Category: Recent News
A POSITIVE ARTICLE FROM MY BFF’S STATE – Smokers Turn to e-Cigarettes in Attempt to Quit
This is important research coming out of the state of Tennessee – yes… from the United States :-). Nice to see positive articles on vaping.
“There’s evidence here that Tennessee smokers are using e-cigarettes as an aid to quit smoking,” said investigator Ransom Wyse, MPH, an epidemiologist with the Tennessee Department of Health in Nashville.
“This is the first time we’ve seen this,” he said here at the American Public Health Association (APHA) 2017 Annual Meeting.
Read the entire article HERE.
November 7, 2017
BREAKING! FDA just announced it is extending the November 8, 2017 Ingredient Listing deadline by 6 months. What this means is that if you are a large scale manufacturer, you have until May 8, 2018 to submit your ingredient listings (if you have not done so already). And, if you are a small scale manufacturer you have until November 8, 2018. FDA will be issuing specific written guidance on this point shortly.
Here is a portion of the text of the e-mail just sent by FDA CTP announcing the extension.
“FDA Extends Ingredient Listing Submissions Deadline: FDA is extending the compliance deadline to submit ingredient listings for deemed tobacco products by six months due to technical issues users encountered with eSubmitter. FDA is extending this compliance deadline to provide manufacturers with additional time to submit the ingredient listing information required under Section 905 of the FD&C Act.”
And, here is the a link to the full e-mail.
Importantly, while FDA already had extended the deadline for companies in areas affected by natural disasters in California, Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico, this extension applies to ALL companies.
Even more importantly, you should note the FDA’s reason for the extension is “due to technical issues users encountered with eSubmitter.” And, while anyone attempting to comply knew of the many problems with eSubmitter, the FDA may never have fully understood the depth or severity of the problems, and therefore may not have taken this action, if it were not for Carol Clements and the remarkable team of inviduals from small and large companies whom she organized and lead. As Carol recently noted on Facebook, “Special thanks to everyone who helped gather information and my eternal gratitude for our team, Mark Hoogendoorn, Skip Murray, Char Owen, John Weinel, David Higginbotham & Jennifer Higginbotham and Ian Wright.” These individuals put in countless hours to not only document the problems with eSubmitter, but they got the FDA’s attention, conducted multiple telephone conferences with FDA decision-makers, and developed simplified spreadsheet options for submitting ingredient listings for e-liquids and devices which FDA should also be releasing shortly.
The Bottom Line….this group of Difference Makers are an example of the kind of leadership that everyone in our industry needs to (1) applaud, and (2) emulate.
We will provide more information on FDA’s anticipated new guidance for ingredient listings as soon as it comes out.
On December 7, 2017, VTA will host its 2nd Annual State Strategy & Retailer Conference called Vapor Game Plan 2018 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. Back by popular demand, but this time in a central location, this VTA conference will focus on the strategies that state advocacy groups need to put in place to defend against the series of bills hostile to vapor that will be coming.
The full agenda is being finalized now, but you can expect another series of outstanding presentations on the core issues confronting our industry at the state level. In addition, this year retailers will benefit from presentations on legal, compliance, and business related issues necessary to navigating difficult waters of conducting business in a shifting regulatory landscape. Here are just some of the topics that will be covered:
Retail Vapeconomics 101
The Professional Face of State Advocacy
2018 State Strategies on Flavors & Taxes
Combatting Local Vapor Initiatives
VTA’s Local Defense Package
You NEED to be part of this conversation!
Here’s what some last year’s Vapor Game Plan participants had to say:
“Vape Industry People. Go to this! I went to DC last year for it and it was hands down the best advocacy / planning event that i have been to. Get real info from the top advocates, lawyers, doctors and lobbyists in the nation.”
– Reid Nuttall, Cool Clouds Vapor Shop, Illinois
“VTA never disappoints- they set themselves apart in a professional, organized, experienced, & transparent fashion. We always walk away with hope inspiration and a mission to succeed with a team behind us to support current & future needs for our industry!”
– Amelia & Ismael Rivera, Sabor Vapors, Pennsylvania
“I want to commend all those involved in making VTA’s First Annual State Strategy Meeting a success. I found the collaboration between the various organizations and individuals in attendance to be not only beneficial, but also reinvigorating. A welcomed refueling as we enter what will certainly prove to be a most interesting year for our industry. Thank you!”
– Vicki Vasconcellos, Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois
“”I would like to say what a fantastic job the VTA is doing. This was one of the most informative conferences that I have been to and for once, the mood was optimistic. We discussed what we could do to save the industry and what is currently being done at both the state and federal level!”
– Nicole Crumley, Tennessee Smoke Free Association
To learn more about VTA, check us out at www.vaportechnology.organd And, don’t forget to follow us onFacebook and Twitter.
Thanks for all you do to save vapor!
Tony Abboud
Executive Director
Vapor Technology Association
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Fake News | Do Mixed Messages On Vaping Put Lives At Risk?
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
Reality is stark and often quite difficult to acknowledge. But, ignoring the appalling state of public opinion towards the potential health benefits of vaping should not be an option. According to Action on Smoking and Health UK the number of adults that believe vaping is as harmful or even more harmful than smoking has quadrupled from 7% in 2013 to 26% in 2017.
How could this be the case in 2017?
Considering the preponderance of news stories biased towards the potential health risks of vaping, it’s not hard to understand why public perception has so dramatically turned against vaping. Join RegWatch for an in-depth examination of media bias in vaping news coverage and hear why Dr. Lynne Dawkins co-author of the British Psychological Society’s Briefing on Electronic Cigarettes says mixed messages on vaping could put smokers’ lives at risk—only on RegWatch by – November 7, 2017.
WEB EXRA: Could Low Nicotine Levels Cause Harm? | Web Extra
“Electronic cigarettes are not a magic cure,” says Dr. Lynne Dawkins co-author of the British Psychological Society’s briefing on Electronic Cigarettes. That’s why improving ease of use and “not restricting levels of nicotine in the liquid to arbitrary low levels” should be a priority for the industry and regulators, in order to encourage smokers to make the switch.
In this RegWatch Web Extra hear more Dr. Dawkins on why she thinks capping the levels of nicotine could do more harm than good—only on RegWatch by
FDA Extends Ingredient Listing Submissions Deadline
Read about it HERE.
NEW FROM DR. FARSALINOS – Aldehyde emissions from e-cigarettes: replication studies challenging previous reports
Both studies clearly show that it is highly important to evaluate for the generation of dry puffs when measuring e-cigarette emissions in the laboratory. Although this has been known for years (from vapers) and has been mentioned in the literature since 2013, still many (if not most) studies fail to examine this.
See the entire article HERE.
A PBusardo Review – The Digiflavor Siren 2
In this video we take a full look at the Digiflavor Siren 2 and compare it to a few other attys.
The Links:
Heaven Gifts
Fig’s Advocacy Site & E-Liquids (Duke)
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
FROM CASAA – Please take the ECigIntelligence Vapers Survey
The annual ECigIntelligence Vapers Survey is now open. If you can carve out 10 minutes to participate, your input will be appreciated.
CASAA and ECigIntelligence worked together to provide a survey that will aid in both out policy efforts as well as gaining a better understanding of the vaping market.
You can access the survey here
by copying and pasting this link into your browser’s address bar
Thank you,
Alex Clark
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: EnerCig EC-27HC 35A 2950mAh 20700…double wrapped, identical to 5-leg iJoy
This cell is identical in appearance and performance to the 5-leg top contact iJoy and the Efest, Ampking, and EBAT 3000mAh 20700’s.
This cell is double wrapped. While this provides a lot more protection from damage to the wrap it does increase the diameter of the cell a bit. For the two cells I tested the largest diameter was 20.39mm. It has a plastic top insulator ring which should resist juice leaks.
I am pleased to say that EnerCig has rated this cell very close to what it tested out to. I am rating this cell at 30A and 2900mAh. This does not mean the EnerCig’s ratings are wrong. When the numbers are this close it’s all up to the equipment and the criteria used to set the ratings.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by EnerCig in Germany ( Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…double-wrapped-identical-to-5-leg-ijoy.836009/
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: EnerCig EC-27B 15A 4000mAh 20700…double wrapped, identical to Sanyo NCR20700B
This cell is identical in appearance and performance to the terrific Sanyo NCR20700B. It is not a high power cell but it provides a lot of capacity for low power single-cell mods or moderate power for multi-cell mods. I recommend staying below about 40W per cell for decent performance.
This cell is double wrapped. While this provides a lot more protection from damage to the wrap it does increase the diameter of the cell a bit. For the two cells I tested the largest diameter was 20.42mm. It has the same thin paper top insulator ring as the Sanyo NCR20700B so I recommend avoiding juice leakage onto the top of the battery.
I am especially pleased to say the EnerCig has rated this cell conservatively at 15A. It runs slightly cool at that level, as does the Sanyo NCR20700B.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by EnerCig in Germany ( Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…double-wrapped-identical-to-sanyo-ncr20700b.835923/
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: IMRBatteries “Made in China” VTC5A Test Results
These VTC5A’s have recently been shipped with “Made in China” stickers on them. I have tested them and these appear to be genuine Sony VTC5A batteries manufactured in the Koriyama, Japan plant. The ones I received were manufactured in June 2017.
The tooling marks near the top of the can are different than VTC5A’s made earlier though. The ring at the top of the can is wider than earlier cells (see the red arrows in the photos). This is visible through the green wrap of the cell.
Their performance is a touch worse than my “reference” VTC5A’s, running at about 0.05V lower for the entire discharge. The two cells I tested were very consistent though in performance, something I expect from Sony cells (Samsung, LG, and Panasonic/Sanyo too).
These VTC5A’s do run a bit cooler than others I have tested. This could mean that the chemistry was tweaked by Sony. That could explain the slightly lower voltage-under-load too. The lower voltage could also be due to these cells being a slightly lower grade. There’s no way to tell right now.
I don’t know why there are “Made in China” stickers on these cells but they were not put there by Sony. They wouldn’t be an indicator of these being fake cell’s either as no company would purposefully draw that kind of attention to cells they want everyone to think came from Japan.
The stickers might be there to comply with certain country-of-origin labeling regulations, if the distributor is located in China. I’m not concerned about why though as these are genuine VTC5A’s and can be used as such. The performance differences between these cells and ones made earlier, or in another plant, are minor and probably won’t even be noticed when vaping.