Category: Recent News
NEW ON REGULATOR WATCH – Tallying the Score | Part 2
Here’s the latest on Regulator Watch – Tallying the Score | Part 2
Thank you Brent!
Curbing the appeal of vaping to young people is the primary pursuit of Canada’s new vaping regulations. Every section, clause and word of the legislation has been crafted with this goal in mind. But how does this mission impact the products vapers love and the Canadian companies that manufacture them?
Join RegWatch for part 2 of our conversation with Marc Kealey, the Canadian Vaping Association’s powerhouse government lobbyist. Learn how e-juice flavours would be affected, what the new requirements look like for Canadian e-juice manufacturers and how they may set a path to U.S. FDA styled regulation in Canada.
Did ‘biased-views’ play a role in decision making at Health Canada? – Find out—only on RegWatch by – December 12, 2016.
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: MXJO Yellow/Silver 35A 3000mAh 18650 Bench Retest Results…still an overrated battery
Bottom Line: This rewrapped cell has an exaggerated current rating and is the same as the older rewrapped yellow/silver “35A 3000mAh” MXJO. When discharged continuously at its claimed 35A rating an internal protection device is triggered at around 100°C, permanently disabling the cell. This helps protect it from venting but renders the cell useless and means it cannot be rated a 35A cell.
WARNING: Do not assume that this internal protection device will prevent the cell from venting if you abuse this battery! It is not guaranteed to work and is only there as another possible layer of protection against using this cell at way above its rating.
This new yellow/silver wrap has “Type 2” above “20A CDC” in small print on the “back” of the cell. I assume that means Continuous Discharge Current. While I applaud MXJO for putting this rating on the wrap, it’s almost hidden and is essentially useless as very few people know what “CDC” means. In bold print on the front they have a meaningless 35A max or pulse rating with no mention of the continuous rating, which would be easy to add there. Even if they kept the continuous rating on the back of the cell they could have said “20A Continuous” or even “20A Cont.” and used much larger lettering.
These MXJO’s are identical in appearance and performance to the 15A/3000mAh Samsung 30Q. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
I’ve seen posts claiming that this MXJO was lasting twice as long as an HG2 or 30Q before needing to be charged. It cannot last longer than the cell that it is a rewrap of, the Samsung 30Q. If MXJO switches to a lower grade cell, always a risk with rewrapped batteries, it could last less.
The two cells tested were donated by Kai Chen from All Day Vapes ( Thank you!
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: MXJO Green/Silver 20A 3500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…still an 11A/3300mAh battery
Bottom Line: This rewrapped cell has exaggerated current and capacity ratings and is the same as the older yellow wrap “20A 3500mAh” MXJO. When discharged continuously at its claimed 20A rating an internal protection device is triggered at around 100°C, permanently disabling the cell. This helps protect it from venting but renders the cell useless and means it cannot be rated a 20A cell.
This new green/silver wrap has “Type 1” above “10A CDC” in small print on the “back” of the cell. I assume that means Continuous Discharge Current. While I applaud MXJO for putting this rating on the wrap, it’s almost hidden and is essentially useless as very few people know what “CDC” means. In bold print on the front they have a meaningless 20A max or pulse rating with no mention of the continuous rating, which would be easy to add there. Even if they kept the continuous rating on the back of the cell they could have said “10A Continuous” or even “10A Cont.” and used much larger lettering.
These MXJO’s are identical in appearance and performance to the 10A/3300mAh Panasonic NCR18650GA. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.
The two cells tested were donated by Kai Chen from All Day Vapes ( Thank you!
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
Congrats to Richard! He’s the latest (Not A) Contest winner and can be seen with his new Kanger Dripbox 160, the Digiflavor Siren tanks, and the Vaporesso Estoc tank!
New On Regulator Watch – Tallying the Score | Impact of Canada’s New Vaping Regulations | Part 1
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford on Regulator Watch…
Messy compromise or promise fulfilled? These are just two of the questions Canadian vapers are struggling with following the Liberal government’s release of its new federal vaping regulations.
The legislation known as Bill S-5 is currently winding its way through the Senate and is expected to become law by mid next year. What will be the impact on vapers and the vaping industry in Canada?
In part 1 of our 2-part conversation, hear directly from Marc Kealey, the Canadian Vaping Association’s powerhouse government lobbyist. Learn what the Ministry of Health is saying about the new regulations and why Kealey thinks the vaping industry may have dodged a bullet in Canada—only on RegWatch by – December 9, 2016.
US Surgeon General declares e-cigarettes are a public health concern. But where is the evidence of harm?
Here is an excerpt from a recent article published by Dr. Farsalinos…
By Dr Farsalinos
Today, the US Surgeon General released a report about e-cigarettes and youth (not about e-cigarettes in general). The major conclusion in the report is that e-cigarette among youth and young adults has become a public health concern. Actions like incorporating e-cigarettes into smoke-free policies, increases taxes and price, educational initiatives, preventing access to youth and regulating marketing are suggested (although the reports mentions that “actions can be taken” instead of “actions should be taken”).
Interestingly, the report was released together with a very well-designed website, with sections like “KNOW THE RISKS”, “get the facts” and “take action”. The questions are:
Know which risks?
Get which facts?
Take what actions?
You can read the entire article on his website HERE.
A PBusardo Review – A Show & Tell with the XTAR Dragon VP4 Plus and the VapeDroid C1D2
In this video we do a Show & Tell with the XTAR Dragon VP4 Plus and continue our look at DNA-75 devices with the VapeDroid C1D2. We also add both to the stocking!
The Links:
Download the Droid C1D2 Escribe setup HERE.
The Post Review Follow-Up:
- 12/7/16 – In the review, I failed to mention that the Droid C1D2 also uses a daughter board similar to the HCigar VT75.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos – XTAR Dragon VP4 Plus:
The Photos – VapeDroid C1D2:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Kdest Black 15A 3500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…just a 10A 3400mAh battery
Bottom Line: This Kdest is just a rewrapped and overrated 10A 3400mAh cell. At its 15A continuous rating it was almost hot enough to boil water. Its “pulse” rating of 40A is ridiculously high and would bring the voltage down to uselessly low levels. Both of these Kdest cells were identical in performance and appearance to the LG MJ1.
Kdest has printed “MADE IN KDEST” on the metal can which is interesting considering that this is a rewrapped LG cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell. The two cells were purchased directly from Kdest ( for the purposes of testing.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades:
A PBusardo Review – The Cthulhu MTL RTA
In this video we take a look at the Cthulhu MTL RTA.
The Links:
Cthulhu Mod
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Kdest White 40A 3100mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…preposterously overrated, absurd pulse rating
Bottom Line: This “40A” Kdest is just a rewrapped and overrated 15A cell that can boil water at only 30A continuous. It reaches a dangerous temperature at 35A continuous. Its “pulse” rating of 80A is absurd and brings me to the point of apoplexy just thinking about it. The first pulse at that level would drop the cell’s voltage to under 2.5V….a less than useful voltage. Both of these Kdest cells were identical in performance and appearance to the Samsung 30Q.
Kdest has printed “MADE IN KDEST” on the metal can which is interesting considering that this is a rewrapped Samsung cell.
The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell. The two cells were purchased directly from Kdest ( for the purposes of testing.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
18650 current ratings and safety grades: