Category: Recent News
A PBusardo Review – The Vika Fantasy Tank
In this video we review the Fantasy Tank by Vika.
The Links:
Vika Website
Vika Fantasy Tank – Purchase
Compatible Rebuildable Coil Head
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A PBusardo Review -Show & Tell with the Phalanx by Vape Chalet & The Joyetech Ultimo Review
In this video we talk about an upcoming event, mention a change of thought in A Billion Lives, do a show & tell with the Phalanx by Vape Chalet and review the Joyetech Ultimo tank.
The Links:
Midwest Vapor Expo
A Billion Lives
Vape Chalet
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos – Joyetech Ultimo:
The Photos – Vape Chalet Phalanx:
I’ll be attending the Midwest Vapor Expo this weekend in Kentucky! Hope to see you there!
Click the banner for more information.
Oh, and BTW – Did you see this on the page?
AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!! God I love to bust Austin’s balls about this. I don’t call him the “Face Of Vape” I just use “Vape Face” for short. 🙂 Looking forward to seeing you Austin!!
A PBusardo Video & Review – A Squape X[Dream] Follow-Up, Show & Tell with the Joyetech AIO Box and the Sense Herakles Pro Review.
We kick off this video with some follow-up on the Squape X[Dream] and why I don’t subscribe to the “over-engineered” concept. We then do some show & tell on the Joyetech AIO box. Finally, we take a full look at the Sense Herakles Pro.
The Links:
StattQualm – Squape
Vapor DNA
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 8/29/16 – The price on the coils from Vapor DNA are $2.99 for a SINGLE coil and $13.99 for a 5-pack.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
From Pamela
Although ALL the success stories and validations mean a lot to me, some have a special place in my heart. This is one. A very sincere THANK YOU Pamela. It was a privilege to meet and spend time with you and your Dad Denis!
To see more check out the SUCCESS STORIES AND VALIDATIONS PAGE. Perhaps you too can find the strength or inspiration you need to move away from tobacco cigarettes once and for all.
Dear Phil, I have no words to express how grateful I am about what you made us live yesterday. My dad is still floating. Thank you for the great moments we passed with you and your wonderful wife. You are a wonderful person (so is she), and I am proud to say that I saw you at peace once in my life. You change the lives of people, you inspire them, you make them believe they can do it, you support them by answering their comments and their emails. What you do, nobody could do it the same way, with the same feeling, the same passion, the same results. Never doubt about the difference you make in peoples lives, but also in peoples hearts. You made my dad happy, with a face like he was seeing Santa Claus….but you made me grow, with your listening, your words and by being there, being yourself…and your wife wow! So…thank you! Can’t say it enough! In every project that I’ll do in the future, I’ll think about you, about the way we both feel about comments, but also the good ones…and thinking about what you’ve been through, it makes me believe that I can do it too. Thanks 😘
I’ve been interviewed by Brent in the past. I remember the first time I met him, he came up to me at an event and shoved a mic in my face. 🙂 I had no idea who this guy was and I typically don’t like to do interviews like this because you never know how the interview will be spun and if the interviewer is pro vaping or not. (remember how Samantha Bee made us look on Full Frontal?) A couple nods of approval from the folks around me got me talking and I was instantly impressed by the professionalism, mannerism, and questions being presented.
Recently, he interviewed me again for his Canada based online program called “Regulator Watch“.
Here’s the latest interview:
Before I go any further, hey Mitch… is THIS what you call “sensible & reasonable”? AH HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HAA HAA HAAA HAAAAAA. Oh my God, my side hurts. Your “protecting the public” with the “sensible & reasonable” (I still can’t stop laughing) regulation is going to create a WILDLY UNSAFE black market (You want to talk about wild wild west? Get ready!), drive a percentage of vapers back to smoking, and prevent many smokers from discovering vaping in the first place… not to mention the American jobs and businesses that will come to an end. So much for “protecting the public”.
Ok, sorry… back to Brent…
Brent has a unique style and is a true pro… you go through the interview with him and he later transcribes everything, looks for the most pertinent responses and he’ll re-record himself asking more concise questions and then use the original interview responses.
I wanted to know more about Brent, where he came from, why he does what he does and share it all with you, especially since he’s COMING TO THE US!! is launching dedicated U.S. vaping coverage this fall
I sincerely believe he can help our cause. At this point, we need all the help we can get.
First, let’s learn more about “Regulator Watch”
- RegWatch is the only broadcast quality television news show covering the issues, controversies and impacts of vaping regulations from a pro-vaping point-of-view
- RegWatch has made a real impact landing exclusive interviews with top scientists and researchers, leading vaping advocates and industry trailblazers. Our content is seen by government, politicians and public health officials.
- In under a year, we’ve produced dozens of videos covering issues on vaping: the science, legal & legislative, advocacy & action, industry & stakeholders and the battle to ban the vape.
- With well over a million video views on facebook, we are officially launching our YouTube channel dedicated to our American audience.
We need your help to get this vitally important vaping coverage out to the U.S. audience. Please head to our channel, watch, learn, subscribe and share our vaping videos.
- RegWatch is the only pro-vaping media outlet that Facebook and YouTube allows to advertise and promote content. Why? Because we are a true news media outlet. This is HUGE! We can and do reach people outside of the vaping community with our paid promotions.
- We have some incredible U.S. focused content lined up, starting with a feature interview with Phil Busardo (coming this week) and an exclusive two-part series with Dr. Stanton Glantz, the man who beat big tobacco and then turned his ire towards vaping! And, more is on the way.
- Viewers can help us make this possible by supporting videos and promotions on YouTube and Facebook through a donation at:
DONATED! Thank you Brent and keep it up!
- RegWatch is created and produced by Brent Stafford. He is a 25-year veteran television news broadcaster that got fed up with the constraints of so-called “objective” news. He produces fact-based, incisive content that intends to counteract the misinformation promoted by the mainstream media.
Maybe at some point I’ll get to video interview the interviewer, but until then, here’s some more information for you about Brent himself and how Regulator Watch came into existence:
I’m 46, and born and bred in Vancouver B.C. True BC kid. Was called a surfer dude until almost 30. Got lucky and started making television in high school in the mid 80’s. When the first consumer cameras came out. I was a total creative nerd, yes they exist. I was a drummer in a rock band, played live shows etc… But also ran around my high school with a video camera and shot a video yearbook my senior year and sold it to students. Made 5 grand! Was a total computer nut (nerd). I had an Apple II+ when it was brand new (I’m old) and shot my first TV show when I was 15 was called “Let’s Talk Computers” in 1985. My mom would drive me to the local cable station and I hosted a three camera live show (huge nerd). Was lucky after high school to get a job at a CBC-TV affiliate (think NBC affiliate) and I started in the studio operating the camera and the teleprompter. Within a couple of years I was out in the community shooting news (called ENG – electronic news gathering) and doing my own interviews. I would bring back the footage, write the story and edit it. Often I was the only person that touched a story from start to finish.
For 7 years I worked the daily television news grind. Shot, wrote, reported and edited news. I’ve hung out of helicopters, been in the middle of forest fires, shot footage from a hot air balloon as we crashed and have been shot at while filming at a hostage scene. Oh, been in 4 world class riots 2 of them the Stanley Cup riots and was live on the air for one of them. ☺ And, I’ve interviewed several Prime Ministers of Canada and managed to get a response from Bill Clinton in a media scrum on one of his trips to Vancouver in the 90’s.
By 1995 I was fully set into my career in broadcast news. But I was missing something, an education. Since I started in news out of high school I felt that I needed better grounding. So I went to university and in 3.75 years I did an undergrad AND graduate degree in advanced communications theory. My Master’s thesis was a book and documentary called “Insert Coin: The Culture of Video Game Play”. Yes, my grad work was on video games (nerd). Up until about 5 years ago I was still one of the leading North American experts on video game and their impact on our culture.
I finished my MA and started my marketing/media company Shaky Egg Communications. I moved to Los Angeles and went into the world of branded entertainment. Quite literally when you see Star Wars or Lord of the Rings on a can of Pringles that’s my deal:’ve also done North American brand deals with the Super Bowl, Daytona 500, the GRAMMYs. I also did the brand deal that launched the G4-TV television network. Whew!
Then, the U.S. burned me out. Lol. There is only so much red carpet access a man can take before a trip to Betty Ford becomes a priority lol.
Moved back to Vancouver and said ok, I need to get back into creating content not just doing deals. I dove back into the hands-on. I taught film and television production for 6 years while working in the .com world. I slowly started investing in my own broadcast gear. Then my own studio, then started making my own passion projects. Under my own terms.
I created a series call “Aftermath of Murder Survivor Stories”. It was a two-year project that had me doing sit-down interviews with people who have lost loved ones to murder.
I’ve interviewed family members from the biggest murder stories in Canada. The worst of them. The goal was to bridge the way mainstream media covers murders into new way that honoured the experience of the survivors.
From there, I built RegWatch. With a similar purpose. In that, the mainstream media (which I have been a part of for so long) had lost any claim to objectivity or truth for that matter. It is as you know all biased. And it’s always been biased. And I felt so strongly that the very tenant of objectivity in news is THE problem. It’s a myth. There is no such thing as objectivity and we would all be better off if the veil was stripped away and media was upfront about their bias. Bias isn’t bad, pretending that there is no bias is bad. It’s destructive. You can be fact-based and still acknowledge bias. So RegWatch is upfront with the audience. We are probably one of the only news organizations that publishes our news values. If you want to know why we cover some stories and not others. Or why we are say pro resource development over saving the little fishy’s in the stream, you can find out on our out page:
When it comes to vaping, it’s simple. Government should not be allowed to infringe on an individual’s liberties unless it can be proven that their actions causes serious harm to others. If you can’t then you can’t ban it. We all have the right to put whatever we want in our bodies. We all have a right to manage our own health and make our own choices. So when the bans started happening and the excuse was well we don’t know but just to be safe we are banning it. Well that got me pissed off. I have a weekly political column in a top paper in Vancouver and I started writing about it. When RegWatch was up and running I sought out people in the industry and began covering it. Premium Labs and the Canadian Vaping Association are our top Canadian supporters. FlavourArt is coming on for the U.S. and we are looking for one more.
Whew! Hope that wasn’t too much.
I almost feel like I was just at a counselling session.
Here’s all of Brent’s information again should you want to contact him:
Linked In
Regulator Watch Website
Brent Stafford Website (work in progress)
Thanks very much for the information and a look at where Brent comes from! I sincerely appreciate what you’re doing and look forward to having you as a resource to spread the truth here in the US as well.
…oh, and if the counseling session helped at all, I’ll sent you my Paypal address!
Rock on you Old Surfer Dude Nerd! 🙂
Ok, prepare to call me a rookie and a noob.
I THOUGHT I was answering everyone’s Facebook messages, but I just found the “Filtered” area for messages.
I probably have about 2500 people that think I’m an a-hole because I never responded.
I’m going to do my best to respond to the folks who have messaged me within the last couple of months and then archive the rest. There’s no way for me to answer all of them as they date all the way back to 2015… yeah, it’s that bad.
So if you sent me something and I never responded, my sincerest apologies, it was definitely not intentional!
I’ll be looking out for this evil little area in the future, so feel free to message me again.
NOTE: This item was received in exchange for promotion and/or review.
Here is Vaporesso’s newest, the Tarot Pro. This one features VW up to 160 watts, TC (NI, SS, TI, TCR), Bypass, firmware upradaeble, custom power curves, and utilizes two 18650 batteries. It comes in a few different finishes and I think it to be a rather handsome device. The finishes also came rather well protected.
Not a huge fan of how even a 22mm tank hangs off the sides a bit. (see photos)
Here’s some additional information from Vaporesso:
The Tarot Pro is one of our best vape mods, capable of a 160W output as well as all the common TC modes (Ni, SS, Ti). This mod also has CT (Ni, SS, Ti) and CW functions! And if you feel like an untempered vape, you can choose Bypass mode to practically turn your device into a mech-mod.
The Tarot Pro comes with an all new OMNI Board, Ideal to guarantee a consistently reliable performance and an accurate, updatable and fully customizable, firmware.
As we all know, the hotter the coil, the more vapour is created; so trick out your vapes with this insane mod and let the cloud chasing begin! pros!
I need to break in here for a second as I find that last paragraph to be 1) completely false, 2) completely irresponsible. No, once you get your coil to the temperature of evaporation getting it hotter does not produce more vapor. The challenge becomes maintaining the temperature of the coil as your throw more liquid and air at it so that it vaporizes as much as possible should you want a larger cloud. This is where temperature control excels. All that making the coil hotter beyond the temperature of evaporation will do is to potentially crack your liquid into harmful components.
Tarot Pro Mod at a Glance
Dimensions: 93x57x23mm
Weight: 200g
Temperature Range: 140C’-315C’/280F’-600F’
Output Wattage: 5w to 160w
Suitable Atomizer: 0.15 – 5 ohm
Casting: Zinc Alloy, Aluminium Alloy and Carbon Fiber
Thread: 510 thread
Display: OLED
Standby Current: <50 Voltage Range: 0 - 8.5 v Battery Cell: 2x Lithium 18650 1 x Tarot PRO box 1 x User guide and warranty information 1 x USB to micro-USB cable The Tarot Pro will now also come providing a USB charging port for those of you who prefer to charge your mod “on the go” with no added risk! 200 Watts of power available at your fingertips in VW or VT (Ni, SS, Ti, TCR) Ergonomic design makes it easy to grip and safe to handle Highly advanced circuit updatable and fully customizable Micro-usb port makes it easy to charge anytime, anywhere
NOTE: This item was received in exchange for promotion and/or review.
I met these folks several years ago in Paris and I know they’ve been working on this device for a long time.
The whistle tip is interesting on this one because the air/vapor hole is not on the tip, but rather on the upper and lower side of it. I understand the concept… to hit your upper palette and tongue with the vapor to enhance the flavor. However, in practice, it requires you to (jokes are about to ensue) insert the tip into your mouth further than you may be comfortable with in order to provide an unobstructed air path.
The prototype I tried looks a lot like this one so I guess we’ll see when I try it out.
This is a non-adjustable, fill & go type of device and it’s available in grey, red, blue, and yellow. I couldn’t find any mAh information on their site. They are a France based company and didn’t see a selection for the United States to purchase.
Here’s some more information from their site:
Easy to use
Choose your flavor, push the button: that’s it. Vaping has never been smarter. Free your emotions with Nexvap™.Cool
How do you feel today? Chic, elegant, pop, trendy?
Nexvap™ matches you and your lifestyle, with a complete range of accessories.Innovative design
Nexvap™ held the best vaping technology in a beautifully designed product, for a unique sensorial experience.Exclusive twin mouth-tip
More vapour, double flavor: it enhances flavor expression on palate and tongue with optimal vapour dispersion and a more intense tasting experience. Has 1.8 ml liquid capacity.Magnetic connector
No more screwing and unscrewing, the mouth-tip conveniently plugs into the battery tube by magnetic connection.New hi-tech ceramic coil
The new technology for enhanced pleasure and vaping experience. No carbide formation, no oxydation, no dry hits, longer lifecycle and high temperature resitance offer a high quality vapour expression.Smart charging
The provided adapter magnetically connects your rechargeable battery to any USB port (i.e. your laptop). For travelers the optional Swiss made dual USB charger SKROSS works in 150 countries.Battery
The perfect match between metal and polymers, balancing strength and weight.Choose your vaporizer among a range of 3 different colors and experience new vaping sensations. Thanks to the new ceramic coil system you will experience vaping like never before!
NEXVAPTM Tube line is simple, ready to go and your companion in your vaping journey. You will discover new sensations thanks to the ergonomic and innovative mouth-tip reservoir and to the new ceramic coil technology.
The magnetic connector conveniently plugs into the battery. Seamless charging thanks to the USB adaptor that plugs into any USB port.
1 personal vaporizer in red, blue or gray rubber finish with a ceramic coil
1 USB adaptor
I met Larry at an event and had the opportunity to chat with him about his lawsuit. I asked him to provide a write-up for TasteYourJuice to share with all of you. Here you go & thanks for this Larry! Best of luck with the lawsuit… best of luck to us all!
Thank you for the opportunity to let me have the attention of your audience. Let me start by saying this; there is no other industry in this country that has propelled itself into its own culture. Even more so, a culture that has multiple layers and multiple genres. The vaping industry could very well serve as an industry role model for how other industries can strive to be as successful as this one.
Many people who do not know me want to know why a politician is standing up for vaping. So let me give you a little history on myself; my political life; and why I am firm on standing up for this industry.
Let me start with who I am. My name is Larry W Faircloth. I am a state representative for West Virginia. I come from a long line of politics as I was first introduced into politics at the age of 9 years old. I remember it crystal clear. Watching Ronald Reagan take his oath of office. I didn’t understand it, not in the least. Until the next day, when I watched my father take his oath of office, where he continued to serve for over 20 years in office. I did not have the normal childhood most of the other kids had growing up. Instead mine was filled with the insistent nature of my father wanting me to learn all the aspects of politics. By the time I was 17, I had already memorized both the United States Constitution and WV State Constitution, memorized the rules of Parliament, Jeffersonian Law, and read the 27,000 pages of congressional code twice.
In 2002, I first entered the political arena…as a campaign strategist and consultant for many candidates. By 2012, I had earned a reputation for being a Political Bull with a 98 percent success rate. At that point, I myself entered the political race. I of course, was not the establishments pick, so i was deemed the under dog of the race. I was outspent 10 to 1, but with my vast experience, I did not let it bother me, and went on to win the race. Shortly after getting in office, I helped form the Liberty Caucus where I was co-chair of the organization ( and am still active and consult with on many deeming issues).
Shortly after taking office however, my health starting turning for the worse. My doctor was intense on my quitting smoking by any means. She suggested nicotine patches and gum. I tried it to no avail. After that, we moved on to the ‘blu’ cigarettes, but they failed as well. The next step was medication. That was the most dangerous move to me to that point. I truly inherited the signs of depression and thoughts of things that should not have been. I quickly removed myself from that medication for fear of my own safety. I even went to the extent of support groups and being hypnotized once. I gave up on quitting smoking. But in the beginning of 2014, vaping was introduced to me. I shrugged my shoulders, and figured why not give it a try; after all, I tried everything else. To my amazement, from day one of vaping, I have never looked back, and have been smoke free for over 2 years now.
I thought my story was special, but after getting to know the vaping industry, I came to find out that my story was similar to countless others. It quickly dawned on me that this was an industry saving lives. That my friend, is the true reason why I fight for this industry.
In June of 2016, I put together my legal team at the Lane Law Firm (after weeks of consultation), and filed suit against both the FDA and HHS for their unconstitutional actions against the vaping industry with their deeming regs.
The basis of the suits filed all appear to come in from the same approach, however we saw the importance of stressing both the health cost aspects of the deeming regs, as well as the 10th amendment constitutional issues. These issues alone (primarily the 10th Amendment), have been used and won successfully in many cases over the past few years. Most recently, in the last year, the EPA was forced with a permanent injunction on their deeming regs of the US Waters Act, by action of the 10th Amendment issues being cited in the ‘Personal Property Protection Act’ piece of legislation, which was adopted by 27 Attorney Generals for its language and used to stop the actions of the EPA. This legislation was written and pushed by myself, and worked on in development by the attorney that is now representing my lawsuit against the FDA.
My friend, I can not stress the importance to stop the FDA at this point, as it will have positive and impactive benefits trickling down even to the state levels as well. But we must push and win through actions of suit, if we are to set a precedent of an industry that is wanting to continue to grow.
Below is a link to the lawsuit for viewing as well as a link to a donation page to send donations to help fund this fight against the FDA. Since I have started, I have also centered my advocacy into a new site that is in continual growth, at
Thank you again for receiving my email and the opportunity to let me briefly tell you more about myself and my views on why I fight for an industry I truly love.