Category: Recent News
Nicopure Labs Files a Notice of Appeal in their Case Against the FDA Deeming Rule
TAMPA, FL, August 30, 2017 —Nicopure Labs, LLC, the leading manufacturer of premiumAmerican-made e-liquids, filed a Notice of Appeal in the court case “Nicopure Labs, LLC et al. V. FDA et al.” in the US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit.
See the entire press release HERE.
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Sanyo NCR20650A 2900mAh 20650…equal to Ampking/EBAT/Efest/iJoy 20700 but shorter
This is a 20650 cell, NOT a 26650. It is 20mm in diameter and 65mm long. It is another of the larger-than-18650 size cells available along with 26650’s, 20700’s and 21700’s
This cell performs as well, or a little better than, the Ampking/EBAT/Efest/iJoy cell but not quite as well as the elusive Sanyo NCR20700A.
The shorter length of this Sanyo 20650 offers mod builders and companies a different option without compromising performance versus the mid-performance 20700’s. I do not know of any companies that have a mod that fits this size cell but a sleeve should allow them to work in a 26650 mod.
There is also the LG HG6 30A 3000mAh cell but I do not know when I’ll be testing it.
I am rating this Sanyo cell at 30A and 2900mAh.
The two cells that were tested were purchased for that purpose by me.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Shockli 20A 5500mAh 26650…accurately rated, great choice for under 65W
While this cell has a useless 30A “max” rating on the wrap its 20A continuous current and 5500mAh capacity ratings are accurate.
This cell has a huge 5500mAh capacity rating but its slightly higher internal resistance means that at above 20A pulsed or so it doesn’t offer any additional vaping time versus the good 30A 4200mAh-4300mAh cells like the Aspire/Golisi/iJoy (all the same cell).
At below about 20A pulsed though, about 65W per cell (130W in a two-cell mod, etc.), this Shockli cell is a great choice, a little better than the Aspire/Golisi/iJoy cell.
I do not know whether this Shockli cell actually uses the chemistry most often associated with the “IMR” model number prefix, which appears on the wrap of this cell.
The length of the two cells I tested were 65.0mm and 65.1mm, at the short end of the range of 26650 cell lengths.
I am rating this Shockli cell at 20A and 5500mAh.
The two cells that were tested were donated for that purpose by Shockli ( Thank you! A big thank you also to Richard McDougal for donating two of the earlier 5000mAh versions of this cell for testing. I wasn’t able to test them before I received the 5500mAh version.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
Innokin brings unique battery technology to ECC California
Saw something interesting today from Innokin. Before you ask… at this point, I don’t know anything more about it…
Our world runs on power. Technology innovation is the proof of evolution that changes how we do everything. From the beginning, Innokin Technology has been a leader in developing various vaporizer technology for tobacco harm reduction. After years of research, it has made a breakthrough that will truly reshape the vaping industry. This technological advancement will not only be for vaping, but it can be used in many other applications across other industries that utilize rechargeable batteries.
Innokin’s battery technology will change the way we all vape. It is proven to be faster, longer-lasting and above all, safer. This is the Innokin Energy System. A power solution that will not only improve the core of vaping, but contribute to sustainable energy solutions.
By pushing the boundaries of current rechargeable battery standards, it is capable of charging at a rate that is one hundred times faster than existing batteries. The battery is able to handle a high volume of power transfers because it has a uniquely built cell structure that is equivalent to the lifespan of one hundred traditional cells. This technology utilizes advanced chemistry within the cells, making them safer to use in sustained high-power applications.
Sustainable energy is the heart of our new world. Innokin’s energy technology will help create a safer smoke-free future for vaping and more. Contact for more information.
A PBusardo Review – The Geek Vape Aegis – “Not A” Contest Winner and a New One!
In this video we take a look at the Geek Vape Aegis, a rugged mod destined for greatness, but not quite yet.
The Links:
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 8/24/17 – Well talk about closing the barn door after the horse has bolted. Geek Vape has released a new revision of their firmware for the Aegis today. I did the new firmware install for the Aegis (V1.1).
The biggest thing I noticed is that when I unscrew the atty, the resistance now goes to zero, so it is sensing the atty coming on and off device.However, in TC:
With the resistance locked, when the atty is unscrewed and screwed back on, it uses the locked resistance as before.
With the resistance unlocked, when the atty is unscrewed and screwed back on, it automatically takes the new hot resistance and uses it, again, without asking the new same question and glowing the coil.
So in a way, it’s worse that it was before because before the upgrade, I had to accidentally press the fire button for it to take the new resistance before screwing the atty back on.
So, unfortunately, the review stands.
I have not yet checked the resetting issue, but I will.
I’ll keep my eyes open for the next revision and share what I find.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Samsung 22P(M)…underrated but a poor choice for vaping
While this is a classically underrated Samsung cell it has a low current rating combined with only moderate capacity. It is a poor choice for vapers as there are much better cells available with more capacity at the same current rating and/or a much higher current rating.
I only tested this cell because it is being used in some fake Samsung 25R cells. The 22P is easily identified by the four equally spaced radial lines in the venting disk (see photo below). The 25R does not have any radial lines on the venting disk.
NOTE: Other Samsung cells might have these radial lines too.
The 22P’s I tested are from the Malaysia factory (“M” on the right end of the first line of printing on the wrap with “SDIEM” below it). I am rating the 22P(M) cell at 14A and 2100mAh.
The two cells that were tested were purchased by me for that reason.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
A PBusardo Review – Sigelei Compak F1 – Some Show & Tell with the Digiflavor Aura, & a new “Not A” Contest
In this video we do a Show & Tell with the Digiflavor Aura, followed by an experience review of the Sigelei Compak F1, and then give both away in a new “Not A” Contest!
The Links:
Heaven Gifts
Health Cabin
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Aspire 4300mAh 26650…a great 30A battery but why unrated?
This a great performing cell, one of the top three 26650’s. It is equal to the Golisi 4300mAh and the iJoy 4200mAh.
For some reason Aspire does not give this cell a rating. Instead, they include an “Aspire Battery Safety Chart” ( that you must interpret to figure out how hard you can safely run it. The chart appears to say that this cell is rated at somewhere above 20A continuous.
Going to Aspire’s web site ( leads you to a series of discharge graphs that must be reviewed and interpreted if you want to try to figure out this battery’s rating.
While I applaud Aspire’s posting of the discharge graphs, not having a rating on the cell only invites confusion. Expecially if the cell changes hands at some time. Will the original owner always pass on the chart to the new owner? Will vapers actually try to determine how hard they can safely run this cell by studying the discharge graphs? Why not just put an accurate continuous current rating on the wrap?
I am rating this Aspire cell at 30A and 4300mAh. This seems to match Aspire’s numbers on their 26650 Battery Safety Chart. The Aspire is identical in appearance and essentially identical in performance to the Golisi and iJoy 26650’s and all three appear to rewrap the same cell.
The two cells that were tested were purchased by me for that reason.
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – White Knight – Saving the Day After TD Bank Torpedoes Vaping
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
It’s a disturbing trend. Just as governments begin to implement legislation to legalize vaping, the commercial banking sector steps in by stepping out of the vaping industry—denying or canceling financial services critical to the commercial viability of the vaping industry.
Last January RegWatch brought you the story of how TD Bank arbitrarily cancelled the online credit card processing services for over 150 vaping retailers across Canada. It was a heartless, calculated attack which left most retailers hung-out-to-dry.
In this episode of RegWatch meet Carl Zank, CEO of Zank Payment Processing. He Is the industry’s white knight that rode in to save the day for Canadian retailers. Hear what he has to say about TD Bank and its decision to torpedo vaping in Canada—only on RegWatch by – August19, 2017.