Posted in Just For Fun Recent News


A PBusardo Video – The Many Angles Of Vaping

WARNING – Some mature content.

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THE EFEST 2000 MAH 18650

I received this battery from Crystal Clear Vaping for test. Not going to put a video together on this one, I’m just going to let you know what I came up with.

I’m no battery expert and actually hate recommending batteries. I really don’t have the proper equipment to test them. If I put them in my device and they work… terrific! And the more vape time the better.

I ran through a few charges on this and tested it in the ProVari.

How does it work in a mechanical? What’s the power curve? I honestly don’t know.

But I do know that I had no issue using it in the ProVari.

The AW IMR 2000 mAh battery from the original ProVari review gave me around 18 hours of vape time until shut-down.
The Efest IRM 2000 mAh battery gave me around 19 hours of vape time until shut-down.

Lot’s of room for error on this one, but bottom line, it appeared to be pretty equivalent to if not lasting a little longer than the AW.

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I was recently made aware of this deal from a fellow vaper. Although I know nothing about this company, it looks like a pretty terrific deal so I thought I’d share.

eGo Ce5-Twist 1100 mAh Kit – Ahlusion

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Posted in Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review & Contest – The Z Atty Pro

Vendor Links:
House Of Hybrids

This, my friends, is an epic length video. As a first time Genesis Style atomizer user I wanted to fully understand it and give you my complete experience with it in order to better help folks who are thinking of trying one.

One thing I failed to mention in the video (even at 49 minutes long!!) was vape time. I got around 6 hours on the 4ml fill.

To help those who don’t want to sit through the entire thing:

Preface: 0:00
Genesis Explained: 3:25
Where To Buy – 4:40
How Much And What You Get – 5:30
Packaging – 6:40
How You Get It – 8:00
Size & Weight – 8:40
Build Quality – 10:55
Vape Experience – 14:00
Wicking – 16:00
Vapor – 18:00
Throat Hit – 18:55
Vaping Position – 21:00
Flavor – 23:00
Nicotine Delivery – 24:24
Leaking – 25:20
The Draw – 26:30
My Cigar – 29:30
Cleaning & Removing The Tank – 31:10
Wick Replacement – 33:20
Recoiling – 34:00
Working The Coil – 37:00
Filling – 39:20
Thumbs Up/Down – 41:30
Contest – 45:40


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Remember this post? Never mind! All gone. WOW!!

You can now get a ZAP at ProVape. How long will they last before sold out? Not sure, but I do know it’s a better bet than the Have-A-Heart trap I had to use. 🙂

Vendor Link: ProVape

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What started out as a trip to Juicy Vapor has become the “Buffalo, NY Vape Tour” of 9/29!

GOOD!  I get to try out the new camera!  Hopefully I will remember to remove the lens cap.

Here are the stops and estimated times:

  • Vapor Trail – 2277 South Park Avenue, Buffalo, NY – 11AM-12:30PM
  • House Of Vapor – 1565 Kenmore Avenue, Buffalo NY – 1:00PM-2:30PM
  • Juicy Vapor – 2468 Niagara Falls Boulevard, Tonawanda, NY – 3:00PM-6:30PM

Hope to see you at one of these stops for a vape, chat, and a smile!  It’s only Tuesday and I’m excited already!

Attention vendors!  I’m bringing my friends Drew and Shari with me.  Drew doesn’t vape and he’s very high maintenance.  Please have something available to occupy his time so he leaves me alone (he said he likes Legos).

… and Shari will want to try EVERY E-LIQUID IN YOUR SHOP.

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I’ve already been contacted by the maker of this kit: Konstantinos Goniadis.

He’s working hard to incorporate solutions to some of the issues I had with this kit, in both the instruction’s detail, process, and contents.

THAT’S moving fast!

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So what do you do when you run out of Ecto Plasma? Order more right? WRONG! Not when you live this close to Juicy Vapor! So it’s time for another visit!

We’re headed there on Saturday, 9/29. Should get in around 2PM. Come on over and have a VAPE!

Juicy Vapor
2468 Niagara Falls Boulevard
Tonawanda, New York, 14150
716.52.JUICY (525.8429)

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Well, let me rephrase that a bit. I got bad Vivi Nova heads.

You know, one thing in the vaping world that makes me cranky is inconsistency. I’ve been touting the Vivi Novas for a while now, because I’ve been really loving the way they perform and how easy they are to fill and clean… and now… bad head(s)!

  • Experience 1 – (thick wick 2.8 Ohm) – Flooded very easily and produced very little vapor. VERY dependent on vaping angle.
  • Experience 2 – (thin wick 1.8 Ohm) – Unbelievably bad rubbery flavor when first fired. I vaped through it and in about 10 vapes it was gone, and the head is pretty terrific now, but it was the first time I experienced this from a Vivi head.

So I can now empathize with all of you who wrote me and told me about your “bad head” experiences. They are, indeed, out there folks.

Others write me and tell me they get little to no flavor. That I have yet to experience.  I would agree that it’s not as strong a flavor as from some of my other vaping devices, but I feel it is a cleaner flavor (when it doesn’t taste like rubber 🙂 ) and plenty enough for me especially when you factor in ease of use/clean.


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A PBusardo Review – Niquid Test Kit

Vendor Links:
Niquid Test
Digital Vapes

1) Sorry about the annoying tripod noise in this video. Time to buy something a little better!

2) I strongly recommend (as in the instructions) to run the test at least 3 times and then average the results together. This was not done in this video.


I’ve already been contacted by the maker of this kit: Konstantinos Goniadis.

He’s working hard to incorporate solutions to some of the issues I had with this kit, in both the instruction’s detail, process, and contents.

THAT’S moving fast!


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