Category: Recent News
REGULATOR WATCH – Media Matters | CBC’s Fifth Estate Shatters Orthodoxy
Sorry this one is late. Just back from visiting the family for Thanksgiving.
Here’s the latest from Thanks Brent!
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Gpower Yellow/Black 20A 2500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…accurately rated, poor performing
Bottom Line: This is an accurately rated, but poor performing, 20A cell. The 20A 2500mAh Samsung 25R delivers about 1300mAh at 20A down to 3.2V. This Gpower only delivers about 700mAh. And that was only after three cycles at moderate current levels to “break it in”. Something that should never be required
This cell doesn’t match the appearance or performance and of any Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo battery I have seen. It appears to be a China-manufactured cell and not a rewrap.
While the cell does list the continuous current rating in very small print on the “back” of the wrap it has its useless “pulse” rating in huge print on the “front” of the wrap. I feel this is misleading and I encourage all battery companies that sell to the vaping community to only use the continuous current rating in large print or to use both, e.g., “20A/35A” for this cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Imren Gold 30A 3000mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…a ridiculously overrated battery
Bottom Line: This is an ridiculously overrated 15A battery. It’s great that it doesn’t have the useless “pulse” rating in large numbers on the wrap but its claimed 30A continuous rating is a huge disappointment. The Imren Gold 20A 2500mAh cell was accurately rated. I don’t know why they decided to exaggerate the current rating so much with this cell.
Perhaps it’s due to a misreading of the datasheet for the cell they rewrapped? This Imren looks and performs identically to the Sony VTC6 (but this can change at any time). As clearly shown in the VTC6 datasheet, it is rated at 30A only if you stop when the temperature reaches 80°C. Since this battery gets hot enough to boil water when discharged continuously at 30A this cannot be a 30A-rated battery.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Imren Gold 20A 2500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…an accurately rated battery!
Bottom Line: Writing this test report is a real pleasure. Not only is this cell accurately rated, it doesn’t have the useless “pulse” or “max” rating in large numbers on the wrap. This is a good performing 20A 2500mAh cell that looks and performs identically to the LG HE4. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Sanyo 20700B 4000mAh 20700 Bench Test Results…a peek at the future?
Bottom Line: This Sanyo is one of the new generation of slightly larger cylindrical cells being brought to the market primarily for automotive use. It is 20mm in diameter and 70mm long, a 20700 battery. Other sizes and designations for similar cells from other manufacturers include 20650 and 21-70.
I am rating this cell at 15A 4000mAh. It runs a few degrees hotter than the HG2 (which is why the Sanyo has a lower rating) but at 10A and 20A continuous down to 3.2V the Sanyo lasts about 25% longer.
There is also a Sanyo 20700A cell which is rated at 3100mAh and about 30A. You’d have the capacity of a VTC6/30Q/HG2 plus a 30A rating for just a small increase in battery size.
Either of these Sanyo’s could be a very good choice to 3D print a custom battery sled for. City of Cloud was kind enough to send me a couple of their samples of the 20700B for this testing but no 20700A’s were available. I hope to get a couple of the 20700A’s soon.
I don’t know if any of these larger cells will eventually replace the 18650 but the Sanyo 20700B is hopefully just the first alternative cell that I’ll be testing that offers a good current rating and extra capacity over our 18650’s for just a small increase in size.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
Interesting. I was just talking about this charger to some of the folks at CVE and look what showed up today (in a somewhat crushed box)… Xtar’s new Dragon Charger.
This one has several features vapers may be interested in, such as…
- Ability to test mAh capacity of batteries
- Act as a multi-meter to test battery voltage and internal resistance
- Externally charge your 3S lipo packs for DNA-200 devices
- Charges USB devices – with power connected or without as long as you have batteries in place
- Refreshes mode to reduce memory effects on Ni-MH batteries
- Alert tone function
- 3-color LED status indicators
Lot’s of features on this one.
I’m going to leave the detailed testing on this one to Mooch, but I’ll be showing it and some of it’s features in a video soon.
Traveling to so many different places and getting to meet so many wonderful people has it’s advantages and disadvantages.
The advantages are just that… getting to meet, talk to, and know so many of you and spread the message and hope that vaping promises. For this I’ve truly been blessed.
The disadvantages… time away from my wife, family, friends, the chores of daily life, and of course… the review videos. For this, I’m truly sorry.
Tomorrow I travel to NJ to be with my family on Thanksgiving. We’ll get back to the videos upon my return.
In the meantime…
Here’s a new one from Sigelei… the Evaya 66W.
This is a single 18650 mod that features a stabilized wood face, a nice color screen, VW up to 66W, and temperature control.
66W on a single 18650 huh? Sounds EXTREMELY reasonable. Perhaps they’ve learned from some recent past mistakes? 🙂
Here’s some additional information:
The Sigelei Evaya 66 TC Box Mod is the latest compact output technology by Sigelei, featuring a mid-wattage capability of 66W and temperature control suite within a beautifully crafted zinc alloy chassis with a stunning stabilized wood control face. Following the dazzling design of the SnowWolf 218W, the Sigelei Evaya 66W implements a curved ergonomic chassis that fits comfortably on the user hands, implementing a well-balanced weight distribution when fully assembled with today’s top atomizers. The crowing achievement lies within the gorgeous stabilized wood control face plate, adding a layer of distinction and uniqueness to each and every device. Operational functionality is highly efficient with the standard three-button control and intuitive OLED display, along with the integration of the bottom-loaded battery disc. Performance caters to the mid-wattage segment, with power up to 66W and integrated temperature control module that supports Ni200 Nickel, Titanium, and Stainless Steel heating elements. Visually designed with precise machining and ample performance capability, the Sigelei 66 TC Box Mod is a highly capable output technology.
Sigelei Evaya 66W TC Box Mod Features:
Single 18650 High-Amp Battery
Wattage Ouput Range: 5-66W
Voltage Output Range: 0.7-9V
Min Atomizer Resistance: 0.1ohm
Output Max Current: 35A
Supports Ni200, Titanium, and 316L Stainless Heating Elements
Intuitive OLED Display
Industrialized Zinc Alloy Construction
Stabilized Wood Control Face
Bottom-Loading Threaded Battery Disc Access
MicroUSB Port
Spring-Loaded 510 Connection
Here is the new Tesla Touch 150W TC mod.
It’s a dual 18650 mod featuring 150W, variable wattage, temperature control, and a high quality touch screen.
I have yet to do a review on a touch screen device and this will be my first. It will also be my next review. The device will travel with me to NJ as I go to visit my family for Thanksgiving. When I return, I’ll be doing the numbers and then the actual review.
I’ll be most curious about whether the touch screen adds to the user experience or winds up just being gimmicky.
Here’s some additional information about this device:
Tesla enters the touch screen market, with their newest device the Tesla Touch 150 mod. It features 5 – 150 watts of pure power and temperature control functionality. The device is controlled by a 2.4” IPS touch screen which will provide you with better viewing angels. Temperature control support Nickel, Titanium, Stainless Steel 316 and also TCR mode. Ergonomically designed to feel great in the hand with the firing button being located at top. The Tesla 150 Touch is a must have for anyone looking to get a touch screen device!
Tesla 150 Touch Features:
- Material: zinc alloy
- Dimension: 94*56*26mm
- Battery: 2* 18650 high drain batteries (Not Included)
- Output power: 5W-150W
- Voltage adjust: 0.2–12V
- Temperature Range: 200°F – 600°F
- Max output current: 40A
- 0.1-3.5ohm for VW mode / 0.05-1.0ohm for Ti/Ni200/SS316/TCR
- Available in Black, blue, red, SS
You Will Receive:
- 1x – Touch 150W TC
- 1x – Screen Protector
- 1x – USB Cable
FROM DOCTOR FARSALINOS – How much do flavors contribute to aldehyde emissions from e-cigarettes?
The original article can be found on Doctor Farsalinos’ website: E-Cigarette Research
By Dr Farsalinos
In the past few days I have received a large number of emails and messages from concerned vapers about a study reporting huge levels of aldehydes in e-cigarette aerosol when using flavored e-liquid. The study has been published in the journal Environmental Research and Technology. The authors compared flavored with unflavored liquids. The highest level of aldehyde emissions were observed with the flavors watermelon blueberry and coffee. Remarkably, no aldehyde emissions were found when using an unflavored liquid.
Due to the latter, we can safely exclude dry puffs as a reason for the very high aldehyde emissions. If that was the case, they would have found very high levels of aldehyde in unflavored liquids too. I have reported this in a study 1 year ago using unflavored liquid.
The problem with this study is that the results contradict previous research on aldehyde emissions. A large number of studies have shown that aldehydes are formed due to thermal degradation of the main ingredients of e-liquids, namely propylene glycol and glycerol. Even more importantly, John Lauterbach reported in a 2015 conference that radiolabeled aldehydes were found in the aerosol of e-liquids containing radiolabeled PG and VG (abstract 188). This is definite proof that, at least part of, aldehydes are formed due to thermal degradation of the humectants of e-liquids. I cannot explain why the authors found no aldehydes (i.e. below LOQ) in the unflavored liquid. With the flavored liquids, the levels found were extremely high. For example, the watermelon liquid released so much formaldehyde that consuming 1 mL of that liquid would result in 4-fold higher exposure compared to smoking 20 tobacco cigarettes.
I should note that it is impossible to convincingly identify something that went wrong in this study, besides the fact that the results are not consistent with previous research. I never attempt to provide “justifications” which do not exist, and I never have “preferences” in what gets published. My only goal is to have accurate scientific information and advance the knowledge and understanding, whether the information is in favor or against e-cigarettes.
One of the fascinating aspects of science is the ability to replicate, and thus confirm or reject, the findings of a study. Thus, I can announce that we have already prepared a protocol with the main purpose to identify if and at what level do flavors contribute to aldehyde emissions compared to unflavored liquid. We also plan to use some of the liquids used in the recent study (same brand), if the author replies to my email requesting information on the brand used (there is no such information in the manuscript, and I still have not received any response to the email I have sent). We will be able to release our preliminary results very soon and we hope we are going to clarify the situation. If there is a problem, we need to verify it and inform the scientific community and the society, especially vapers and smokers. So, be patient…