Category: Recent News
“County commissioners took little time Tuesday to extinguish tobacco and electronic-cigarette purchases for anyone younger than 21. Without comment, the commission unanimously raised the legal age to buy tobacco and e-cigarettes from 18 to 21. Federal law already sets 21 as the age to buy tobacco products, but there is little local enforcement. The federal law leaves regulation of merchandising or use of e-cigarettes to the states, staff said. There was no discussion Tuesday of how the county would enforce its new age restriction.”
ARTICLE LINK: Legal age to buy tobacco, e-cigarettes in Indian River County raised from 18 to 21
“The province is introducing a 20 per cent tax on the retail price of all vaping liquids, devices and products starting Sept. 1. It hopes to dissuade young people and non-smokers from taking up the habit. It says the tax brings such products in line with existing levies on tobacco products.”
ARTICLE LINK: Saskatchewan budget: Drivers and power customers win; vapers lose
VAPING NEWS: SOUTH CAROLINA [Blocking Vape Ban Regulations]
“The South Carolina House Judiciary Committee passed a bill Tuesday that would block city or county governments from regulating the sale of tobacco products, including vapes or electronic cigarettes. The bill would ban local governments from regulating cigarette, vape or e-cigarette flavors and ingredients. It would also block them from requiring local licenses to sell tobacco products. The bill, which has been criticized by public health groups for preempting local rule, will now head to the House floor.”
ARTICLE LINK: Despite criticism, SC could block local bans on vape, e-cigarette flavors
“America’s tobacco controllers have long demonstrated their separation from the things they say they care about and the things they actually do. Nothing highlights this more than claims they care about the health of teens – but they continually market a risky lifestyle directly at them. The Food and Drug Administration’s “The Real Cost” initiative has teamed up with Marvel to produce a comic.”
ARTICLE LINK: Marvel At The FDA’s Idiocy
“FCB New York and FDA’s Center for Tobacco Products are taking a unique approach to get teenagers’ attention around the perils of vaping. They’ve collaborated with Marvel Comics to create ‘The Mind Control Menace,’ a 16-page comic book in which the supervillain is addiction, to connect with teens through a popular passion point.”
ARTICLE LINK: Addiction is the Supervillain in Marvel’s Vaping Prevention Comic from FCB
LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Scrutinized | Bloomberg’s War on Vaping Pt. 3
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
“Show yourself and your conflicts” is the call from Dr. Roberto Sussman, an advocate for consumers of non-combustible nicotine products in Mexico and Latin America, to the billionaire philanthropist, and anti-vaping crusader, Michael Bloomberg.
To an extraordinary extent, Bloomberg through a complex network of non-profit organizations he funds influences public health policymaking at multiple levels of government in many nations across the globe.
Dr. Sussman says it’s time to unmask the motivations behind Bloomberg’s abstinence-only, prohibitionist stance on low-risk nicotine products and expose his paternalistic, anti-democratic treatment of low and middle-income countries.Only on RegWatch by
Released: April 3, 2021
Produced by Brent StaffordThis episode is supported by FLAVOUR CRAFTERS
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Innokin Partners With One Tree Planted: One Day, One Tree
Innokin is celebrating 10 years of innovation by planting trees in the Amazon rainforest in hopes of encouraging others to help the environment.
Solimoes river, tributary of the Amazon river.
Local volunteers in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.
Innokin has partnered with One Tree Planted, an environmental charity on a mission to make it simple for anyone to help the environment by planting trees.
Innokin will be planting 3650 trees in the Amazon rainforest to celebrate its tenth anniversary. One tree for every day Innokin has been a vaping company. We want to encourage people worldwide to take part in this initiative, together we can make this world better for future generations.
For more information, go to
LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Call It Colonialism | Bloomberg’s War on Vaping Pt. 2
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
Billionaire philanthropist Michael Bloomberg is well-known in America for incessant moralizing over the products he believes government should ban people from consuming, in the name of good public health.
But few know the magnitude of Bloomberg’s impact in developing countries around the world.
Over the past decade, Bloomberg-funded organizations have made concerted efforts to eradicate low-risk nicotine products, such as vaping, in low and middle-income countries. They push narrow public health policies that disenfranchise and marginalize local populations.In part-2 of this RegWatch special series we are joined by Michelle Minton, a senior fellow at the Competitive Enterprise Institute in Washington, D.C. Hear why she thinks Bloomberg’s one size fits all policy is “insidious” and a throwback to the “colonialist origins of public health.”
Only on RegWatch by
Released: March 31, 2021
Produced by Brent StaffordThis episode is supported by FLAVOUR CRAFTERS
Make RegWatch happen, go to:
From William
Hello Mr. Phil,
Say my friend hope you don’t mind me writing and saying a few things. First off thank you for the couragement you give to help folks get off of cigarettes. I’ve been 30+ years smoker and when I got into vaper products several years back. Your one of the first reviewers I came across. And I’ll be the first to admit. You absolutely do an outstanding job of giving the information that folks need to hear and understand. You Sir are in my book number 1 top reviewer. You give the facts of a product as you see them. And as me as a consumer I appreciate that. It’s not something your trying to sell. As I see so many others trying to do. I try to watch your videos when ever I can which is hard since I’m a OTR driver. But I truly believe you’d be an interesting fellow to sit down with and have a cup of coffee with and sit and listen to what you had to say. I truly believe one could learn a lot of information from you. Mr. Phil don’t ever stop of what your doing. Cause trust me. A lot of folks appreciate what your doing. I know I’m one. I get a kick out of you always talking about your Watermelon peach. Wish I knew where to buy some. I’d sure like to try it. Not a big fan on fruit vapes. But I’ll give yours a shot. Anyways my friend. Thanks once again of everything you do. Fighting to change others minds for a better alternatives from cigarettes. Take care my friend. Later William
“Cadena de Ondas Populares Españolas, otherwise known as COPE, associated with the number one newspaper in Madrid, is carrying a story about vaping. In it, a professor of chemistry says that driving down any street in Madrid exposes a person to more toxins than vaping an e-cigarette. “We have conducted some experiments here in Madrid, analysing the gases on a normal street, because of traffic, and compared to e-cigarettes and I can tell them that for many chemists if you walk down any street you are exposed to more toxic than if you inhale an e-cigarette. That’s for sure,” he told COPE.”
ARTICLE LINK: Ecigs Have Fewer Toxins Than A Spanish Street
“Senate Republicans won’t include an increase in the state’s cigarette tax in their budget proposal. The House Republican budget included a 50 cent hike. But Senate President Pro Tem Rodric Bray (R-Martinsville) said his caucus isn’t prepared to do even that. “Obviously it’s a very regressive tax and so we want to be cognizant of that,” Bray said. Bray said the Senate GOP budget (which will be unveiled next week) will likely impose a new tax on e-cigarettes, which he said brings them into parity with traditional cigarettes.”
ARTICLE LINK: Senate Republicans Won’t Include Cigarette Tax Hike In Budget