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A PBusardo Review – The Asvape Strider + Last Contest Winner + New Contest

In this video we take a look at the Asvape Strider, find out who one the last contest and kick off a new one.

The Links:
Asvape Facebook Page
Heaven Gifts
VO Chipset Page
VO-Tech Dagger

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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THE LATEST FROM REG WATCH – No Comparisons | Analyzing Canada’s Vaping Regs | Part 2

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Reg Watch:

Adverse impacts of new regulation are a more dramatic way to describe unintended consequences. Yet, not all impacts are unintended. After all the purpose of regulation is to change industry and consumer behavior in the marketplace. Canada’s new federal vaping regulations certainly intend to do just that.

Once passed, how would smokers seeking to quit learn about the benefits of vaping? Would healthcare practitioners have the most current information to inform their patients? Do the new regulations cripple the industry’s ability to grow?

Get the answers from regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma and find out why he believes the one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best option for vaping—only on RegWatch by – January 31, 2017.

There’s also a “Web-Extra” that goes along with this…

The single most powerful argument supporting the war on vaping is adherence to the precautionary principle. Simply, when a new product, policy or practice is suspected of risk causing harm to the public government rushes to ban it. Even when there is no scientific evidence proving the risk. Is this fair?

Hear what regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma thinks on this RegWatch Web Extra—only on – January 31, 2017.

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Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Reg Watch:

Canada’s new federal vaping regulations offer a bewildering slew of new rules, which when in effect would fundamentally transform the vaping industry in Canada. That transformation is founded on established regulatory frameworks built and deployed for the tobacco, pharmaceutical and consumer natural health product industries.

Join RegWatch for part-1 in our 2-part special analyzing the impacts of the vaping regulations as they stand now in draft form. Hear objective 3rd party feedback from regulatory legal expert Rajeev Sharma and find out why he believes the one-size-fits-all approach may not be the best option for vaping—only on RegWatch by – January 29, 2017.

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Enook 35A 3600mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…a shamefully overrated 10A battery!

Bottom Line: This Enook is preposterously overrated. At 35A, this cell’s rating, it ran for less than one second before plunging to 3.2V. Enook did the same kind of overrating with their 40A 3200mAh cell. These two are among the most overrated cells I have ever seen.

This Enook’s appearance is identical to the 10A 3300mAh Panasonic NCR18650GA but it has a lower capacity than the Panasonic and performs a bit worse. It could be a lower grade NCR18650GA.

I am rating this Enook at 10A and 3200mAh.  The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.

– There is no 18650 that can have a factory/manufacturer rating over 30A.

– There is no 3000mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 20A.

– There is no 3100mAh-3500mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 10A.

– There is no 18650 with a capacity rating over 3600mAh.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

18650 current ratings and safety grades:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Enook 40A 3200mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…only 10A, shame on you Enook!

Bottom Line: This “40A” Enook has a ludicrously exaggerated current rating and an exaggerated capacity rating, it is only a 10A 3000mAh cell. At 40A continuous, it delivered only 31mAh down to 3.2V.

Basen did the same overrating with their 40A 3200mAh cell but they used a rewrapped Panasonic. Both cells are among the most overrated I have ever seen…shameful.

This Enook’s appearance is identical to the 10A 3200mAh LG MH1 but it has a lower capacity than the MH1 and performs worse. It seems to be a lower grade MH1.

I am rating it at 10A and 3000mAh. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.

– There is no 18650 that can have a factory/manufacturer rating over 30A.

– There is no 3000mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 20A.

– There is no 3100mAh-3500mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 10A.

– There is no 18650 with a capacity rating over 3600mAh.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

18650 current ratings and safety grades:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Enook 40A 3100mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…just 20A and same as Enook 3000mAh battery?

Bottom Line: This cell has an absurdly exaggerated current rating and an exaggerated capacity rating. Its appearance is identical (except as noted below) to the LG HG2 but this Enook has a higher internal resistance and performs worse.

Like the 3000mAh Enook this cell seems to be a rewrapped lower grade HG2 except that the center of the bottom of this cell is polished. I cannot explain why. I’ve never seen that before on any other cell.

As shown in the discharge graph below it performs almost identically to the 3000mAh Enook but worse than the HG2. I am rating this Enook at 20A and 3000mAh but it sags more than the HG2, delivering about 10% less capacity. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.

– There is no under-3000mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 30A…none.

– There is no 3000mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 20A….none.

– There is no 3100mAh-3500mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 10A…none.

– There is no 18650 with a capacity rating over 3500mAh…none.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

18650 current ratings and safety grades:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Enook 40A 3000mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…laughably overrated, a lower grade 20A battery

Bottom Line: This is a poor performing cell with an exaggerated current rating. When discharged continuously at its claimed 40A rating (down to 3.2V) it only delivered 14mAh. Yes, only 14mAh.

Its appearance is identical to the LG HG2 but the Enook has a higher internal resistance and performs worse. It seems to be a rewrapped lower grade HG2.

I am rating this Enook at 20A and 3000mAh but it sags more than the HG2, delivering about 10% less capacity. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

18650 current ratings and safety grades:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Enook 40A 2600mAh 18650 Bench test Results…ridiculously overrated, poor performing 20A battery

Bottom Line: This is a very poor performing cell with exaggerated current and capacity ratings. It has only 1/2 the capacity (684mAh) of the Samsung 25R5 (1350mAh) at 20A continuous down to 3.2V due to the large amount of voltage sag. When discharged continuously at its claimed 40A rating it almost instantly dropped to just above 3.0V and reached my 2.8V cutoff a few seconds later.

Its appearance doesn’t match any Samsung/Sony/LG/Panasonic/Sanyo cell I have and appears to be of Chinese manufacture. It has the classic roughly done top crimp of many cells made in China. Both of the cells I tested had signs of improper storage (rust).

I am rating this Enook at 20A and 2400mAh but it sags badly. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

18650 current ratings and safety grades:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Enook testing is done

The results will be posted this week.

If you live in the US or EU you might be thinking “E-who?”. They’re only sold by a couple of vendors outside of Asia but they are very popular batteries in a couple of countries.

Due to their lack of availability in the US and EU it took months to get the six sets of batteries I tested. Several weeks were spent trying to contact Enook and purchase samples from their Alibaba page, with no luck. I’d like to thank Regi SweetVippie Amos for donating the 3100mAh 18650’s and Sam Gibbs and Michael Hall for helping me to purchase the rest and shipping them to me from outside the US.

Thank you!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Samsung has posted the results of its Galaxy Note 7 battery fires investigation.

Among other issues, one battery supplier made the case too small and the other supplier had poor quality welds.

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