Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: An Efest battery without a useless pulse rating?

If I hadn’t seen it I would never had believed it.
Efest’s new 20700, to be sampled soon, is being released with just a “Max continuous discharge” rating of 30A on the wrap and on the web site.

Efest 20700 specs screen capture:

Web page:

If this is the Sanyo NCR20700A or the cell used by iJoy and Ampking, all true 30A cells, then this is very good news indeed! If this is just the 15A Sanyo NCR20700B then I will be very disappointed…to say the least.

Until recently, this Efest 20700 was shown (rendered) with a pulse rating on the wrap. I don’t know what changed Efest’s mind but I’m very happy they did.

I am hoping that this new Efest rating setup will be carried over to their 18650’s as our community sorely needs the companies other than Samsung/Sony/LG/Panasonic/Sanyo to accurately rate their batteries. Especially with the inevitable additional battery regulations coming our way over the next year or two.

I do not know yet when I will be testing these Efest 20700’s.
I do not know yet when or where they will be available for purchase.
As soon as I have any more information I will post it.

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Another vaping survey for you to take at your earliest convenience…

We want to inform you about the biggest vaping survey worldwide. We are
conducting this survey on behalf of VON ERL., an Austrian e-cigarette producer, who
aims at getting a deeper insight into the vaping community. Therefore, we are
investigating the habits and the behavior of e-cigarette users around the world.
Further, we are gathering information about how vapors as well as non-vapors think
about the legal conditions and the vaping acceptance of society in general.

Link to survey:

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You’re welcome Shawn and thanks to everyone who helped out Shawn via my Facebook post. Glad you were able to get one and that you’re enjoying it buddy!! Vape Happy!

(and your mug is not ugly!! 🙂 )

Hey buddy, just had to write you this message and say THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK
YOU!!!! Because of you and your awesome community, I have finally gotten the tank I
thought I would not be able to get my hands on. I don’t know any other way to
express my thanks to you and to the awesome community who came together go on a
“treasure hunt vape” that helped get me this device. I’ve already got it built, and
sitting happily on my vaporshark. Current build is a Clapton 26/32 coil, 6 wraps
coming in at .70 ohm running 19 watts and its wonderful. Not sure Ill keep it with
the Clapton, but the fact that I was able to fit such a large coil in it is a
testament to how awesome this tank is going to be for me. Sadly, it didn’t come with
the airflow reducer piece, but does have 4 air holes instead of 3, though Im sitting
off center on one to reduce even further. I’ve included a pic, sorry for my ugly
mug but kinda ecstatic right now and I owe it to you. 🙂

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Posted in Recent News

NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Freedom Factor | U.S. Rep. Hunter Talks Vaping Bill

Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:

On the right side of freedom, that’s how U.S. Rep. Duncan D. Hunter views issues around vaping. Last month, the Congressman from California’s 50th district introduced the nation’s first comprehensive vaping legislation H.R. 2194 to the House or Representatives, which if passed, would secure a viable and vibrant vaping industry for decades to come.

RegWatch caught up with the Congressman at his neighborhood haunt in San Diego for an exclusive chat about the new bill, what’s in it and the challenges that lie ahead in the effort to turn legislation into law—only on RegWatch by – May 17, 2017.

Web-Extra – FDA injustice?

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration unilaterally ruled e-cigarettes to be a tobacco product, which then subjected vaping to punitive regulations designed for cancer-causing combustible cigarettes.

Did the FDA commit an injustice on the American people?

Hear what U.S. Congressman Duncan D. Hunter has to say—only on RegWatch by – May 17, 2017.

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Posted in Recent News


Announcing the arrival of!

GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION THIS WEEK – USE COUPON CODE “bromance” (all lower case) for 15% off!

This is a joint effort between myself, Dimitris Agrafiotis, and Schell Hammel.

Our slogan of the site is, “Where Vapers Send Smokers”.

We wanted to created a site that was…

1. Focused on the transitioning smoker.
2. Focused on the mouth to lung style of vaping.

A site where a vapor can comfortably send a smoker knowing they won’t be confused with “Starter Kits” that are definitely not designed for “starters” or transitioning smokers.

And a site where MTL (Mouth-To-Lung)  vapers can feel comfortable shopping for their style of vaping.

The site is just getting started. New products will be added in the upcoming months including rebuildable MTL tanks so please check back often.

In addition, we’re working on video tutorials for all of the products contained on the site.

You can be assured that we’ve personally used all of the products on the site and confirmed that they work well for the mouth-to-lung style of vaping.

Thanks everyone!

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The first one is in. Well, the second one if you count the Therion 75C that Brandon brought with him.

This is a DNA-75C device utilizing either a 26650 or 18650 with the conversion tube.

My current priority is a DNA-60/75/75C comparison, a look at the default theme as seen on the Therion and a review of HCigar VT75… all in one video.

I’m quite sure the “Full Busardo” will be in “full effect”.

As far as another look at E-Scribe, the changes, and the Theme Generator. That will be some time in the future. 🙂

Vape Happy My Friends!

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Nitecore 35A 3100mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…only 20A 3000mAh

This Nitecore is a 15A rewrapped cell with a useless “pulse” rating (see the Comments section) and an exaggerated capacity rating.

It also has a useless 35A “max pulse discharge” rating on the wrap too. It also features “35A” in a huge font which many people will use as the cell’s rating when shopping or when a vendor displays it on their web site. For these reasons I feel the large “35A” rating, or any “pulse” or “max” rating, is misleading and shouldn’t be used.

If we vape with this battery above about 30A or so it can heat up to ridiculously high temperatures if there is a regulated mod malfunction or accidental button press in a mechanical mod. This could possibly force the battery to vent and leak/spray toxic organic solvents from the battery. I think vaper safety should be a priority when setting “pulse” ratings.

The wrap is not the standard heat shrink plastic. It is self-adhesive and appears to be similar to Mylar. I do not know how durable it is compared to the wraps being used now by other companies.

This cell says “IMR18650” on the wrap but it does not use IMR chemistry. It uses one of the INR chemistries.

I was especially disappointed to see this cell’s capacity rating set at 3100mAh by Nitecore. It is clearly set by Samsung at 3000mAh (see the 30Q datasheet image below).

I am rating this Nitecore at 15A and 3000mAh. The ones I tested were rewrapped Samsung 30Q’s. Their performance was essentially identical to the 30Q’s I have here.

The two cells that were tested were purchased by me from IMRBatteries.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

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Posted in Devices Recent News


A PBusardo Review – Device Comp – Sourin Air, Wismec MyJet, Boulder Rock & Sigelei Compak M + “Not A” Contest Winner & New One

In this video we do a device comparison between the Sourin Air, Wismec MyJet, Boulder Rock, & Sigelei Compak M.

We also find out who won the last “Not A” Contest and kick off a new one.

Vape Happy My Friends!!

The Links
Electric Tobacconist
Switch VaporHouse
Smith & Baxter

The Video:

*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.

The Photos:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Nitecore 40A 2600mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…ridiculous 40A rating, only 20A

This Nitecore is a 20A rewrapped cell with a useless and possibly dangerous “pulse” rating (see the Comments section).

While this cell has an exaggerated 25A continuous rating in micro print on the wrap it also has a useless 40A “max pulse discharge” rating on the wrap too. It also features “40A” in a huge font which many people will use as the cell’s rating when shopping or when a vendor displays it on their web site. For these reasons I feel the large “40A” rating, or any “pulse” or “max” rating, is misleading and shouldn’t be used.

If we vape with this battery above about 30A or so it can heat up to ridiculously high temperatures if there is a regulated mod malfunction or accidental button press in a mechanical mod. This could possibly force the battery to vent and leak/spray toxic organic solvents from the battery. I think vaper safety should be a priority when setting “pulse” ratings.

The wrap is not the standard heat shrink plastic. It is self-adhesive and appears to be similar to Mylar. I do not know how durable it is compared to the wraps being used now by other companies.

This cell says “IMR18650” on the wrap but it does not use IMR chemistry. It uses one of the INR chemistries.

I was especially disappointed to see this cell’s continuous current rating set at 25A by Nitecore. It is clearly set by Sony at 20A (see the VTC5 datasheet image below).

I am rating this Nitecore at 20A and 2600mAh. The ones I tested were rewrapped VTC5’s. Their performance was essentially identical to the VTC5’s I have here.

The two cells that were tested were purchased by me from IMRBatteries.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

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Posted in Battery Mooch Recent News

A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Nitecore 35A 2500mAh 18650 Bench Test Results…useless 35A rating, only 20A

This Nitecore is a 20A rewrapped cell with a useless pulse rating (see the Comments section).

While this cell has a 20A continuous rating in micro print on the wrap it has a useless 35A “max pulse discharge” rating on the wrap too. It also features “35A” in a huge font which many people will use as the cell’s rating when shopping or when a vendor displays it on their web site. For these reasons I feel the large “35A” rating, or any “pulse” or “max” rating, is misleading and shouldn’t be used.

The wrap is not the standard heat shrink plastic. It is self-adhesive and appears to be similar to Mylar. I do not know how durable it is compared to the wraps being used now by other companies.

This cell says “IMR18650” on the wrap but it does not use IMR chemistry. It uses one of the INR chemistries.

I am rating this Nitecore at 20A and 2500mAh. The ones I tested were rewrapped LG HE4’s. Their performance was close to, but a tiny bit worse than, the HE4’s I have here.

The two cells that were tested were purchased by me from IMRBatteries.

Test results, discharge graph, photos:

All my test results to date:

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