Category: Recent News
What happened?
There were some issues with the performance of the power head on the device. Gary from Vaporheads actually stopped me from doing the review after he did some personal testing and sent all the heads back to the manufacturer. Sounds like the sign of a good vendor to me. He sent the replacement head to me and the review is back in the queue!
I’m getting some questions about the glass tank I received from Kent (THANK YOU!!) at the White Rose event.
They are made by Dan Garduno. I asked him a bunch of questions about his tanks and I’ll have a review for you as soon as I can get to it. In the meantime, if you’re looking for one, here are his links:
So I go to Home Depot looking for a fertilizer with really good crab grass control, but I’ve got the White Rose Vape Meet & video on my mind. So I ask the clerk for something that has “really good CRAB JUICE control”. He looks at me a little funny and says “Crab Juice?” I’m hysterical in my mind thinking, “NOTHING can control CRAB JUICE” BlueMist Vaping is in my head!! 🙂
The White Rose Vaper’s Club 1st Anniversary Meet
A PBusardo Video – The White Rose Vaper’s Club 1st Anniversary Meet
Video Links:
White Rose Vapor’s Group Facebook Page
We Are Vapers Website
Siam Mods Tanks from Clouds Of Vapor
A PBusardo Review – Siam Mods Tanks from Clouds Of Vapor
Vendor Links:
Clouds Of Vapor
Siam Mods Juice List
Regarding the “slidyness” of these tanks:
From Dino (thanks man!):
Phil. For your information, I experienced the same problem with those tanks as you did. I have a fix for you if you are interested. My wife liked them on her mod so i had to come up with a solution. If you replace the inner orings with a Metric Buna-N O-Ring 1.5 mm Width x 9 mm ID. It will fix the problem.
Here is the McMaster Carr Part number……..9262K126
From Siam Mods:
Hi i’m the maker of Siam mods stuff.
If you like tight tanks then i guess the review is fair. The first batch were tight and maybe too tight when using the ”original” tank filler design. Guess you’ll never keep everyone happy. Using a decent drip tip the tank ain’t going anywhere. There’s a variation in DCC and cart diameters and these the larger diameter boges.
I’ll get the thicker o rings out to vendors to give with each tank for the option if they prefer tight or loose and can change to suit
By the way, this is terrific! Yes, everyone would have a different preference as to how they like they’re cartos to fit and their tanks to behave. I personally like a tighter fit for less of a chance of a juice disaster. And I also agree with “Guess you’ll never keep everyone happy”, believe me… I know! 🙂
Thanks for watching, addressing what may be an issue for some, AND providing a solution. The sign of a good vendor/manufacturer!!
Smoktech Shorty & EGO Tanks from Kalamazoo Vapor Shop
A PBusardo Look – Smoktech Shorty & EGO Tanks from Kalamazoo
Vendor Links:
Kalamazoo Vapor Shop – Smoktech Short Tanks
Kalamazoo Vapor Shop – EGO Tanks
DKS E-Liquid Winner!! & White Rose!
A PBusardo Video – DKS E-Liquid Winner & White Rose!
Congrats to the winner of the contest! Heading out to the White Rose 1st Anniversary Meet early tomorrow morning. Looking forward to meeting everyone!
April 14th, Cobblestone’s Banquet Room, 205 S George St, York, PA 17401, from 4pm until 9pm. At 9pm the room opens to the public (private for the vape meet until then) and a DJ starts playing music. Walk up the staircase, located inside, on the left side.
RAWR Peach Serum
So I’m now onto my second juice from E-Pipe Mods line of “Pipe Sauce”… the Oak Barrel Cider.
Vendor Link: E-Pipe Mods
Of course there will be a video review once I get through the line, but what I can say right now is… brilliant. This is one of the BEST apple flavors I’ve come across to date. It really does come off like a true apple cider flavor mixed with a terrific tobacco flavor with an ever so slight woodsy or oaky presence.
- Matt’s E-pipe mods are beautiful & brilliant.
- The fuse he’s involved with is brilliant.
- His line of “Pipe Sauce” is brilliant… so far.
I think I just may have a man-crush on him.
I’m looking forward to vaping my way through his entire line and letting you know all about it.