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This should be an interesting one!

We’re launching B. with E-Cig Gallery and Ed is throwing an industry party!

Two very different styles of vaping & reviewing come together under one roof for the first time and I get to meet Mr. Rip Trippers!  Should be sick as… well, you know the rest!!

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A MESSAGE FROM CASAA – You can help us add business names to an important letter to HHS

In March, CASAA, in cooperation with VTA and SFATA, released a letter writing campaign for consumers to send messages to HHS Secretary, Tom Price. Simultaneously, SFATA, VTA, and AVA distributed a similar letter from businesses in order to gather signatures. As a compliment to that campaign, CASAA is reaching out to our members who work in or own vapor shops and asking them to sign on to this letter.

Our goal is to collect as many signatures as possible to show Secretary Price the thousands of small businesses–and the customers that rely on them–that will be impacted by the full implementation of the FDA deeming regulations.

Here’s how to participate:

    • Shop owners: If you have not already signed the letter circulated by your trade association, please take a moment today to add your name to this letter.
    • Shop employees: Ask your manager or the owner if they would be willing to add their name to this letter.
    • Consumers: Share this engagement with your local shops. Urge them to add their name and to share this engagement with the local vapor business community. If you have a smartphone, you can bookmark the engagement and they can take action right from your phone. You can even give them this link: Better yet, write it down on a card and hand it to them 🙂


  • Consumers: There is also a letter writing campaign specifically for customers. You can participate here. We are asking shop owners to provide a small space in their shop for their customers to write their stories and send them to Secretary Price. Just like the business letter, you can share this bitly link with them if they would like to download and print the materials:


Again, we want to stress that we are providing two distinct engagements. One is for vapor shop owners and the other is for their customers.

Shop Owners, add your name to this letter to HHS Secretary Tom Price.

Customers, send a real life letter to and share your story with HHS Secretary Tom Price.

Thank you,

Alex Clark

Executive Director


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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Testing the Samsung INR21700-30T soon!

It’s a 21mm x 70mm 3000mAh cell with a continuous current rating of 35A. We’ll see how well that holds up against the great performing 3100mAh/30A Sanyo NCR20700A.

Thank you EnerCig for donating the cells for testing!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: New battery charging ratings and recommendations table

I’ve created a table with the manufacturer’s standard and rapid/fast battery charge current ratings along with my recommendations for a charge rate that will help ensure a long life.

Charging at the Standard Rate is a good balance between charging speed and overall battery life.

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Energy Vap 20A 3000mAh 18650 Bench Retest Results… only a 2500mAh battery!

Bottom Line: I regrettably gave this company the benefit of the doubt when they said they had adjusted their ratings but it’s clear now that Energy Vap insists on remaining one of the many companies that grossly exaggerates the ratings of their batteries.

When first released, this cell was rated 35A and 3000mAh. This was clearly ridiculous. Their web site still shows it as a 35A/3000mAh battery: (Imgur screenshot to avoid giving the site any traffic). They informed me that they were redoing the packaging and asked me to retest the cell. Their Facebook page has photos of the new “20A/35A” packaging, though with a useless 35A pulse rating.

I agreed and then found out, via the new testing and an earlier mistake of mine, that these are not 3000mAh cells. They are only 20A/2500mAh cells, the same ones I tested earlier that they rated at 35A/3000mAh. They appear to be rewrapped Samsung 25R6M’s (latest generation 25R but made in Malaysia), a poorer performer than the 25R5 in my testing (to be posted soon).

Here’s more info about my previous testing error:


ECR Subreddit:

I am rating this Energy Vap cell at 20A and 2500mAh.

Always Remember:
– There is no 18650 that can have a factory/manufacturer rating over 30A.

– There is no 3000mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 20A.

– There is no 3100mAh-3600mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 10A.

– There is no 18650 with a capacity rating over 3600mAh.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

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A MESSAGE FROM TONY ABBOUD/VTA – VTA Weekly Update: Cole-Bishop Action, Gottlieb, State Success, And More!


Our industry has many challenges right now. But, fortunately, VTA is set up to execute at the federal and state levels simultaneously. In the past two weeks, we have seen some remarkable cooperation between the members of the state vapor association network and our federal team. In the next two weeks, we will be even busier as we are engaged in a multi-asset campaign to save vapor. We have worked exceptionally hard with all of you over the past year and half to position our industry for success. But, rest assured, there is nothing that will slow us down or get in our way when it comes to protecting the vape shops that are the life-blood of this industry.


Congress is considering its budget and policy priorities for 2017 NOW!

Members on both sides of the aisle are considering legislation – the Cole-Bishop bill – that would amend the predicate date and provide the necessary protections for vape shops and manufacturers around the country so that our industry can thrive.

THIS IS THE TIME TO MAKE YOUR VOICES HEARD! Your representatives in the House and Senate need to hear from you in the next few weeks so that they know to make this bill a priority.

Please take a few minutes today to save vapor!






On April 5, 2017, Dr. Scott Gottlieb testified before the Senate Health Education, Labor and Pensions (HELP) Committee. Dr. Gottlieb entertained a wide range of questions related to the myriad areas of authority of the FDA. Of note were two exchanges between Dr. Gottlieb and Senators on the panel which dealt directly with vapor products.

First, Sen. Bill Cassidy (R-LA), who is also a physician, asked Dr. Gottlieb about the potential benefits of and the FDA’s openness to tobacco harm reduction. The remarkable exchange included Dr. Gottlieb’s recognition that a “vaping product might be a good smoking cessation tool.” Click here to listen to the exchange on C-SPAN’s website. 

Second, Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) asked Dr. Gottlieb about “banning flavored tobacco products and marketing practices that actually target our kids,” Dr. Gottlieb noted that such marketing practices already are unlawful and re-emphasized the importance of finding alternatives to transition people off of combustible cigarettes. Turning to vaping, Dr. Gottlieb acknowledged that a flavored vaping product or e-cigarette may be appropriate in one context but not necessarily in another and that there is balance or line that must be identified. Click here to listen to this exchange on C-SPAN’s website. 

Do you want to know what is happening in Washington, D.C. to save vapor?  If so, then you can’t miss our Federal Strategy Update webinar with Ashley Davis of West Front Strategies, on Tuesday, April 11, 2017, at 2:00 p.m. (eastern) / 1:00 p.m. (central); 11:00 a.m. (pacific).

Ms. Davis leads our 5-person team – known as “the vapor lobbyists” – who have been everywhere on Capitol Hill defending our industry. VTA Members, and those interested in joining VTA, are invited to listen in. Click here to register!

Currently the Senate is in a holding pattern to see if the House can and will take another run at repealing Obamacare. The Senate will react to anything the House sends them, but there is no expectation the Senate will move anything without the House moving first.

After this week, the Senate is in recess for two weeks, returning to session on Monday, April 24th.  Staring them right in the face when Congress returns will be a deadline of Friday April 28th to continue funding the government. Only one appropriations bill has passed the House – Defense. Additionally, any spending bill will have to obtain 60 votes in the Senate, so negotiations on a final package could take some time. At this point, it’s very likely Congress will need to pass a short-term spending bill to keep the government funded while they finalize negotiations.

In our continuing effort to bring important and accurate information to our members and the vapor industry, VTA hosted another installment of its educational webinars this past Monday, April 3, 2017. The webinar entitled: Marketing: Real Guidance for Navigating FDA and State Laws on the Marketing and Sale of ENDS Products was presented by Chris Howard, Vice President, General Counsel, and Chief Compliance Officer E-Alternative Solutions, Inc. Mr. Howard provided a comprehensive analysis of the various marketing considerations that vapor companies need to be considering in order to remain compliant with federal law.  He also discussed some of the relevant state laws that apply to marketing and identified potential traps and pitfalls that companies should avoid.

The webinar was so well-received that Mr. Howard has agreed to do it again on Monday, April 17, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. (eastern) so that even more companies can participate. Click here if you are interested in participating.


The discussion on taxes on vapor products and regulation of our industry is in full swing in several state legislatures around the country.  Please be vigilant of budget discussions in your State. In the past two weeks alone, per milliliter taxes on e-liquids have been introduced, wholesale taxes have advanced, and a number of budget discussions have included increased taxes and regulatory reform on vapor products. Below are a few of the successes achieved by state associations and a few of the challenges still facing the industry this week.

Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois Defeats Tobacco 21 Legislation
The Smoke Free Coalition of Illinois has had a busy and successful couple of weeks. SFACOIL worked diligently to educate legislators and their respective staff about the differences between vapor products and combustible tobacco. These efforts lead to the defeat of Tobacco 21 legislation in Illinois. The bill was held in committee due to a lack of support.

SFACOIL also moved a bill out of House Committee which would create a separate licensure and regulatory framework for vapor products on an 8-1 vote. We expect further discussions on the bill with stakeholders, but the committee vote was the first step in achieving SFACOIL’s goal of creating a separate regulatory environment for vapor products. Click here to sign up and join the fight in Illinois!

IFAST Achieves Major Milestone Limiting Local Vapor Prohibitions
The Iowans for Alternatives to Smoking and Tobacco passed one of the first bills in the country that would limit local bans on vapor products including flavor and sales bans. H.F. 295 achieves this goal by prohibiting home rule units of local government from regulating the sale of consumer merchandise which includes vapor products. The IFAST team needs your help to continue standing up for vapor products in Iowa. To join IFAST, contact Corey Halfhill at

Montana Vape Shops Form Association; Testify Against 74% Vapor Tax
Vape shops in Montana came together in the last two weeks to form the Montana Smoke Free Association.  Yesterday, seven members of the group appeared before the Senate Finance Committee and testified forcefully against the obnoxious tax proposed. VTA helped draft testimony for the hearing.  Relying on professional guidance of a veteran Montana lobbyist, whom VTA vetted and got up to speed on vapor issues, the group hit all the right notes, along with a number of other associations who were fighting the bill. TODAY, the Committee voted NOT to recommend the adoption of the tax increase! VTA and MSFA immediately sent out a Call to Action to ensure that our opponents cannot revive it on the floor. Quick action, teamwork, and a professional strategy is proving to be a potent force! If you own a Montana vape shop, click here to act now. And, if you are interested in joining the Montana fight, please let us know.

Ohio Vapor Trade Association Needs You!
The Ohio Vapor Trade Association is still facing a 69% wholesale tax. After conducting numerous meetings with House members over the last few weeks, the OHVTA presented a panel of witnesses who testified before the House Finance Committee in opposition to Governor Kasich’s proposed budget. VTA was pleased to submit written testimony to the committee in support of OHVTA’s effort.  The proposed tax would be devastating to the Ohio vapor industry could alter the future of vapor products in Ohio. If you are an Ohio business owner, please click here and let your legislator know that you opposed the 69% wholesale tax!

VTA Leading the Way at the State Level
In late summer 2016, VTA was working with just a handful of independent state vapor associations. Today, VTA is providing professional guidance and coordination to 20 independent state vapor associations, with more states expected to join the team effort. Every week, VTA holds a conference call with state vapor leaders and their lobbyists from all around the country to share on-the-ground intel and to discuss strategies for fighting back against vapor bills trying to put vape shops out of business.  We are tracking bills and hearing, drafting bills and amendments, providing support to state vapor lobbyists, and preparing draft testimony for hearings. For more information on how VTA can help your independent state vapor association, contact Jake Butcher, VTA’s State Affairs Manager, at


Get involved and save vapor!
We are on the right path, but in order to be successful, we must present a unified front. This is why VTA wants YOU to get involved. Call your state legislator. Write your congressman. Because if we do not make our voices heard, the powerful interests that are working to defeat us will prevail.

To learn more about how to get involved in the fight to save vapor, visit and

Please take a moment and forward this email to anyone you know will be interested in what’s going on and encourage them to sign up for our mailing list at or

And, don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter.

Thank you for all you do to defend our industry!

Tony Abboud
Executive Director
Vapor Technology Association

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Docan Black 35A 3000mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…a hugely overrated rewrap

Bottom Line: This Docan is incredibly overrated. At 30A continuous, 5A below this cell’s rating, it became hot enough to boil water.

This Docan’s appearance is identical to the Samsung 30Q. It’s discharge curve is the same as the 30Q’s but this cell performs a tiny bit worse.

I am rating this Docan at 15A and 3000mAh. The 18650 ratings table has been updated to include this cell

Always Remember:
– There is no 18650 that can have a factory/manufacturer rating over 30A.

– There is no 3000mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 20A.

– There is no 3100mAh-3600mAh 18650 that can have a rating over 10A.

– There is no 18650 with a capacity rating over 3600mAh.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

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Posted in Rebuildables Recent News


A PBusardo Review – The Skyline RTA

In this video we take a look at the Skyline RTA.

The Links:

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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A MESSAGE FROM CASAA – We have around 24hrs before Congress goes on Spring Break


This is the time, if you haven’t already, to send congress a message to support the Cole-Bishop amendment and co-sponsor HR 1136.

Tomorrow, Congress is in recess for two weeks. Although many will have an opportunity to meet with their lawmakers while they are back in their districts, others will be taking time off. We’ll be sure to share district contact information next week but, right now, while lawmakers are focused on the work that needs to be done in DC, we need to reach out and ask for their support.

Please take action now and send a message to your senators and representative urging them to support a predicate date change for vapor products!

Thank you,
CASAA Legislative Team.

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NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Part 2 | Suited Up (Fight for Vaping Rights in Ottawa)

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

What would happen after all the presentations and handholding are done and dusted, Bill S-5 returns to the Senate for a vote with none of the vaping industry’s desired changes included? It’s a possibility.

If compromise is not met, a sharp divide could widen over flavours, no comparisons of relative risk between vaping and smoking, business killing fines, and criminal enforcement.

In part two of this two-part special, hear from Shawn Kreger Vice President and PR Co-Chair from the Canadian Vaping Association and learn what issues are showstoppers for the vaping industry in Canada—only on RegWatch by – April 5, 2017.

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