Category: Recent News
Looks like Kanger has a new head design for their EVOD, ProTank, ProTank 2, Mini ProTank, and UniTank.
These came directly from Kanger and I took a bunch of photos of the differences below.
I also looked closely this time to see if there were resistance/no resistance joins in the original heads.
Both heads appear to be using resistance/non-resistance wire and joins. The differences that were noticed were the knurling on the post, a slight change in the body design, and what looks to be a different material being used for the plug. I burnt up both plugs to see if one was more resistant to heat. They didn’t appear to be, but the old plug gave out a horrible burnt rubber smell and the new one did not. Hmmmm…
Note that the old or original head was used for a bit.
Sorry, I haven’t vaped them yet so I can’t speak to performance improvements.
Here are the photos for you…
A PBusardo Review – Smoktech Magneto
In this video we take a look at the Smoktech Magneto mechanical.
Post Review Follow-up::
- 10/4/13 – It was mentioned in the review that the N-Zonic is getting its airflow from the hole in the top cap. WRONG! It’s getting its air from the cuts on the top cap much the same was as the Magneto. The hole appears to be for additional venting.
The Links:
The Video:
The Photos:
The following items have been added to the review queue:
- The Joyetech ECA
- The Joyetech eGo CC
- The Vision Aurora BFT (Bottom Feeding Tank)
- The Richman Vapers Hybrid
- The Omega RDA
- The Diablo Mods Hybrid (Take two 🙂 )
- The Maraxus Mech
- The Hydra
- The Parva Clean Tank
- The iTaste VTR
See photos of all the items below…
Here’s some more video from ECC (Electronic Cigarette Convention) held in Anaheim California.
In part 1 we…
- Talk about the Aspire and how it’s coming from NHaler.
- Talk about how liquids and external variables could affect your device.
- Do a show & tell with the Revizor 7 modular mod stand from VapeCrate.
- Talk to Hill Giant at ECC.
- See the first mod being introduced by VapeLyfe.
- Get the inside information and what’s coming up from Evolv with Brandon (HA!).
- Talk to Faceless the man behind the iHyrbid.
- Talk to “George” from Innokin and see the new VTR and the 134 mini.
- Talk to Steve (Happy Birthday!) from Vapor Bombz & take a quick look at his shop.
- Take a look at one of CJ The Vaping Monkey’s VaperVenue shops.
- Talk to Mika from Electric Angel about the upcoming Invictus.
In part 2 we…
- Take a look at the new Lernaia Hydra from ElCigArt.
- Talk to the folks at Five Pawns and do a quick review.
- Take a tour of the Epic Juice mixing facility and review 3 of their liquids.
- See some additional footage from the event.
- Wrap everything up with Dimitris from the VP Live Vape Team.
The Links:
Vape Crate
Hill Giant can be found here.
Vapor Bombz
Vaper Venue
Electric Angel
Five Pawns
Epic Juice LLC
Dimitri’s Home VP Live Vape Team
The Videos:
The Photos:
The Greek God himself, Dimitris has kindly allowed me to repost his footage and the GAG REEL (which I haven’t even seen yet and I’m sure to regret) here on TYJ.
Be sure to catch Dimitris and the rest of the VP Live Vape Team Wednesday nights at 9:30PM ET.
The VP Live Vape Team @ Electronic Cigarette Expo 2013 Video:
The Electronic Cigarette Expo 2013 Gag Reel Video:
Get ready to see a lot more of this as the haters continue to hate and those who don’t understand don’t even try to.
This is a terrible thing and I don’t wish it on anyone especially a child, but if you can’t see what’s going on here, you’re blind. Big media continues to focus on the negative and not the positive. Are they attempting to justify the impending regulations?
Perhaps EVERY fire caused by a traditional tobacco cigarette should also be reported in this manner and receive similar attention.
Perhaps EVERY person who dies of traditional tobacco cigarette related illness should also be reported in this manner and receive similar attention.
Be we don’t live in a fair and unbiased world, especially when it comes to media.
IMHO of course.
From the US Fire Administration:
Every year, almost 1,000 smokers and non-smokers are killed in home fires caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials. The U.S. Fire Administration is working to help prevent home fire deaths and injuries caused by smoking materials. Fires caused by cigarettes and other smoking materials are preventable.
Yeah… switch to an e-cig.
A PBusardo Review – The Aspire BDC
In this video we take a look at the new Aspire BDC (Bottom Dual Coil) Clearomizer.
Post Review Follow-up::
- 9/25/13 – It’s a bottom coil design so it’s obviously position independent. No need to tip and twirl this one.
- 9/25/13 – I mention that there’s no need to recoil it. What I mean there is that out of the box it works really well. Of course there are those who will want to recoil it when the stock build goes bad. For those of you who have no interest in that, just buy new heads!
- 9/25/13 – I’ve heard that the original 4-hole heads are pre-production only and won’t be included in any production packaging.
- 9/25/13 – People have asked me about the temp of the vape. I think it’s just slightly warn as you get up in voltage as I’d expect from a dual coil.
- 9/30/13 – FYI – Looks like orders from Nhaler are coming without replacement heads and NOT in retail packaging.
The Links:
The Video:
The Photos:
For all the details click the banner above.
I’m not quite sure what I’m more excited about. The convention itself… meeting West Coast vapers… seeing some new vape toys… or rooming with Dimitri!! Oh yes… ROOMING with Dimitris.
I’m certain the aroma of feta cheese, olive oil, and hair gel will be breathtaking.
How is that different from every other night? HA!
First, sorry I can’t get the winners tonight, both for the MVP and the 30,000 scubscriber contest. The winners will have to wait for when I get back from ECC, but I think we already know won the 30K Contest!
So anyhow, I worked on a new coil tonight in prepping for CA.
This time I built myself a proper Micro Coil 🙂 I used 10 wraps of 28 gauge Kanthal wrapped on a 2.25mm drill bit:
I did the missing step in my video which is the squish and burn. This step tightens up the coil and helps it hold it’s shape:
I then mounted this little beauty in the Russian:
As you can see the resistance on this coil wind up at 1.64 ohms.
Now I put some organic cotton in there and buttoned it all up.
(maybe too much cotton, but I’m still playing)
Then I started vaping. Really good, but I knew right away that I wanted to back off my resistance a bit, but there was more playing that needed to be done.
I wanted to see the difference between organic cotton balls and the Organic Cotton Hemp Wick I got from Mod And World. A single strand was too loose in this hole (insert joke here) so I needed to get two strands through. I used a piece of 28 gauge Kanthal as a fish hook to get it through the coil.
This got me the good wire to wick contact I’m always looking for.
Off the bat, I liked the flavor of the cotton better, but the wicking of this cord a little better. That could, of course, be a function of the amount of cotton or placement so more playing would be prudent. Also, I didn’t boil the hemp wick before installing it. So the wick performance and flavor is still up in the air at this point, at least for me.
But then, I did the most important experiment directed at the thing that has been bothering me most about Micro Coils. If I look at the design, it leads me to believe that a certain amount of vapor is being blocked because of the inherent design of this coil. Since the coils are touching, vapor that could be produced isn’t being produced as it’s being blocked by the coil, so what I did was this:
After trying this coil, what is the design that’s traveling with me to California?
A Micro Coil! A few less wraps getting me to 1.2 Ohms and the Organic Cotton Hemp Wick.
(not quite as tight as I’d like it, I know you guys are looking at that last wrap 🙂 )
To my surprise it honestly worked better than the “spread coil”.
I’m very impressed with the performance, flavor, and vapor this method of coiling is producing. Not to mention the ease of creating and installing this coil. I’m now a true believer.
As I mentioned in the Micro Coil vid, what I was after is a long lasting build that I didn’t have to recoil. You simply remove the old wick, perhaps rinse the coil off, do some dry burning, and install a new wick. Increased flavor, vapor, and throat hit are wonderful fringe benefits.
My compliments to all the people involved in the creation and spreading of this method of building.
Special shout to Pete54! Thanks for that email and tips… and to everyone else who sent their ideas and comments along!
That’s it for now folks. Hope to see many of you in California!
Happy coiling everyone!