Category: Recent News
A PBusardo Review – The Series B Tilt by JacVapour
In this video we add to the stocking again (it’s really straining now!), we do some happy and cranky post review follow-up on the Smok XCube Mini and the Innokin Endura, and we take a full look at the JacVapour Series-B Tilt.
Jac Vapour
Innokin email addresses:
Post Review Follow-Up:
- 12/18/15: I love getting a quality response from a vendor or a manufacturer following a potentially not so favorable review. IMHO it says a lot about the people behind the product. This is one such response that they’ve allowed me to share with you:
Hi Phil
Hope you are well.
Thanks for the very in depth review Phil and it’s a shame you did not like it more,
however it has given us some really useful insight which we will use in future
product development. I hope you don’t mind but I would like to respond with regard
to some of the choices we made regarding the design and would really appreciate any
further feedback you have for us. The SERIES-B was the first box mod we have
designed and therefore we are keen to learn for future development.The design principles for the SERIES-B, were to develop a product with superior
build quality and a simple to use reliable feature set targeting the mainstream user
and in particular those wanting to upgrade from Ego style devices and obtain the
benefits of higher power, increased battery capacity and sub ohm capability in a
discreet, compact form, whilst ensuring the product’s longevity through a
replaceable 18650 battery at a reasonable price point. Our research indicated that
users in this segment want a simple package and that 40 watts of power and no temp
control would meet the majority of users needs, however we felt simple features
should not mean cheap build quality or run of the mill looks.We could incorporate a $40 branded chip but obviously this would have significant
price implications which we feel would miss the point, however it would be really
useful to hear your views on this in terms of whether you think this would be a good
approach? I think Vaporshark have already done a really good job of this in the
higher price bracket devices.The mod is priced at £52.99 in the UK, this takes into account the high tax rates we
pay, to put it into perspective the sub-box here is £54.99 in most stores, we also
do a price including the Samsung 25R for £59.99. The US RRP of the device is
$65-$69. At this price point we believe there are very limited, if any, other
options that offer higher build quality in terms of materials used on devices with
replaceable 18650s. I know our looks are subjective, but I do believe the finish is
at the top end and we do offer a 1 year warranty, the Vaporshark is only 6 months,
so the package also represents good value for somebody that needs a reliable
well-built device with entry level box features.The screen being squint is unfortunate, I have never seen this before, and hopefully
you can see this on the second device we sent, also out of 20 or so we have here in
the office I can’t find an un-level screen, I can say though, if somebody found such
a fault we would instantly replace the device.I understand your points concerning the settings memory, however we wanted to keep
the device small and all we could fit is a capacitor that allows a 6 second battery
changeover, you need to be quick and also 5 click the device off for it to work. I
agree that this it is not ideal, but we made this choice as 95% of our users are
making one or less than one battery change a day and we believe for our market the
unit being small was our primary concern.I have also passed your concerns over the firing delay to our chip engineers, I am
not an engineer myself, but could this have anything to do with you using the
initial batch unit, this batch was predominantly made for beta testing and
reviewers, and during the beta we discovered a firing issue which was subsequently
fixed by replacing a component and a software update. I see in your review you are
using batch number 19710727, the Beta and review batch, but I know you were sent an
updated one from the corrected batch once we realised the issue, did you use the
updated one for the firing test? It would be greatly appreciated to know this if
possible.Once again thanks very much for the review, there’s lots of useful info in there,
and we will take a lot away from it, so we can improve the device in the larger
wattage TC versions currently under design.Regards
Robert Patrick
Retail Director
+44 7967
The Video:
The Photos:
Looks like SMOK listened to my issue with the delay on the XCube Mini! Their new firmware for the device addresses the issue:
1. Improved vaping delay,you can enjoy vaping instantly once you fire the button .
2. Enhanced vaping experience on TC mode with continuous vapor.
You can find the update HERE.
This will be added to the post review follow-up on the device’s review post.
For my friends in Canada… Bill 45 Protest Rally Dec 5, 2015 – A More Detailed Look
Thanks for sending this to me Jason Schwager, Owner, The Digital Smoker…
In protest of Bill 45, Schedule 3, hundreds of people gathered at Queen’s Park on December 5, 2015.
Our complaint is that Bill 45 will destroy the vaping industry and hamper vapers and potential new users to such a degree that many will return to tobacco.
We demand fair, reasonable, evidence-based legislation created in cooperation with the existing industry.We hope this video is viewed by as many Ontario MPPs as possible, so please share!
Take your tablet or laptop to their office and show them yourself!This is a long 1st cut that we have rushed out to keep this weekend’s rally fresh in the MPPs minds.
We will be releasing a final cut over the next few days as we get more time for editing.
The Video:
In this video, we add to the stocking, we take a full look at the Endura, and we kick off a new contest.
This is the longest review I’ve done all year on the simplest product I’ve looked at, but there IS a reason for it.
I’ve done things a little different in this video. I’m not necessarily talking to you the vaper, for this one, I want to talk to smokers.
So I have a request… If you have friends or family members who still smoke and have been considering vaping, PLEASE invite them to watch this video. Even if the smoker in your life HASN’T considered vaping, invite them too!!!
I think there is some helpful information in here for a simple, yet important product that is a perfect first device for a smoker.
Thank you so much!
Oh and at 51:55 I say, “I stopped vaping in 2009” Clearly that was supposed to be “I stopped smoking in 2009”. Oops.
Innokin Visit Video
My Vapor Store
The Video:
The Photos:
A PBusardo Review – The Smok X-Cube Mini & Last Contest Winner
In this video we take a full look at the Smok X-Cube Mini, a 75W, Bluetooth capable, temperature control box mod.
We also add to the stocking and find out who won the last contest!
The Links:
Element Vape
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 12/4/15 – My review unit came already supporting TI and SS temp control wires, however, they may need to be added to yours. There used to be a charge for this, however they are now provided for free. Why the mod doesn’t come already supporting them is another thumbs down point. Here’s how you do it from Smok:
Connect your x cube mini with smart BEC, then click the right corner “setting” icon, then choose the last “firmware upgrade” option, then you can find the “Ti wire temp control activation” and “stainless steel wire temp control activation”, just click the ” activate ” to activate the features.
- 12/4/15 – The BLE feature in the settings menu of the SMOK Smat Bec software will turn off the Bluetooth feature after the number of minutes you have it set for. This will conserve battery life in the event you forget to turn it off and are no longer using it.
- 12/4/15 – The initial resistance setting can be used to quickly vape a “hot” atomizer in temp control. If you know your atomizer’s resistance at room temp, you can use this feature to prevent waiting for it to cool down prior to using it.
- 12/8/15 – Looks like they listened to my issue with the delay. They’ve released a new version of the firmware which addresses this issue:
1. Improved vaping delay,you can enjoy vaping instantly once you fire the button .
2. Enhanced vaping experience on TC mode with continuous vapor.
You can find the firmware update HERE.
The Video:
The Photos:
My new “lab” is ready to go. Will I be able to make tasty flavors or will I throw up all over myself? 😉 Time to try my hand at DIY. Someone told me that mixing liquids isn’t like mixing music. DAMN!
If anyone has any additional hours in the day they can send me, please let me know!!
Figured now would be a good time to take a photo as it will probably never be this neat and tidy again.
Special shout out and a big THANK YOU to Jeannie Kerswill & Jennifer Jarvis for the assistance here.
Jennifer is writing a DIY section for which is something that’s been sorely missing from the site.
I should vape my first creation live on cam so you all get to see the look of horror on my face! LOL!!!!
I’ve seen many coil heads with many different colored o-rings and packaging. Some companies have adopted internal standards, but I really think the standards should be industry wide. I think this important for those who can’t see the tiny laser inscriptions on the heads themselves which sometimes indicates the coil material. Also those who have 20 (use your own number) loose coil heads sitting in front of them with lost or tossed out packaging.
What I was thinking…
- Ti – Yellow
- NI – Red
- SS – Blue (a shade easily distinguishable from black)
- Kanthal – Black
Why these color selections?
The brighter colors are a warning and indicate TC coils which could potentially produce harmful byproducts when overheated. Dimmer… Blue, to indicate a coil that could be used as a TC or standard wattage coil. Black… No TC.
We can even use pink once the new Greekmantium coil heads become available. 😉
Regardless of what colors are selected, it needs to be an industry wide standard adopted and supported by all manufacturers. IMHO, that is what’s most important.
Yes, I’m well aware that this won’t help the color blind, or the blind blind for that matter. We’ll need another solution for them. Perhaps easy to feel “pips” on the head to indicate the material.
I would really like to see the major manufacturers such as Innokin, Kanger, Aspire, and Joyetech get on board and adopt some kind of standard here.
I had a… put my head in my hands, shake it back and forth and say to myself, “oh God” moment today.
What does Bill 44 do?
In addition to making it harder for smokers to find, try, and use a potentially life saving device… it does this…
I’m so scared I’m gonna loose my house, what kind of future will be able to offer my daughter?
I’m disgusted. I’m sick to my stomach. I feel helpless.
Please share with your local backward-minded, truth hiding, fear mongering, pocket lining politician.
To my friend and all others in similar situations I wish you the best. Stay strong & keep fighting.
Attend if you can!
Support if you can!
Let’s help out our friends in Canada!
This is a rally being held to voice our opinions on equitable regulations for the electronic cigarette industry in Ontario, Canada.
Please respect all opnions and views, it is critical that everyone behaves in a mature fashion. 19+ ONLY.
This rally is being hosted by ALL OF US.
The Video:
Vapor Advocates of Ontario – Website
Vapor Advocates of Ontario – Facebook Page
The Rally’s Facebook Page