Category: Recent News
I was asked to do a little writing for the Ashtray Blog on my thoughts for vaping in 2013. They’ve posted it up along with comments from others you may know in the vaping community. You can see the entire blog here:
Ten Top Vaping Bloggers`s 2013 Electronic Cigarette Predictions
Thanks very much James for allowing me to be a part of that blog!
Here are my (slightly expanded) comments…
What do I think we’ll see in 2013?
As far as the electronic cigarette industry as a whole is concerned, I feel it will continue to grow. It has grown well beyond a fad at this point. That continued growth will, no doubt, come with additional visibility. Hopefully that visibility will remain positive. Hopefully the forces greater than us as individuals will not try to regulate, what many of us would consider a lifesaver, right out of our hands.
But that’s the politics of vaping which I find frustrating and not fun at all. So let’s move to the devices themselves!
Although it’s always hard to speculate the direction any industry will take, I can hope that some of the focus goes towards consistency. I think we already have some terrific devices out there, but most of them are only as good as what you screw onto them. Consistency in THOSE devices is necessary. I’d very much like to see a dry hit, a flooded device, bad taste, or the need to tilt & tip a thing of the past. May they rest in peace right along side my Lipton Tea Bags!
As far as the tech side of vaping, I think we’re already seeing some of it now; the integration of the E-Cig and the PC. The ability to download settings, history, upgrades, etc., to and from your PC and the ability to share that information with others. The PC is just the beginning… I’m quite sure Mac, iPhone and Android apps will quickly follow.
We’ve got Smart Phones, Smart TVs, and Smart Blu-Ray players… the Smart E-Cigs are coming! I wouldn’t be surprised if we start seeing them with integrated mp3 players, cameras, and perhaps even as fully blown Android devices!
True variable voltage and (and perhaps power in the future) is something else we’re already seeing in the Janty MiD “One”; the ability to vary your voltage over the course of the draw. My guess is that we’re going to see more of that.
I also feel we’re going to see a push to return to the automatic switch as the tech improves and more devices attempt to do away with the button (or should I say… “buh-in”).
I’d love to see devices shrink while maintaining the current level of performance of some of the larger devices. This is going to require changes in our power source. Wouldn’t it be great if in the future electric cars used batteries based on advancements generated within the electronic cigarette industry?
Now for some far out predictions and/or pipe dreams:
1) Wicking without a wick… and I’m not talking about dripping!
2) Vaporization without a coil.
3) A true temperature regulated device.
4) China will have native English speakers review their instruction manuals prior to release! HA! 🙂It’s all fun, a bit crazy, exciting, and confusing all at the same time. In the back of my head, I can’t help to think about what all these crazy devices are meant to replace… the very simple cigarette. Will the industry and vapers alike know when enough is enough? My guess is… no… but in a way, that’s what makes it so exciting and yet potentially overkill from those on the outside looking in.
There will be many different types of products for many different types of vapers. It will be an exciting year!
In 2013 I can say one thing with complete certainty. I will continue to be a very proud vaper.
I bought some more liquids from D&D since I enjoyed them when I reviewed them. I’m not going to do a full blown review, but I’ll do a lil’ bloggin’ for ya!
- EggNog(t) – Just a plain old thumbs down. Didn’t like this one at all.
- Watermelon – Someone told me it was the best Watermelon they’ve ever tried. Apparently they haven’t tried many :-). It’s an OK watermelon. Comes across as a little “stale”. It’s not going into the crap pile. I’ll vape it, but probably won’t order it again. This would be a “no thumbs”.
- Green Ghost Cooler – Based on the name, I think we know what this is trying to be. It similar, but not nearly as “in your face” and comes off with a little more citrus in the flavor. Not a bad juice though, it would get a thumbs up.
That’s it for now. Move along. Nothing else to see. These aren’t the droids you’re looking for.
I recently received an email from Loretta. In it, Loretta writes…
Hi Phil,
Happy Holidays. I know you’re busy so I’ll try to make this quick. It occurred to me this morning that with the holidays upon us and e-cigs gaining more and more users, that many folks might be giving or getting them as gifts.Many of us may just be using them as always. However, I know (and I’m sure you’ll agree) that with the holidays and many of us getting together with family……..that it’s only a matter of time…….before some careless or new user……….doesn’t read the directions……..leaves a 3 or 10 ml bottle of juice on an end table and a little kid comes along thinking what a great baby bottle for her doll or just a kids curiosity etc. It could easily KILL the child. You know it, I know it, but please remind your audience of it. This is really the kind of news this industry doesn’t need. To say nothing of the devastation all of us would feel if it were to happen.So please. Just a quick reminder to all in your next video. That’s all I want for Christmas.Merry Christmas Boss!Loretta
I agree with you Loretta!
When I read in my Jeep’s manual that you should not operate the vehicle with your body outside of the sunroof, I question the amount of common sense remaining in our society.
So use some common sense out there, vape safe, and have a great Holiday Season!
I’ll be mentioning this in a review at some point so you got what you wanted for Christmas Loretta, at least from me! 🙂
Here are some photos of the Electric Angel telescoping mechanical mod and some cool tanks from Finland.
The rounded one is called the Muna and the tear drop one is called the Tippa.
All available from
Look for a review soon!
Here is a video showing the Profile Programming and Real Time Monitoring.
One word… WOW!
There are a great many who will have no interest in this amount of complexity and configuration.
There are enthusiasts who will be able to tailor their vape like never before.
Very exciting stuff!
Hey Dimitris… my profiles will be better than your profiles, but I’d be willing to sell you mine for a buck a piece. 🙂
A PBusardo Review – The Swig
Manufacturer Link: E-Cig Create
Post Review Follow-Up:
- I’ve already been contacted by the company regarding this review and they’ve acknowledged and fixed the issues. A new unit it on it’s way.