Category: Recent News
**BIG** VAPING NEWS: Tobacco Control Experts Unite for Unprecedented Endorsement of Vaping
In a new paper, the most influential tobacco control experts in the country have come together to endorse the harm reduction benefits of vaping for adult smokers, calling for the rehabilitation of its public image and emphasizing its ability to save lives as a safer alternative to combustible cigarettes. The publication represents the most organized and explicit call-out by such scholars to date.
The article, published August 19 in The American Journal of Public Health, was led by Kenneth Warner, a professor emeritus of health management and policy at the University of Michigan and a distinguished tobacco control expert. It addresses everything from the confusion of nicotine’s effect on the developing brain to how we should balance the concerns about the risks and potential benefits of vaping. It should serve as a much-needed corrective to the swirl of misinformation that surrounds vaping.
LINK TO ENDORSEMENT ARTICLE – Balancing Consideration of the Risks and Benefits of E-Cigarettes
Endorsement Article can also be found below…
ajph.2021.306416VAPING NEWS: Vaping no link to (Covid) infections – study
NEW YORK: A comprehensive study by a reputable academic medical organization in the United States did not find evidence linking vaping and Covid-19 diagnosis, based on the health records of nearly 70,000 patients, making it one of the largest studies of its kind to date.
Read the entire article HERE!
VAPING NEWS: E-cigarettes are not our enemy
Once ex-smokers switch to e-cigarettes, they are much better off for it: vaping is estimated to be 95 per cent less harmful than ordinary cigarettes and drastically less likely to give you cancer. Everyone else is better off, too, because e-cigs produce no second-hand smoke. Second-hand vapour poses a negligible health risk – plus, it smells much nicer.
Read the entire article HERE!
VAPING NEWS: Vast Database Reveals The Truth!
Now live, is a joint venture between the US-based Consumer Advocates for Smoke-free Alternatives Association (CASAA) and the Coalition of Asia Pacific Tobacco Harm Reduction Advocates (CAPHRA).
“This site will not only be a uniquely dedicated resource, but a powerful response to those who want to restrict access to vaping and other smoke-free products. The many inspiring life stories and compelling anecdotes clearly demonstrate that, in fact, consumers are the evidence,” says Nancy Loucas, Executive Coordinator of CAPHRA.
Read the entire article HERE!
VAPING NEWS: Banning vape sales will do more harm than good
In fact, vaping isn’t just a safer activity than smoking, it’s also actively useful in helping people quit cigarettes. Vaping is consistently shown to be the most effective quitting tool by far. It works in 74% of cases – a much higher success rate than nicotine patches, going cold turkey and every other smoking cessation method. The result is that 52% of Britain’s vapers – roughly 1.7 million people – are former smokers.
Read the entire article HERE!
VAPING NEWS: Misinformation Threatens Efforts to Reduce Tobacco Harm
Blinded by an understandable desire to “save the children,” state and local regulators who fall prey to the flavor-ban narrative may end up causing more harm than good. Today youth cigarette usage sits at a historic low of 4.6 percent, declining by more than 40 percent in the past two years alone. Youth experimentation with vaping is not increasing youth smoking. Youth vaping decreased by 30 percent last year.
Read the entire article HERE!
VAPING NEWS: Another Glantz Debunking
“Cross-sectional analyses have suggested that e-cigarette use, independent of combustible cigarette use, elevates the risk of myocardial infarction” write a pair of researchers. Clayton Critcher and Michael Siegel take another look at the subject and conclude that there is no reliable evidence to support the claim.
Read the entire article at Planet of the Vapes HERE!
LATEST FROM REGULATOR WATCH: Smoking Returns | NYU Epidemiologist Talks War on Vaping
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch
Where we have seen severe restrictions and flavor bans on nicotine vaping products, “the smoking rate is going back up,” says Dr. Raymond Niaura, NYU epidemiologist and long-time tobacco researcher.
The return of smoking is a disturbing trend that seems to be an accepted consequence of tobacco control’s war on vaping.
What’s driving public health decision-making? Find out.
Only on RegWatch by
Released: August 13, 2021
Produced by Brent Stafford
*Guest: Dr. Raymond Niaura, Interim Chair of the Department of Epidemiology, Professor of Social and Behavioral Sciences, NYU School of Global Public Health
This episode is supported by DEMAND VAPE
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I was joined by special guest Maria P. from Rights 4 Vapers, a website dedicated to maintaining vaper’s right in Canada.
Maria talked about the issues Canada is facing with the flavor ban and efforts to block it.
Links used in the show, events we discussed, and other information:
Rights 4 Vapers
Follow Rights 4 Vaper on Twitter: @rights4vapers
Follow Maria on Twitter: @papaioannoy
Rights 4 Vapers Press Conference for the Vape Tour 2021 Launch Facebook Page
Rights 4 Vapers Stop The Flavor Ban! March/Rally Facebook Page
Video Clip #1 – Health Canada stating they will not ban flavors
Video Clip #2 – Health Canada stating they will not ban flavors
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Dash Vapes (Canada)
The #1 Best Selling Flavor in the Unsalted Line… The Delicious Watermelon Peach (and the other flavors too) @ Rocky Top Vapor (US)