Category: Recent News
A PBusardo Review – The Innokin T20-S
In this video we take a full look at the Innokin Endura T20-S.
We also make some more additions to the stocking!
The Links:
Innokin T20-S
Endura T20-S at MyVaporStore
Endura T20-S 2000mAh Battery at Heaven Gifts
The Post Review Follow-up:
- 11/14/17: Correction in the video – I said the LED will turn red when charging and then go out. It will actually go from red to green THEN turn out when charging.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A PBusardo Review – The HCIGAR VT75D
In this video we take a full look at the HCIGAR VT75D.
We also make some more additions to the stocking!
The Links:
Vapor DNA
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell Purple 20A 4800mAh 21700…shamefully overrated, a Samsung 48G rewrap
This Vapcell is identical in performance and appearance to the great performing (for low power vapers) Samsung 48G cell. Samsung rates this cell at 9.6A continuous.
Vapcell, why rate it at 20A continuous? It becomes hot enough to boil water at that level and the voltage sag is huge. Simply inexcusable.
I am rating this Vapcell at 10A and 4800mAh.
Unfortunately, this cell has Vapcell’s usual paper top insulating ring so juice spills could damage the ring. Be careful.
After seeing the first posts of these test results Vapcell informed me that they will be changing the continuous current rating to 10A and switching to a plastic top insulating ring. They said they will send me the updated cells for testing then. If this happens I will post the new test results.
I expressed my anger that this was only happening after being caught exaggerating the rating so badly. But, it is a positive step and one that many other companies would not take. In the end, what is important is that we have our cells accurately marked.
Two cells from Vapcell were donated for the purposes of testing. Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell Gold 30A 3200mAh 20700…accurately rated, a Sanyo NCR20700A rewrap!
This Vapcell is identical in performance and appearance to the incredible Sanyo NCR20700A cell. That Sanyo is the best performing 20700 I’ve tested so far (as of November 12, 2017).
I do not know how many of these cells Vapcell has or who is selling them right now. I have no doubt that several vendors will be trying to stock them as soon as possible though. Check with your favorite vendors or Vapcell via their web site ( or Facebook page.
The Sanyo NCR20700A has a “rated” capacity of 3100mAh, a “minimum” capacity of 3150mAh, and a “typical” rating of 3300mAh. So while I always try to use just the rated capacity for a rewrapped cell for my ratings, 3100mAh in this case, Vapcell’s rating of 3200mAh can still be considered accurate. It all depends on which rating you use.
I am rating this Vapcell at 30A and 3100mAh.
Unfortunately, this cell has Vapcell’s usual paper top insulating ring so juice spills could damage the ring. Be careful.
Two cells from Vapcell were donated for the purposes of testing. Thank you! I know that some of you will think these are cherry-picked cells but they test identical to the Sanyo’s. No cherry- picking is possible here.
As with any rewrapped cell it can be changed in the future by the rewrapper. But all of the high performance rewrapped cells are retested by me using cells purchased from a vendor. If they are changed the community will be told about it.
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…accurately-rated-a-sanyo-ncr20700a-rewrap.837069/
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: CoilArt 40A 4000mAh 21700…grotesquely overrated, a poor 20A performer
This is a poor performing 21700 cell with a preposterous 40A rating. It appears almost identical to the Basen 30A 4000mAh 21700 but performs a bit worse than the Basen.
Its 40A rating can’t even be considered a “pulse” or “max” rating as it drops to under 3.2V for the first pulse, freshly charged. This is clearly not a 40A cell.
It performs worse than the iJoy 40A 3750mAh 21700. The CoilArt’s greater voltage sag results in at least 30% less vaping time at moderate to high current levels.
Its capacity falls short of 4000mAh in my testing. Since I’m sure I don’t have the worst performing examples of this cell out there I have to assume that others will test even a bit lower.
I am rating this cell at 20A and 3850mAh. I recommend staying below about 40W though to prevent excessive voltage sag and reduced vaping time.
This cell has a plastic top insulating ring so juice spills shouldn’t damage the ring.
Two cells from The Cloudy Vapor ( and two from CoilArt were donated for the purposes of testing. Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…grotesquely-overrated-a-poor-20a-performer.837019/#post-20222177
All my test results to date:
A PBusardo Review – The Cthulhu Hastur MTL RTA
In this video we take a full look at the Cthulhu Hastur MTL RTA.
We also make some additions to the stocking!
The Links:
Cthulhu Mods
Cthulhu Store
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Basen 30A 4000mAh 21700…ridiculously overrated, just an average 20A battery
This is a 21700 cell. It’s continuous 30A rating is ridiculous as it gets hot enough to boil water when discharged at that level. It is just a 20A cell that performs worse than the iJoy 21700 at moderate to higher power levels.
This Basen uses a new cell that has come to market recently. I don’t know who makes it but it’s being rewrapped by at least three different companies so far. I will be posting the results of their testing soon.
It’s capacity falls a bit short of 4000mAh in my testing. Since I’m sure I don’t have the worst performing two examples of this cell out there I have to assume that others will test even a bit lower.
I am rating this cell at 20A and 3900mAh. I recommend staying below about 40W though to prevent excessive voltage sag and reduced vaping time.
This cell has a plastic top insulating ring so juice spills will not damage the ring.
Two cells were purchased by me for the purposes of testing.
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…ridiculously-overrated-just-an-average-20a-battery.836909/
All my test results to date:
A PBusardo Review – The Joyetech Dolphin
In this video we take a look at the Joyetech Dolphin.
We also make the first additions to the stocking for 2017!
The Links:
Joyetech US
Joyetech Store
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Keeppower 15A 4250mAh 20700…accurately rated, a Sanyo NCR20700B
This cell is identical in appearance and performance to the 15A 4000mAh Sanyo NCR20700B.
Keeppower uses the “typical” capacity rating of the Sanyo, 4250mAh, for its rating of this cell instead of the Sanyo’s 4000mAh “rated capacity”. Both ratings are accurate. It all just depends on which is more important for that particular application for the cell.
Whenever possible I use the rated capacity so I rate the Sanyo and this Keeppower at 4000mAh.
I’m happy to say its 15A continuous current rating is accurate.
This cell has a completely useless “Max Pulse” rating of 30A though. Without knowing the pulse length, time between pulses, and the criteria used to set the rating (voltage sag? temperature? vaping time?) we can’t compare this rating to one from any other cell. It’s useless.
I am rating this cell at 4000mAh. I recommend staying below about 40W though to prevent excessive voltage sag and reduced vaping time.
This cell has a plastic top insulating ring so juice spills will not damage the ring.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by All Day Vapes ( Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…accurately-rated-a-sanyo-ncr20700b.836771/
All my test results to date:
A PBusardo Review – The Joyetech Exceed D19
In this video we take a full look at the Exceed D19 kit.
The Links:
Joyetech US
Joyetech Store
Digiflavor Siren @ Heaven Gifts
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos: