Category: Recent News
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Kdest Beige 35A 2800mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…shamefully overrated, just a 10A battery!
Bottom Line: This is a rewrapped and preposterously overrated 10A cell reaching 94°C at only 15A continuous and becoming useless at only 20A. Both Kdest cells were visually identical in performance and appearance to the LG MG1. This is the same cell that was used by Efest for the 10A version of their earlier “35A 3000mAh” cell.
Kdest has printed “MADE IN KDEST” on the metal can which is interesting considering that this is a rewrapped LG cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
The two cells were purchased directly from Kdest ( for the purposes of testing.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Kdest Black 35A 2500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…ridiculously overrated, one was a dud
Bottom Line: This is a rewrapped and ridiculously overrated 20A 2500mAh cell. In addition, one of the two that I purchased from Kdest was a dud cell (see test graph below). The one I could test performed close to, but worse than, the blue Samsung 25R5. Both Kdest cells were visually identical to the 25R2 (not the newer green 25R5).
Kdest has printed “MADE IN KDEST” on the metal can which is interesting considering that this is a rewrapped Samsung cell.
Pulse testing was not done as this is a rewrapped 25R2. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
The two cells were purchased directly from Kdest ( for the purposes of testing.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A PBusardo Review – The HCigar VT75 & VT75 Nano
In this video we add to the stocking, talk a bit more about the travel, do some Show & Tell, and take a look at the HCigar VT75 & VT75 Nano.
The Links:
My VPro – 521 Master DIY Kit V2
My DNA-75 board review
A second look at Escribe following the DNA-75 board review
B E-liquids
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos – HCigar VT75:
The Photos – HCigar VT75 Nano:
Thank you R2B Smoke-Free Coalition & SEVIA-USA for your continued support!
Very proud of the work Dimitris and I have done here which would not have been possible without the wonderful support of all the Chinese Manufactures which are part of this association.
NEW ON REGWATCH – Singed Fingers | Grover Norquist Says Politicians Are Feeling the Burn
Here’s the latest from Regulator Watch.
Thanks Brent! Let’s keep feeding the fire so we can increase the “burn”!! WE can change things!
Death and taxes, the only sureties of life. For millions of smokers, pernicious tobacco taxes and a hastened death is a cruel reality. For vapers that have made the switch to minimize these fates it’s becoming a bitter pill to swallow, as states move to tax vapor products similar to tobacco products—forcing vapers to pay a sin tax for a product they believe saves lives.
Are vapers easy pickings for greedy politicians seeking a quick revenue windfall?
Grover Norquist, president of Americans for Tax Reform says no! He should know as politicians at all levels of government rightly fear the wrath of the ATR. Norquist joined the fight early to try and stop state legislatures from taxing vaping.
He says vapers are self-assured, irritated and angry. And, they are very comfortable saying so. Are vapers winning the fight against pernicious sin taxation? Find out—only on RegWatch by – November 30, 2016.
A PBusardo Review – HotCig DX75
In this video we add to the stocking, talk a bit about Reno, and take a look at the HotCig DX75.
The Links:
Osiris Mods Facebook
My DNA-75 board review
A second look at Escribe following the DNA-75 board review
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Gpower Yellow/Black 20A 3000mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…a poor performing 17A 2800mAh battery
Bottom Line: This tested out as a poor performing 17A 2800mAh cell. The 20A 3000mAh Samsung 30Q delivers about 1600mAh at 20A down to 3.2V. This Gpower only delivers about 790mAh. And that was only after two cycles at moderate current levels to “break it in”, something that should never be required.
This cell doesn’t match the appearance or performance and of any Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo battery I have seen. It appears to be a China-manufactured cell and not a rewrap. It has “ICR” on the wrap but I don’t know which battery chemistry they’re using. “ICR” is used for both the chemistry that is in LiPo’s, lithium-cobalt (LCO), and for the “hybrid” chemistry that is in 25R’s, HE2/4’s, VTC’s, and other batteries, nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC).
While the cell does list the continuous current rating in very small print on the “back” of the wrap it has its useless “pulse” rating in huge print on the “front” of the wrap. I feel this is misleading and I encourage all battery companies that sell to the vaping community to only use the continuous current rating in large print or to use both, e.g., “20A/40A” for this cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Gpower Yellow/Black 25A 2600mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…a poor performing 19A 2500mAh battery
Bottom Line: This tested out as a poor performing 19A 2500mAh cell. The 20A 2500mAh Samsung 25R delivers about 1300mAh at 20A down to 3.2V. The 20A 2600mAh Sony VTC5 delivers about 1250mAh. This Gpower only delivers about 750mAh. And that was only after two cycles at moderate current levels to “break it in”, something that should never be required. When discharged at its 25A continuous rating it became almost hot enough to boil water.
This cell doesn’t match the appearance or performance and of any Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo battery I have seen. It appears to be a China-manufactured cell and not a rewrap. It has “ICR” on the wrap but I don’t know which battery chemistry they’re using. “ICR” is used for both the chemistry that is in LiPo’s, lithium-cobalt (LCO), and for the “hybrid” chemistry that is in 25R’s, HE2/4’s, VTC’s, and other batteries, nickel-manganese-cobalt (NMC).
While the cell does list the continuous current rating in very small print on the “back” of the wrap it has its useless “pulse” rating in huge print on the “front” of the wrap. I feel this is misleading and I encourage all battery companies that sell to the vaping community to only use the continuous current rating in large print or to use both, e.g., “25A/40A” for this cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
SMOKEFREE RADIO – “Johnson delivers”
Dimitris had an excellent episode with “Johnson Delivers”
* Sen Johnson keeps his promise to vapers
* Awaiting administration appointments
* Vapor Fi manipulates A Billion Lives
* A clear 3 month timeline on requirements for the industry and FDALinks:
You can listen below…
Johnson Asks Obama Administration to Cease Implementing Regulations that Will Likely be Repealed
From the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security & Government Affairs
You can see the original post HERE.
WASHINGTON — Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.), chairman of the Senate Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs Committee, asked three top regulators in the outgoing Obama administration to cease implementing especially burdensome new regulations.
Johnson wrote to Department of Labor Secretary Tom Perez, Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Robert Califf, and Environmental Protection Agency Administrator Gina McCarthy last week asking that the Obama administration cease implementation of its burdensome regulations. Many, including the Department of Labor’s overtime rule and fiduciary rule, the FDA’s industry-killing regulation of e-cigarettes, and the EPA’s redefinition of the “waters of the United States,” would pile significant costs onto American businesses and families and could have severe unintended consequences. These rules are likely to be undone by the incoming administration and the 115th Congress.
“On November 8, the American people voiced their disapproval of a federal government run by regulation and executive fiat. The incoming administration and the 115th Congress will likely re-examine and unwind burdensome regulations imposed by the Obama administration. One example is the Department of Labor’s ‘overtime’ rule, which institutes a one-size-fits-all approach to employment contracts, restricting flexibility and posing serious negative consequences for the American labor market,” Johnson wrote in one letter to Perez. “Given the substantial likelihood that this burdensome regulation will be undone, I urge the Labor Department to cease implementation of the regulation immediately to spare small businesses and industry the unnecessary and avoidable compliance costs that they currently face.”
In a letter to Califf, Johnson wrote, “In light of the significant economic costs on the e-cigarette industry and the substantial likelihood that the incoming administration and the 115th Congress will unwind this burdensome regulation, I call on the FDA to cease its implementation of the current regulation over e-cigarettes. I hope the FDA will acknowledge the reality of the situation and ensure that small businesses and consumers do not continue to incur avoidable financial costs due to this regulation.”
Johnson’s letter to the Department of Labor on the overtime rule can be found here, and Johnson’s letter on the fiduciary rule can be found here.
Johnson’s letter to the FDA can be found here.
Johnson’s letter to the EPA can be found here.
THANK YOU Senator Johnson for your continued support of our industry!