:   Alabama House passes bill banning sales of e-cigarettes, vapes to people under 21

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VAPING NEWS: EU [Cancer Plan Vape Tax At Cigarette Rate, Public Ban, Flavor Ban]

“The European Parliamentary Research Service (EPRS), a think tank, has produced a quick overview covering the initial reactions to the European Commission’s Beating Cancer plan. Initial feedback from nicotine consumer organisations was far from positive as the plan looked to tax vape products like cigarettes, to extend bans on vaping in public areas, and to ban flavours. Initially, The European Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (ETHRA) called the plan “perverse”, the World Vapers’ Alliance (WVA) said “the European Commission is allowing ideology to get in the way of science”, and The Independent European Vape Alliance (IEVA) said it needed “to consider all means available to reduce the burden of cancer related risk”. The Consumer Choice Centre, “a global consumer advocacy group, declares itself to be ‘deeply concerned’ by the Commission’s decision to equate conventional smoking with vaping and introduce restrictions that ‘don’t stand up to scrutiny and disregard consumer choice’. The statement notes that, ‘despite consistent calls from activist groups, including the CCC, and scientific evidence at hand, the Commission has chosen to pursue the path of paternalism as opposed to innovation and freedom’.””

ARTICLE LINK:   Think Tank Considers Cancer Plan Feedback

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VAPING NEWS: SAN DIEGO [RJ Reynolds Can’t Stop Flavor Ban]

“A California judge on Monday thwarted R.J. Reynolds’ challenge to a local law banning the sale of flavored tobacco in San Diego, finding federal regulations don’t bar the policy that was enacted out of concerns about youth smoking. U.S. District Judge Janis L. Sammartino said the San Diego County law isn’t preempted by the Family Smoking Prevention and Tobacco Control Act, which authorizes the U.S. Food and Drug Administration to regulate tobacco products. While the federal law preempts state and local laws on tobacco standards, it does not block states or local governments from passing laws.”

ARTICLE LINK:   RJ Reynolds Loses Bid To Strike San Diego Flavor Ban

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Tonight we go retro with one of the legends in vaping industry Mike Morgan AKA Zen! Don’t miss it!

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Long March | Unpacking U.S. Vape Mail Ban | RegWatch

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

The law banning the shipment of nicotine vaping products via the U.S. postal service is set to go into effect at the end of next month, leaving many consumers with limited options to secure the products they rely on to quit smoking.

Joining us today on RegWatch to talk about the impact and politics behind the U.S. vape mail ban, and the overall outlook for vaping, in general, is Michelle Minton, senior fellow at the

Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C.

Only on RegWatch by

Released: March 26, 2021
Produced by Brent Stafford

This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE

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LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – No Shame | Bloomberg’s War on Vaping Pt. 1

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

In a world filled with grand conspiracy theories, it can be difficult to nail down a proper villain. After all, there’s no shortage of bad actors. But when it comes to the war on vaping there’s really only one, the billionaire Michael Bloomberg.

In this special series of RegWatch, we explore how Bloomberg uses his power and money to backstop a tangled web of philanthropic organizations who cajole, strong-arm or buy-off governments of low and middle-income countries so that they would implement harsh restrictions, taxes, and even bans on low-risk nicotine products, such as vaping.

Is Bloomberg doing more harm than good?

Find out. Only on RegWatch by

Released: March 28, 2021
Produced by Brent Stafford

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“Following the government banning the carriage of vape products by the US Postal Service (USPS), a number of courier companies announced they would be joining the ban on shipping devices and e-liquids too. A number of British vapers announced they were experiencing problems shipping products in and out of the UK with a well-known company. A number of vapers have been complaining over the last weekend of packages being opened, returned, or refused to be accepted for shipping by DHL. DHL says: “Please note that the prohibited items listed below apply to parcels being sent from and within the United Kingdom. For international carriage there may be additional prohibited items specified by the country of destination.” We sought clarification from DHL and asked them if vape products are now banned for shipments within the UK and what the justification was for this. DHL refused to provide an official statement, but someone who wished to remain non-attributable confirmed that the ban applies to all UK consumers trying to send vape related products on an ad-hoc basis. At this moment in time, it appears business account holders will remain unaffected.”

ARTICLE LINK:   UK’s Vapemail Ban

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VAPING NEWS: ALBANY COUNTY, NEW YORK [Multi-Unit & Apartment Vape Ban]

“To protect the public health and welfare of its residents, the Albany County Legislature has proposed prohibiting smoking and vaping in indoor common areas of apartments and other multi-unit housing. As the director of respiratory services for St. Peter’s Health Partners, I see first-hand, every day, the health impact smoking and vaping has on individuals’ health. Secondhand smoke is a common trigger for asthma, irritating airways and making it difficult or even impossible to breathe.”

BILL TARLING — The letter/article is by Brandi Ewing, Director, Respiratory Services, St. Peter’s Health Partners — whose expertise is extremely questionable considering their absolute lack of understanding that e-liquid vape products do not produce smoke.

ARTICLE LINK:   Smoking should be prohibited in common areas of multi-unit dwellings

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VAPING NEWS: ALTRIA / JUUL [Request To Dismiss RICO Claims]

“Altria Group Inc. on Friday urged a California federal judge to cut racketeering claims from multidistrict litigation alleging the tobacco giant fueled the youth epidemic by pushing e-cigarette maker Juul Labs Inc., of which Altria holds a large stake, to market tobacco products to teens. U.S. District Judge William H. Orrick issued a tentative ruling prior to Friday’s hearing stating that he was inclined to deny all of Altria’s motions to dismiss, except for state claims where there are no class representatives: Delaware, District of Columbia, Idaho and North Dakota.”

ARTICLE LINK:   Altria Urges Judge To Nix RICO Claims In Juul Vaping MDL

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