Category: Recent News
Steve Dockery of Top Hat Mods has graciously donated a beautiful brand new Top Hat to be auctioned off. All proceeds for the auction will go A Billion Lives to help promote the movie.
The Auction will remain at the top of Home Page until it ends.
From Steve:
I made this mod for A Billion Lives to help promote awareness for the film which I endorse to the fullest. I have had many talks with Aaron and cannot thank him enough for what he has done for us! This Top Hat is an 18650 series on a Top Hat V2 Titanium frame with an all stabilized wood body, matching fire and selection buttons. It utilizes the Yihi SX350J-V2 board.
Here are some photos of the mod:
Here’s part 2 of the Stanton Glantz interview with Brent Stafford from Regulator Watch. Thanks for doing this Brent!
When Public Health England, the nation’s primary health authority, put these words into print “e-cigarettes are 95% less harmful to your health than normal cigarettes” it sparked celebration in the vaping world and a cascade of controversy amongst public health officials and anti-smoking activists.
Are e-cigarettes really 95% safer than smoking? Stanton Glantz says no!
He thinks the 95% number was “made-up” by a group of people who have financial conflicts of interest and no evidence to backup their claims.
Tune in for Part 2 of our EXCLUSIVE interview with UCSF professor Stanton Glantz, the world’s most well-known tobacco control activist and the man who beat Big Tobacco in the 1990’s.
Hear what he thinks of the FDA Deeming Regulations, FDA grandfather clause, cancer risk vs. heart disease risk, the Royal College of Physicians in the UK’s “Nicotine without Smoke” report and Public Health England’s 95% less harmful finding. It’s an explosive episode you don’t want to miss—only on RegWatch by
And here’s a little web extra from Brent:
I’m going to try and get Dr. Farsalinos’ comments on this.
Uwell has released an interesting and bold report on ceramic coils titled, “The Truth and Science behind Ceramic Coils”.
I think it will be even more interesting to hear what manufacturers of ceramic coils have to say about this, so I’ve asked for a response from Vaporesso, one of the best known (at least in my mind) makers of ceramic coils. I’ll let you know what I hear back.
It’s good to have information like this available to allow you to make educated decisions on what you feel comfortable or safe using. So read and decide for yourself.
Bottom line, if you don’t feel comfortable or safe using something, DON’T USE IT!
And, as always, the safest way to vape is to not vape at all… just don’t smoke either!
You can read the entire report HERE.
I’ll be joining Dimitris on Smoke Free Radio tonight, recapping the Paris trip and discussing/reviewing the three movies.
Catch it a 9:00PM EST HERE.
Tonight on #smokefreeradio “Candidate endorses Vaping”
* Gary Johnson camp speaks on behalf of vaping
* VapExpo Paris France recap
* A review of 3 vape movies in 3 nights with special guests
Phil Busardo and Canadian Reviewer Jean-Philippe Boutin
* A new study by Dr Farsalinos raises concerns
* Remembering Eric PetersonShow starts 9:00pm EDT
The VapExpo in Paris is well known for it’s excellent conferences on advocacy, science, research and more.
The conference that Dimitris and I participated in can be seen below, but I first wanted you to have a look at some of the other conferences that were available to the public:
Day of Sep 25, 2016
11h00 AM-12h30 PM : « Vape, company and regulation roles and actions of associations in France »
The conference lasts 1 hour 30 Lead by Sébastien Béziau, Brice Le Poutre, Julien Le Vaillant, Nathalie Durand, Mickaël Hammoudi.
Vape, company and regulation roles and actions of associations in France
2h30 PM-4h00 PM : « Vape in cinema and medias »
The conference lasts 1 hour 30 Lead by Mickaël Hammoudi, Ghyslain Armand, Sébastien Duijndam, Jan Kounen, Dominique Aubert.
Vape in cinema and medias
Day of Sep 26, 2016
10h00 AM-11h30 AM : « Vaping, regulation and health policy »
The conference lasts 1 hour 30 Lead by Jacques Le Houezec, Florence Theil, Lorien Jollye, Dimitris Agrafiotis, Phil Busardo, Clive Bates
Vaping, regulation and health policy
2h30 PM-4h00 PM : « Scientific updates on vaping »
The conference lasts 1 hour 30 Lead by Jacques Le Houezec, Konstantinos Farsalinos, Jean-François Etter, Riccardo Polosa.
Scientific updates on vaping
4h15 PM-5h30 PM : « Vape, company and regulation roles and actions of associations in the world »
The conference lasts 1 hour 15 Lead by Sébastien Béziau, Maxime Sciulara, Olivier Théraulaz, Valérie Gallant, Tanguy Doucenet.
Vape, company and regulation roles and actions of associations in the world
Day of Sep 27, 2016
10h00 AM-11h30 AM : « Constraints and opportunities imposed to consumers by the TPD »
The conference lasts 1 hour 30 Lead by Florence Theil, Claude Bamberger, Pascal Henriot, Philippe Poirson, Jean-Philippe Boutin.
Constraints and opportunities imposed to consumers by the TPD
2h30 PM-4h00 PM : « Constraints imposed to professionnals by the TPD »The conference lasts 1 hour 30 Lead by Mickaël Hammoudi, Stéphane D’elia, Jean-Philippe Planchon, Jean Moiroud, Alexandre Scheck, Sébastien Sirguey, Yannick Driever et Pascal Bouchet.Constraints imposed to professionnals by the TPD
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: AWT Red/Black 50A 2600mAn 18650 Bench Test Results…a dangerously overrated 20A battery!
Bottom Line: This is a preposterously overrated and rewrapped cell which I am rating at 20A. At only 35A continuous, well below its rating, it could reach dangerous temperatures and possibly vent if there was a mod malfunction or accidental button press. At 40A and above its voltage quickly collapses. Even if just pulsed at its 50A rating the voltage dropped to just over 3.0V on the first pulse.
Both cells I tested had some dents or handling marks on the bottom of the can, under the wrap. This must have happened during the rewrapping.
It is identical in appearance and performance to the Sony VTC5.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18350/18500 ratings and pulse performance data:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
26650 ratings and pulse performance data:
I received this story from an upset vaper who prefers to remain anonymous. It simply amazes me how something like vaping, one of the most important health advancements in our lifetime when it comes to combating cigarette related disease, is under such furious attack.
I continue to believe the attacks are due to vaping threatening big pharma, big tobacco and big revenues. Our health be damned.
Just unreal…
I was just released from the police station a few minutes ago and needed to vent this…
I was pulled over earlier today after buying some food at a local take-away Indian restaurant. It was a routine alcohol check point. I didn’t drink anything so wasn’t really worried at all. When the cops looked at me he immediately pointed at my MOD (Cuboid) that I had put on the “dash” of my motorcycle. They briefly explained to me that something was wrong by pointing at my device and saying “No, cannot, Thailand cannot” and guided me to a small mini police booth. I had my 4 year old son on my right arm and my bag of Indian food in my left hand being startled and surprised about what was happening… Thought I would get away with a warning or a small fine, driving without helmet or no license is only 400 baht (about 12$) but this was not going to be the case…
Inside this mini office I was told to sit on a small bench where a few other guys were looking really miserable. An officer was sitting in the middle of the small 2×4 meter room behind a steel desk with a small table next to him where they had setup an alcohol check. People who were brought in sat there and take a breath test. If the test was positive they had to sit on the bench with me. After about 10 minutes I was told to talk to the cop taking the breath test which I did. His English was a lot better and he explained to me that E-cigarettes are illegal in Thailand. I knew this already but I thought that playing dumb was my best chance of surviving this and was already thinking of how much money I would offer him to walk out and enjoy my dinner. I had my 4 year old son with me so I thought that would strengthen my case being “a good dad” and not consuming alcohol nor cigarettes…
Boy was I wrong! The guy didn’t really listen to my case (I didn’t purchase the device in Thailand and was unaware of it being illegal in Thailand which In all fairness was a lie, I knew it was illegal but I not wanna smoke real cigarettes), instead he asked me if I had a lawyer and that I should call him. My heart was pounding in my chest as I literally was speechless… Lawyer??? I said I didn’t have a lawyer and I was simply buying some food. He said to call up a friend to help me as I was not gonna be let out until Monday (in 2 days) where I had to appear in court to listen to the charges and the sentence… He already explained to me the sentence for possession of e-liquid and/or devices was 5 years maximum and re-selling was 10 years maximum… My heart nearly pounded out of my chest listening to this story and all kinds of things were going through my head. I had seen documentaries of Jail in Thailand and trust me this is NOT a place where you want to spend more than 5 minutes, let alone 2 nights! He wasn’t interested in anything I had to say and told me to wait on the sofa until they would pack up their checkpoint and I would then be transferred to the local Jail WITH my son. Monday I would then be transported to the Court where my case was being heard….
Unable to say anything and with my mind going crazy on me I just sat there and had no choice then to let it all happen…
I tried to talk to another officer over there in Thai (I speak nearly fluent Thai) trying to get out of the situation by offering a “fine”. He wasn’t having any of it… I just sat there waiting for about 30 more minutes (which felt like 6 hours) with my son who was crying (no air conditioning, fan or water) in this miniature room which was over 40 degrees C. I waiting until it was more quiet with all the people being brought in being submitted to the breath analyzer so that I could talk to the “main guy” again. There were at least 20 people who tested positive for alcohol and were sent on their way with a fine of under 20$… The ridiculous thing is that they are intoxicated, pay the fine and are being sent of ON THEIR BIKE again… Drink and drive, go right ahead we got your money already!
When it was quiet I walked to the guy in charge and offered my apologies in Thai which normally gains respect. The guy appreciated it and kind of looked at me with eyes that I recognized.. He knew what I wanted to do and was waiting for me to do it… I told him I really did not know and that I respect Thailand and its laws. I asked to be allowed to take care of my son and if I could be excused with a fine. “I can make it a good fine for you sir?” were my exact words… His reply was “Maybe,….” And he pointed back to the sofa where I was told to sit again…
After another 20 minutes or so he stood up and walk towards the door and looked at me giving me a small nod of the head.. I knew what this meant and I followed him out. He asked me for the keys of my motorcycle and I gave it to him. They turned the thing inside and out looking for anything illegal. Drugs are a common good in Thailand but I haven’t smoked weed in over 25 years… (Hey, I’m dutch… of course I smoked weed when I was young!) They didn’t find anything and he then guided me back inside to the sofa.
He made some phone calls and came back to me asking me to step outside. Outside we stepped into the darkness again where other bystanders could not see us and offered me a 50.000 baht deal (nearly $1500 USD) that I was supposed to pay on the spot and I could walk away. If I refused I was being transported to jail and sent to court on Monday. I tried to negotiate it down explaining to him that I just paid my son’s tuition fee (30.000 baht) the day before and that I didn’t have that amount in my bank account at the moment. (Which is entirely true! Today is the first day of the summer break in Thailand!). He told me to call a friend and to give it to him in cash within 30 minutes as his shift was ending in 30 minutes and that the deal was off the table once his shift ended… I accepted the deal and was sent on my way ON FOOT. They kept my bike as collateral. I had 30 minutes to find friends to borrow me 50.000 baht, get back to him and pay my way out….
Lucky for me I have some friends that had no problem lending me that money hearing a very short version of this story. I took a taxi, met with him, collected the cash and rushed back to the officer who was really happy to see me. Again he took me to the side of the building where I handed him the cash inside an empty pack of cigarettes… I knew it was a bribe so I tried to be “as professional as possible” about it… I really felt like I was some mobster doing this.
He accepted the money and I asked for my bike and my device. He told me the bike was impounded and gave locations to my taxi driver to drop me off there and just walked off. I wasn’t getting my device back.
Arriving at the impound they did a VERY THOROUGH search on me and my bike. They then asked me for “Picture! Video!” At first I didn’t understand. I thought they wanted to check my identity to see if this was really my bike. They kept asking for “photo or video”. These guys did not speak English AT ALL… I finally got it, I knew what they meant. They wanted to make sure I didn’t video the whole bribe thing or took pictures of the officer. I gave him my phone which he then checked and was satisfied there weren’t any videos in it. I then stepped on my bike, and was sent off on my way home…
Recently, Brent Stafford from Regulator Watch interviews Stanton Glantz. See part 1 of the interview below.
Stanton Glantz, the most well-known tobacco control activist in the world thinks e-cigarettes are “dangerous in an absolute sense” and make the tobacco epidemic worse by promoting what researchers call ‘dual use’—when people adopt vaping, but continue to smoke.
Glantz is a professor in the school of medicine and director of the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education at the University of California, San Francisco. He is also famous for his role in beating Big Tobacco in the 1990’s.
Join RegWatch for part 1 of our 2-part exclusive in-depth interview and hear what Glantz thinks about: the dangers of e-cigarettes, the rise of teenage vaping in the United States, the validity of the 95% less harmful finding; and his reaction to the Royal College of Physicians report and response to criticism by vaping advocates that most national research is biased against e-cigarettes.
It’s Must See TV—only on RegWatch by – September 30, 2016.
And after all of that, Glantz goes onto to say…
A PBusardo Review – The Innokin SmartBox Kit, the Arymi Gille MTL tank & A Contest Update
In this video, we talk briefly about the Paris VapExpo event which will be recapped on Dimitris’ Smoke Free Radio Program with me next week. We then review the Innokin SmartBox Kit and the Arymi Gille MTL tank, we draw a new name for one contest, and ask a new question for the other.
The Links:
Smoke Free Radio
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos – The Innokin SmartBox:
The Photos – The Arymi Gille MTL Tank:
You’ve seen some posts on this today so here is some additional information.
Time is running short. Cole/Bishop is the only vehicle we have left to get the predicate date changed this year.
Vapor Technology Association is hard at work in the nation’s capital promoting responsible public policies like the Cole-Bishop Amendment that will save our industry and preserve the ability of innovators like YOU to continue to develop and sell quality vapor products. We have made a lot of progress, but now we need YOUR help!
If we are going to be successful, we need to show our elected leaders in Washington exactly who you are. You are the manufacturers, wholesalers, small business owners, employees and entrepreneurs who make up the vapor industry, and you are the customers that rely on vapor products. MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD!
Support out Thunderclap and together let’s tell Congress that #WeAreVapor!
Here is the link to follow:
As a matter of fact, Kevin Skipper from VCC did a quick video on it. He’s allowed me to share that video here so…