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Does it set a new precedence? (could be)
Will this cool the replica market? (doubt it 🙂 )
Will it make vendors think twice about carrying replicas? (perhaps)
Could it make carrying, selling, and openly displaying replicas very expensive for vendors? (potentially)
Will it change anything at all? (TBD)

You be the judge!

Like with all things vaping, there are those who will cheer this judgement and those who will condemn it.

Here is an excerpt from the judgement…

For the reasons stated above, the Court:
(1) GRANTS Plaintiff’s motion for default judgment.
(2) GRANTS Plaintiff’s request for a permanent injunction. Defendant and each
of its agents, servants, employees, attorneys, and those persons in active concert or
participation with any of them are HEREBY ENJOINED from:
(a) using the HANA MODZ mark, or any colorable imitation thereof or
confusingly similar term, in the electronic cigarette market, without
authorization from Plaintiff;
(b) using the Hana Modz logo, or any colorable imitation thereof or
confusingly similar logo, in the electronic cigarette market, without
authorization from Plaintiff;
(c) advertising, marketing, promoting, selling, distributing, or otherwise
commercially using the designation “clone,” “1:1 clone,” “copy,” or
similar phrase in connection with the use of the HANA MODZ mark,
Hana Modz logo, and Hana Modz copyrighted content.
(3) GRANTS Plaintiff’s request for statutory fees in the amount of $300,000.
(4) GRANTS Plaintiff’s request for $7,974 in costs and attorney’s fees.

Read the full judgement HERE (PDF file).

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Just found out about this today. I think it’s terrific and thought I’d share…

Ok guys we have a huge raffle about to go down.  This one is for charity.

On behalf of Vape Mafia Inc., its members and vapers everywhere, we are going to help raise money for The Autism Society.

Marty Crumm came to us and asked if we can do this being he has a loved one affected by autism. So we agreed. Mafia has full control over the funds and its going to some thing that can change a child’s or persons life. 100% of the proceeds will be donated to The Autism Society.  We are very honored to be able to do this.

All the prizes for the raffle can be found on the GoFundMe site HERE.

Here is how its going to work:

  • A $5 donation gives you a single chance to win the e-liquids
  • A $10 donation gives you a single chance to win the mods and two chances to win the e-liquids

Additional participation will gain you additional entries. So for example…

  • A $100 donation gives you 20 chances to win the e-liquid and 10 chances to win the mods

if you want to donate mods or juice or anything please contact me (John Perry Burris) or “The Don” Robert Cervantes and we will put you on the list

This raffle will go for 2 weeks and will end on March 8th, 2015.

The GoFundMe page can be found HERE.


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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Eleaf iStick 50W

In this video we take a quick look at the Sky Vapor II grand opening then take a full look at the iStick 50W.

The Links:
Eleaf US

The Video:

The Photos:

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When I’ve talked about stacking batteries in the past, I’ve mentioned that you should be using a matched pair. They should be “married”, spending all of their time together in the device and when charging. This is NOT what I had in mind. 🙂


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Take a look at the NJOY Artist Collection Sample Pack. A sampling of the line for vape shops to try out.

Much like I’ve talked about with Odin, Five Pawns, and Lazarus Vintage, I do appreciate professional, quality packaging and presentation.

Is that why I wanted to show you these photos? No, not really. Although I am impressed with both the packaging and the presentation, it’s the insert that impressed me more. The testing results for both diacetyl and acetyl propionyl (shown as pentanedione in the test reports) included within the packaging for the entire line. Nice touch.

Oh, and regarding Dragon Scape… I have a feeling you’ll be seeing this in my favorite juice list soon enough. It makes me happy. 🙂

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Posted in Event Videos Recent News


A PBusardo Video – China Part 3 – Aspire & The Food

In this video we get an inside look at Aspire and we talk about some of the foods we experienced in China.

I hope you enjoy it!

A very sincere THANK YOU to Tony, Alan, and Brian for the look behind the scenes and the hospitality!

The Links:

The Video:

The Photos:

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A great example of how a state can get organized and get things accomplished.

The proactive stance of TN vendors/manufacturers and passionate vapers has proven to be effective. Retaining a lobbyist before the legislation session let the opposition know that they are watching and ready to fight.

The industry in TN came together in cooperation not competition realizing the big money interests they are up against. Together we can make a difference.

I hope to see other states following the example.

Multiple bills have hit the state of TN. The Tennessee Smoke Free Association scheduled it’s first Call to Action conference for the upcoming legislative session in Smyrna TN February 15th 2015 where over 60 member vendors and advocates gathered.

…more HERE!


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Texas Call to Action: 9 Bills Introduced!

SB 97 should be amended to remove unnecessary hurdles to adult access to vapor products online

9 Bills are have been introduced in Texas, SB97 is just one that would ban sales of vapor product to minors (which we support), but would also severely restrict internet sales (which we oppose). which received a hearing last week before the Senate Health & Human Services Committee. SB 97 would impose unnecessarily harsh restrictions on Internet sales, including requiring every single order to a Texas resident to be sent using an ID check service that costs $6.

Please Help Texas Take Action For This and All Other Bills Being Introduced By Donating For Lobbyists to Help Address These Issues And Fight.


To help, you can donate at the SFATA (Smoke Free Alternative Trade Association) Local Chapters webpage by scrolling down and selecting SFATA TEXAS or just click HERE.

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Ok, I got a good chuckle out of this one. Thanks for the laugh Graham Smith! 🙂

Dear Phil, Every time you give a good review I ultimately end up buying the product. My wife says can you please review some kitchens and bathrooms?

Yours Sincerely, Graham

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Ok, I have some additional information on the Joyetech Delta II wicking materials. Let me reiterate…

First, let me clarify why I did this. You asked. 🙂

I’m not a materials scientist. I’m not making any claims as to whether these materials are good or bad, safe or not. That I have to leave up to you to decide for yourself.

I’m just providing the information many of you requested, as I’ve received it from them.

According to Joyetech…

For the inner material that you were able to break apart. It is a High Temperature Non-Woven Fabric. The material is Man Made Mineral Fiber (MMMF). MMMF is classified into 3 types. We are using the Continuous filament glass fibers.

Material Testing Reports – PDF Files:

Intertek 1

Intertek 2

Size of the fibers… click the thumbnails for the full size images…

Size of fibers

For the outer material, the long strip, it is a Non-woven wick (Organic Man-made Cotton). Composition molecular formula = (C6H10O5)n. Application = Cosmetic Grade.

SGS Certification Image 1


SGS Certification Image 2


SGS Certification Image 3


SGS Certification Image 4


SGS Certification Image 5



I asked a few follow-up questions…

Q) So the non-woven fabric is the material that sits next to the coil and the non-woven cotton is the material that wraps that correct?

A) Yes you are correct, since the High Temperature Non-Woven Fabric has a higher temperature resistance than Non-woven wick (Organic Man-made Cotton). We wrapped our coils with a thin piece of High Temperature Non-Woven Fabric to protect the Non-woven Organic Man-made Cotton wick from being damage from dry burns.

Please note: I believe that it is important for the public to know that the High Temperature Non-Woven Fabric is a very small piece that is placed there for dry burn protection. We did not add a extra piece of material for no reason. The primary wicking material is the Non-woven wick (Organic Man-made Cotton).


Q) Although I see the test reports on that fabric, you’re not telling me what it is.  Is it a ceramic fiber material?

A) No, the High Temperature Non-Woven Fabric is made of Man Made Mineral Fiber (MMMF). MMMF is classified into 3 types. We are using the Continuous filament glass fibers. FDA currently doesn’t have any standard for ecig wicking material. Thus the Intertek 2.PDF report had to use the FDA policy guideline for Ceramic Ware to test for Leachable Lead and Cadmium Content.


Q) It appears to have the same properties and the same material as the original Aspire Atlantis coils.  Do you know if that’s the case?

A) No, I assure you that is not the case. Please refer to the attachment “Size of fibers” JPEG. You can see the test results that the fibers are well above 5 microns, 9+ microns, nearly twice the established safety threshold. Also the older Atlantis Coils were using the ceramic fiber as their primary material. The LVC is only using a very small piece of MMMF to protect against dry burn protection.


Q) I’ve heard many comments about people being concerned with the material flaking/breaking off and getting into their lungs.  Can you comment on that?

A) In your Delta 2 Review video you even mentioned that “If you keep the coil head really wet. I don’t think you will have problem with this material flaking off“. I completely agree with you. I personally feel very safe to use my Delta 2. I can understand your concern when viewing your video where you showed the fibers crumbling in your fingers, but now that it has been shown that the fibers are nearly twice the size of the established safety limits of 5 microns or less there should be no reason to fear using the LVC Atomizer Head.

Pretty much this is the same material as the silica wick that is still being used by all the manufactures. The only difference is that it is not braided into a wire form, instead it was made into a fabric form. Please take a look at the attachment “Size of Fiber.jpg”. The smallest particles are nearly twice the size of the established safety limits, more than 9 microns in size.

Q) Why was the community told the coil heads were Japanese Organic cotton in the first place?

A) The organic cotton information on the website was changed prior to launch of the Delta 2.  The main reason why the Japanese Organic Cotton were not used on the final production model is because natural organic cotton is not easily formed for mass production. It is very easy to use for an individual to make a single build at prototyping stages.


So there it is folks.  That’s what I currently have for you.



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