Category: Recent News
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Samsung 35E 3500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…a so-so 8A battery
Bottom Line: This battery has a very high 3500mAh capacity rating but even at just 5A its run time down to 3.2V is a lot shorter than the 3300mAh Panasonic NCR18650GA. Its high internal resistance causes a lot of voltage sag which triggers a regulated mod’s weak battery alert sooner than batteries like the NCR19650GA and MJ1. I am rating it at 8A/3500mAh.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18350/18500 ratings and pulse performance data:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
26650 ratings and pulse performance data:
FROM CASAA – Know where your candidates stand on vaping
This election year, several candidates have made a point to express their support for reasonable regulation and policies that will benefit vapor consumers. Unfortunately, like the vaping community, these leaders are in the minority. Going forward, a crucial part of changing the political landscape relies on how we vote and who we vote for.
With only a few days left before the election, please take a moment and visit to see who your candidates are and if they have expressed a position on tobacco harm reduction. And, as always, make sure you are registered to vote and that your information is up to date.
Thank you,
Alex Clark
Legislative Coordinator, CASAA
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: I was wrong about the Samsung 26F!
I was wrong!
The Samsung ICR18650-26F does NOT use the same volatile chemistry as LiPo batteries.
In a post in August I said it did. That is incorrect. As the MSDS document for the 26F shows, it uses the same “hybrid” NMC chemistry as that used in the 25R, VTC4/5, HE2/4, and other batteries we consider to be relatively safe to vape with.
NMC chemistry, nickel-manganese-cobalt, is one of multiple chemistries that use the “ICR” manufacturer’s model number prefix. Another one using that prefix is LCO, lithium-cobalt-oxide, which is used in LiPo batteries and is significantly more volatile than the other Li-Ion chemistries.
So while the 26F has a low 5.2A rating, low capacity for an under-10A battery, and I don’t recommend buying it, it is not any more dangerous to use than other batteries with the same chemistry like the 25R, VTC4/5, and HE2/4.
My apologies for any confusion this has caused. Bench test results for the 26F will be posted soon.
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Samsung 26F 5.2A 2600mAh Bench Test Results…just not worth it
Bottom Line: This cell has a low current rating, 5.2A, but uses the safer “hybrid” NMC (nickel-manganese-cobalt) chemistry version of “ICR”. It does not use the more volatile LCO (lithium-cobalt oxide) chemistry version of ICR that is also used in LiPo’s. NMC chemistry is used in the 25R, VTC4/5, HE2/4, and other cells we use often and consider to be pretty safe.
It also has a low capacity rating, 2600mAh, compared to several other <10A batteries. There’s very little reason for a vaper to use this battery. If you do use them, stay below 15W to get what you can from these cells without the weak battery warning appearing immediately. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18350/18500 ratings and pulse performance data:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
26650 ratings and pulse performance data:
A PBusardo Review – The Vaporesso Nebula Mod & Estoc Tanks + The Last Contest Winner & A New Contest!
In this video, we talk about the upcoming Reno event, see a bit from the China events, review the Vaporesso Nebula mod and Estoc tanks, find out who won the last contest and kick off a new one!
The Links:
National Vape Expo
Vanguard Smoke
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
Vaporesso’s Response to the Uwell Ceramic Report:
the-safety-of-porous-ceramic-application-to-e-cigarette-oct-2016REGULATOR WATCH – Vapers Vote – Conley on Trump & Post-Election Fight
Brent Stafford interviews Gregory Conley in this episode of Regulator Watch…
Which major party candidate is more likely to end President Obama’s anti-vaping policies, Hillary Clinton or Donald J. Trump?
Gregory Conley, the president of the American Vaping Association says if you are a single-issue voter “the orange-guy might be your best bet” to save the vaping industry.
In this episode of RegWatch, we meet-up with Conley at the Smoke-Free Alternatives Trade Association annual conference in Hollywood, Florida—SFATA is the leading trade organization representing the U.S. vaping industry.
Conley walks us through the current legislative battle and explains what Congress urgently needs to do in order to modernize the predicated date and save vaping.
E-Cigarettes : Welcome Back, Big Tobacco – the fifth estate
This is worth a watch and a share. Interesting look into e-cigarettes from a Canadian perspective.
Big Tobacco is trying clean up its image, moving into the booming e-cigarette business which continuing to peddle the deadly tobacco products. This has left public health officials in Canada, the U.K. and the US
Five million Canadians still smoke. Could e-cigarettes help wean them over to a safer nicotine delivery device? Many ex-smokers say ‘yes.’ E-cigarettes are their salvation.
Health Canada is on the cusp of deciding how e-cigarettes should be regulated. Mark Kelly heads to England — a country that has taken bold steps in embracing the e-cigarette as a safer alternative. Will Canada? And what will this mean for our e-cigarette industry?
Until now, e-cigarettes with nicotine have not been endorsed by Health Canada. And that’s kept Big Tobacco out of the Canadian market. Will new regulations open the doors for a tarred industry to join in the e-cigarette revolution?
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Energy Vap 35A 3000mAh Bench Test Results…a dangerously overrated 20A 2700mAh battery!
Bottom Line: This cell was sent to me by Phil Busardo…thank you! It is an overrated and rewrapped cell that I am rating at 15A and 2700mAh. If you are vaping with it at its 35A rating and there is a mod malfunction or accidental button press the cell can get hot enough to possibly vent. This is unacceptable and clearly shows that this is not a 35A cell.
Thanks Mooch! Got this one in France and sent it right to the expert!! 🙂
-Phil Busardo
It appearance is identical to the Samsung 30Q but its performance is lower than the ones I have tested before. It’s probably a lower grade cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18350/18500 ratings and pulse performance data:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
26650 ratings and pulse performance data: