Posted in Recent News

Chairman Johnson Demands Answers from FDA on E-Cigarette Regulations – AGAIN

WASHINGTON — On Monday, Sen. Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, sent a second letter to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) inquiring about new e-cigarette regulations, a follow-up to his previous letter to FDA Commissioner Robert M. Califf on May 17, 2016.

See more HERE.

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Today in Washington DC, SEVIA USA chairman Dimitris Agrafiotis met with the Right 2 B Smoke Free Coalition legal team and Azim Chowdhury and contributed financially to the litigation effort. SEVIA USA is committed to continue their assistance in the fight against the unfair and over reaching classification under the tobacco category for Vapor products.



Sevia USA


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Posted in Recent News Success Stories

From Don

Usually these are reserved for the Success Stories/Validations page here on TasteYourJuice, but this was such a lovely letter that I thought I’d share it here as well.

Folks, this is why I do what I do. All of the work, all of the effort, the endless correspondence, the drama… it’s for one goal… to lead people away from the traditional tobacco cigarettes and to the tobacco harm reduction that is vaping.

Don, as always, give yourself all the credit. I can’t reach through the screen and knock the cigarettes out of your hands, you have to be strong enough and willing to make that happen and you did. Perhaps I just helped a little.


Good evening. I’m a long-time watcher/fan of your videos and I just felt the urge to write you a letter after viewing your last video (Kanger Dripbox). This is going to be a big one, so I apologize in advance for the size. Grab a cup of coffee, a good vape, and get cozy.

First off, allow me to introduce myself properly. My name is Don and this July 5th will make two-full years that I’ve been off “the stinky’s”. I’m a very proud vaper and I work hard to convert everyone around me into vaping. I allow them to try my different hardware configurations, as well as different juices that I purchase.

When I first started this journey, I felt completely lost. I bought a Blu
Rechargeable Kit at a gas station and soon found that it just couldn’t satisfy my urges. At the time, I was smoking Marlboro Red’s at a rate of two packs a day. I would vape a Blu, but then immediately light a cigarette when the urge would get too overwhelming. I thought to myself, “There has to be more to vaping than this crap!”

This peaked my curiosity and guided me towards YouTube for Blu reviews. I landed on IndoorSmokers’ channel and started watching his cigalike reviews. It wasn’t until a few days later, I watched one of his reviews for the Halo Triton kit. I thought to myself, “Well now that’s bigger than a Blu, so maybe more power will help me?” I ordered the Triton kit, as well as spare coils, tanks, batteries, etc. I also purchased Halo’s sample packs of juice. When everything came in the mail, I was blown away by the flavor and vapor production (compared to a Blu). I was vaping 24mg juice and soon learned what too much nicotine intake can do to you. Sick, sick, sick. Felt like I smoked ten packs of Red’s in a single sitting! Yuck. It took some trial and error, but I finally found my sweet spot to be the same as yours – 12mg.

The Halo experience was a nice step-up from the Blu Rechargeable Pack, yet it still couldn’t take me off the Red’s completely. I noticed that I was dramatically cutting down smoking, so back to YouTube I went. I was watching a recoiling video on Rip Trippers channel (totally amazed by the method) when he mentioned YOU. It was something to do with a full review on the product and he wasn’t going into detail about it, but you had the same product on your channel and broke it down completely.

Your name wasn’t exactly a new one to me, for many reviewers had mentioned you in their channels. Most of them talked about your long videos and how you go in depth on products. After Rip Trippers mentioned you, I thought I’d come visit your channel and see what you were all about. From that point on, YOU Phil Busardo, had changed my life and successfully converted me to a full-time vaper.

I was both amazed and hooked on your videos. Your in-depth reviews, charts, graphs, and personal opinions have blown my mind. After watching several of your videos, I purchased my first ProVari and Kayfun Light Plus. Your reviews were so good and close to what I was seeking that you guided me to my way of vaping still to this day. I’m a 12mg MTL vaper and every product I have purchased that you gave a “thumbs up” on I have been completely satisfied with.

I now have quite the extensive collection, ranging from ProVari P3’s, Kayfun 4’s, Kayfun V3 Mini’s, Taifun GTII’s, DNA devices, RTA’s, RDA’s, etc. I love vaping and enjoy the wide range of coil builds I can do and juice flavors I can try. YOU introduced me to this and guided me down this road. You, Phil Busardo, have changed my life and I can’t thank you enough.

Now here comes the reason for this letter. Kayfun 5 is released and there I was to watch your review on it. When you mentioned the airflow issue, that took me aback. Like you, I prefer a tighter draw to give me a more defined throat hit. I really valued your information on that issue, as well as the “inexpensive resolution” they plan to release for it. That was really good to know before running out and buying that thing, right?

I was bored for a bit today and thought I’d watch the video you just uploaded on the Kanger Dripbox. The first ten minutes into that video, I was disgusted and totally angry at the vapers who said the things they did to you. I mean, really. They have a lot of nerve, considering there are people like myself who really rely on that information when making a purchase. Does that make ME a grumpy old guy that won’t “evolve” into their way of vaping? I sure hope not, for I’m only 36 years old!

I didn’t write this letter as a rant, though I have plenty I could rant about with some of these vapers. As you said (with respect, I might add): We are all vapers and as long as we’re not smoking – that’s what truly matters. I’m writing this letter to take any discouragement away from you that you may have. Times can get tough and you may hear things like you have from people, but don’t let stupid childish drama steer
you from your path. There is still always that one person like me out there that appreciates what you do and what your goal at hand is. It takes a lot of time to do what you do, in the detail that you do it. I know I appreciate it and I’m sure others feel the same as I do.

Thank you for all that you do, the barriers you overcome, the sacrifices you make, and the genuine love that you have for vaping. As I mentioned before, you changed my life forever and I will always be in debt to you for that. Your diligence does NOT go unnoticed and we all thank you for it.

With Compassion and Gratitude,
Don Arrendale

Thank you Don… a very sincere and appreciative THANK YOU!
Even Don’s response to my request to publish his letter was touching…

As for the permission to publish my letter? Of course you have my permission and you can use my name as well. Once again, I’m flattered that you would like to share it for others to see/hear. I guarantee you one thing, though: Someone else out there will agree with everything I said. I know it. I can’t be the only one who has been touched by you and the guidance you’ve given. If it wasn’t for you, so many of us would be lost and without direction. You are a true blessing to the vaping community, and we are so thankful that you are here for us.

Thank you so much!
-Don Arrendale

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Posted in Devices Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Kanger Dripbox 160 – Last Contest Winner + New Contest

In this video I let a little cranky Phil out, we take a look at the Dripbox 160 from Kanger, find out who won the last contest and kick off another one.

The Links:
Lotus Vaping
Vapor Authority

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Efest Metallic Purple 20A 2900mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…accurately rated 20A, a lower grade HG2?

Bottom Line: This new Efest is accurately rated at 20A and 2900mAh and seems to rewrap a lower grade LG HG2. Its appearance is identical to the HG2 but its voltage is a bit lower and it has about 100mAh less capacity. This does not mean it’s less safe to use! It’s just a performance change and this Efest is accurately rated at 20A 2900mAh. This Efest still has the useless “pulse” rating in large lettering on the wrap but does list both the continuous and pulse ratings, a welcome change for Efest. These new metallic purple wrap 18650’s ship with a plastic battery case for each pair of batteries.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:



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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

Efest Metallic Purple 20A 2500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…accurately rated 20A, the HohmWork battery!

Efest Metallic Purple 20A 2500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…accurately rated 20A, the HohmWork battery!

Bottom Line: Surprisingly, this new Efest is accurately rated at 20A and 2500mAh and rewraps the excellent Hohm Tech HohmWork cell. While the new metallic purple Efests still have the useless “pulse” rating in large lettering on the wrap, I applaud Efest for showing both the continuous and pulse ratings. This is a great first step towards having accurate ratings on all of our batteries. The new metallic wrap 18650’s also ship with a plastic battery case, a welcome change.

This Efest is identical in appearance to the HohmWork 20A 2500mAh cell and is essentially identical in performance. It is an enhanced version of the LG HE2 and this is reflected in the Efest’s performance.

When I mentioned to Hohm Tech that this Efest seems to use their HohmWork cell I received the following (understandable) response as part of our discusssion:
“Hohm Tech, Corp. has officially opened the doors to licensing the tech to select brands and/or manufacturers simply as a move to get safer cells with robust capabilities into the hands of consumers (1st official licensing issued March 2016). Hohm Tech realizes there are brand loyal consumers, in which many of these consumers will now be using a new battery (not new brand) with or without their knowing. Hohm Tech will not disclose the brands and/or manufacturers which are or will be licensed to use Hohm Tech cells or other areas within the IC/HT tech. Although we will not be disclosing these details, we are unmeasurably honored the industry has welcomed our efforts and focus of delivering safer batteries with workhorse capabilities.”

Only time will tell us if this is the only cell that Efest will use for the 2500mAh or whether they will use multiple different cells like they did for their earlier 3000mAh cell.


Test results, discharge graph, photos:


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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: The recent fake LG HG2’s are rewrapped LG MG1’s

A few vendors were recently sold fake HG2’s, some of which I have been testing. Based on their own in-house testing, IMRBatteries thought they were rewrapped LG MG1’s. I didn’t have any of that battery here but the ones I bought recently arrived and after testing, I agree. The new batch(es) of fake HG2’s are rewrapped 10A 2850mAh LG MG1’s. See the graph below for a comparison of the discharges for the recent fake HG2’s and the MG1.

Their appearance is identical to the HG2 and their high capacity means they will probably pass any capacity or lower power testing. The fake wrap that is used is very close in color to the real wrap and the printing on the side is good enough. Unfortunately, these are well done fakes.

Here are some ways to spot the fakes…

  • All of them have shiny/smooth white top insulating rings. The real HG2’s have matte/textured rings. If it’s too hard to check the surface directly, use a pencil. The real HG2 ring will show the pencil marks. The pencil will just slide over shiny ring on the fake HG2’s and not leave marks. This does not mean every battery with a shiny ring is a fake! Just that the fake HG2’s have them.
  • The insulator ring on the fakes is self-adhesive and is firmly glued to the top of the battery. If you can shift the position of the ring, using a toothpick or something plastic (not metal!), that’s a sign that your HG2’s could be genuine.
  • The fake HG2’s perform very poorly at 50W, or higher. This is the best way to test if an HG2 is fake or not. If you get an early low/weak battery alert, even compared to a 2500mAh battery, it could be a fake.

This post will probably soon be obsolete as the counterfeiters are most likely already using matte/textured rings without adhesive for the next batch. It might not be HG2’s next time!

We’ve had fake VTC4’s, VTC5’s, 25R’s, HE2’s, and HG2’s. There will be others, and soon. All we can do is stay alert and share whatever info we have as soon as we can. A huge Thank You to everyone who helped spread the word on these fake HG2’s!

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Posted in Recent News

SMOKE FREE RADIO REPLAY – 5/31/16 – “Facts vs Myths”

Clearing the air, who is VTA, the Cole/Bishop amendment (again) and a great discussion with Jay De Luco and Phil Busardo! (hey, I know that guy) Replay of last night’s ‪#‎smokefreeradio‬ is now available:

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May your vape today be surrounded by grilling and chilling with family and family!


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Posted in Rebuildables Recent News

The SvoëMesto Kayfun 5 & A New Contest

A PBusardo Review – The SvoëMesto Kayfun 5

In this video we take a full look at the new SvoëMesto Kayfun 5.
At the end we kick off a new contest for your chance to win one!

The Links:
JJ Vapes

The Post-Review Follow-up:

  • 5/27/16 – The airflow CAN be adjusted with the Kayfun 5 ON DEVICE.  My apologies, I was thinking upside down.  🙂

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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