Category: Recent News
Here’s something a little different. The Innokin Bastion based on their “Lift” siphon system:
The Bastion – LIFTBox is the first vaporizer upgraded with the LIFT
Siphon system. Designed for style and convenience, the LIFTBOX has an
8ml integrated eliquid tank and the LIFT Siphon system that
automatically saturates coils with every puff.Convenient and clean. Simply fill the internal glass tank, attach an RDA
with a bottom feed pin, prime the coils, squeeze the side-firing button,
vape & enjoy.Featuring a replaceable side panel and durable carbon fiber side finish,
the LIFTBOX is an advanced compact vaporizer that delivers power and
convenience.Power up your coils with the LIFTBOX and enjoy the freedom
to create unique vaping experiences from 0.1Ω and above builds.The LIFTBOX is powered by a replaceable 18650 battery that can be
charged via microUSB, or with an external charger, and the LED shows the
remaining power level.Safe vaping is a priority and the LIFTBOX incorporates battery safety
protections including short circuit, low voltage, reverse polarity and a
0.08Ω minimum resistance.
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Dripping Contempt | Ontario Liberals Move To Crush Vaping
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
It’s war, that’s what representatives from the Canadian vaping industry say following the Ontario Liberals sudden and shockingly obstinate legislative position on vaping.
Dashing to capitalize on recreational cannabis, the Ontario Liberals introduced Bill 174, which strategically wraps tobacco, cannabis and vaping together into a single law in order to limit consultation and handcuff opposition to other sections of the bill.
The tactic is well planned as Bill 174 drips with contempt for vapour products and shows utter disdain for the consumer that relies on vaping as a safer alternative to smoking.
What’s in Bill 174 and could it be stopped? Find out—only on RegWatch by – November 24, 2017.
Hey everyone! Have some unexpected travel this week and then it’s Thanksgiving so back to the reviews after that.
I have the experience with the Merlin from Augvape, the numbers on theusing the Yihi SX500, and the new VooPoo Too came in so look for those next.
In the meantime I’m wishing you, your family and friends a Happy and Healthy Thanksgiving and Holiday Season!
Vape Happy My Friends!
From Greg Conley/AVA – Landmark Long-Term Study on Vaping by Never-Smokers Finds No Negative Health Impacts
Contact: Gregory Conley
Tel: 609-947-8059
November 20, 2017 at 9:30 AM
Landmark Long-Term Study on Vaping by Never-Smokers Finds No Negative Health Impacts
Despite fears of activists, no harm seen after three and a half years of vaping
LONDON, ENGLAND — In a first of its kind long-term study published in the journalNature, researchers have found no negative health impacts from the daily use of electronic cigarettes by young adult never-smokers.
Researchers from the University of Catania, led by Dr. Riccardo Polosa, tracked nine electronic cigarette users with no history of smoking, as well as twelve lifetime non-smokers and non-vapers, over the course of three and a half years. The researchers found no impact on a variety of health outcomes, including blood pressure, heart rate, lung function, exhaled breath nitric oxide, exhaled carbon monoxide, and CT scans of the lungs.
“In spite of previous health scares, our study shows for the first time no risk in long-term vapers who have never smoked in their life,” said Polosa, who presented the study at the fifth annual E-Cigarette Summit in the United Kingdom on Friday, November 17th.
Polosa notes that while even longer-term research is needed to rule out any possible negative impacts, changes in spirometry and CT scans can be seen in young smokers after approximately two years of cigarette usage. With the vapers, no signs of lung damage, including COPD, lipoid pneumonia, and popcorn lung, were found in CT scans, even among the study participants with the highest consumption of e-liquid.
In the United States, far less than 1% of adult never-smokers are current vapers, with an even smaller proportion reporting vaping daily, according to the CDC’s 2015 National Health Interview Survey. Despite this, much of the concern in the media and scientific circles revolve around fears of the impact of vaping on nonsmokers.
“Mouse and cell studies may generate salacious headlines about the supposed dangers of vaping, but they are no replacement for studies on actual humans,” said Gregory Conley, President of the American Vaping Association, a nonprofit that advocates for truthful information about vapor products. “If no negative health impacts can be seen from daily vaping among those who previously did not smoke, how is it ethical to continue warning smokers away from using these products?”
In addition to this groundbreaking research, Polosa also recently published a review of the evidence on the impact of vapor products on COPD patients.
# # #
About the American Vaping Association
The American Vaping Association is a nonprofit organization that advocates for policies that encourage the growth and sustainability of small- and medium-sized businesses in the rapidly growing vaping and electronic cigarette industry. The AVA was founded by Gregory Conley, a consumer and industry advocate with a long track record of advocating for vapor products dating back to 2010.
We are dedicated to educating the public and government officials about public health benefits offered by vapor products, which are battery-powered devices that heat a liquid nicotine or nicotine-free solution and create an inhalable vapor. The AVA is not a trade group and does not speak for any particular businesses, including our industry sponsors.
You can learn more about AVA and vaping by visiting the AVA website. You can also find us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.
On December 7, 2017, VTA is hosting its 2nd Annual State Strategy & Retailer Conference called Vapor Game Plan 2018 at the Donald E. Stephens Convention Center in Rosemont, Illinois. Back by popular demand, but this time in a central location, this VTA conference will focus on the strategies that state advocacy groups need to put in place to defend against the series of bills hostile to vapor that will be coming.
The full agenda is being finalized now, but you can expect another series of outstanding presentations on the core issues confronting our industry at the state level. In addition, this year retailers will benefit from presentations on legal, compliance, and business related issues necessary to navigating difficult waters of conducting business in a shifting regulatory landscape. Here are just some of the topics that will be covered:
Retail Vapeconomics 101
The Professional Face of State Advocacy
2018 State Strategies on Flavors & Taxes
Combatting Local Vapor Initiatives
VTA’s Local Defense Package
You NEED to be part of this conversation!
Download Vapor Game Plan 2018 Invite HERE!
– or –
Here’s what some last year’s Vapor Game Plan participants had to say:
“Vape Industry People. Go to this! I went to DC last year for it and it was hands down the
best advocacy / planning event that i have been to. Get real info from the top advocates,
lawyers, doctors and lobbyists in the nation.”
– Reid Nuttall, Cool Clouds Vapor Shop, Illinois
“VTA never disappoints- they set themselves apart in a professional, organized, experienced, & transparent fashion. We always walk away with hope inspiration and a mission to succeed with a team behind us to support current & future needs for our industry!”
– Amelia & Ismael Rivera, Sabor Vapors, Pennsylvania
“I want to commend all those involved in making VTA’s First Annual State Strategy Meeting a success.
I found the collaboration between the various organizations and individuals in attendance to be not only
beneficial, but also reinvigorating. A welcomed refueling as we enter what will certainly prove to be a
most interesting year for our industry. Thank you!”
– Vicki Vasconcellos, Smoke Free Alternatives Coalition of Illinois
“”I would like to say what a fantastic job the VTA is doing. This was one of the most informative conferences that I have been to and for once, the mood was optimistic. We discussed what we could do to save the industry and what is currently being done at both the state and federal level!”
– Nicole Crumley, Tennessee Smoke Free Association
To learn more about VTA, check us out at www.vaportechnology.organd And, don’t forget to follow us onFacebook and Twitter.
Thanks for all you do to save vapor!
Tony Abboud
Executive Director
Vapor Technology Association
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Eizfan 40A 4800mAh 21700…irresponsibly overrated, just a Samsung 48G rewrap, DO NOT BUY
This Eizfan cell is identical in appearance in performance to the 10A Samsung 48G.
Yi Fang Technology Co., you have lost your minds rating this cell at 40A. Vapers and vendors, there is no reason to support a company that has this little respect for our community or concern for our safety. Do not buy this cell.
I am rating this Eizfan at 10A and 4800mAh.
Two cells were purchased by me for the purposes of testing.
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…irresponsibly-overrated-just-a-samsung-48g-do-not-buy.837985/
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Eizfan 30A 4300mAh 20700…obscenely overrated, just a Sanyo NCR20700B rewrap
This Eizfan cell is identical in appearance in performance to the 15A Sanyo NCR20700B.
This cell has a truly ridiculous current rating of 30A and has an overrated capacity rating too. There is no reason to buy this cell if you have access to the Sanyo NCR20700B.
I am rating this Eizfan at 15A and 4000mAh.
Two cells were purchased by me for the purposes of testing.
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…obscenely-overrated-just-a-sanyo-ncr20700b.837877/
All my test results to date:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell Purple 10A 5000mAh 21700…15A but overrated mAh, runs longer than Samsung 48G
This cell’s capacity down to 2.5V is quite a bit lower than the claimed 5000mAh. I measured it at 4775mAh and 4873mAh for the two cells I tested. It seems that there is some cell-to-cell variation. Since the rating should be a guaranteed minimum the rating should be lower than what any cell delivers.
But this Vapcell still runs for about 8% longer than the 4800mAh Samsung 48G when pulsed down to 3.2V at 20A. Their performance is very similar but the cell Vapcell uses holds its voltage up a bit better and that results in a bit more run time.
While similar in appearance and ratings to the Samsung 48G I think this is a different cell. I’ll know more in a couple of weeks.
It runs cool at 10A continuous though. I am rating this Vapcell at 10A and 4750mAh. This is a cell for low power vaping so its very long run time can be effectively used without getting early low/weak battery alerts from the mod.
Unfortunately, this cell has Vapcell’s usual paper top insulating ring so juice spills could damage the ring. Be careful.
Two cells from Vapcell were donated for the purposes of testing. Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:…15a-but-overrated-mah-runs-longer-than-samsung.837717/
All my test results to date:
A PBusardo Review – The Innokin/Platform Ares RTA Introduction
In this video I’m joined by my BFF Dimitris to introduce our tank, the Ares RTA.
We talk about working with Innokin, do an unboxing, talk about the tank’s features and thoughts behind them, show you some builds, and have some fun along the way.
Thanks so much for the continued love and support and we truly hope you enjoy the tank!!
The Links:
Ares at MyVaporStore
VaporDNA – Coming Soon
E-Cig Gallery for USA Wholesale
Post Video Follow-up:
- 11/16/17 – Heard and read some comments about the whistle coming from the tank in the video. We couldn’t hear it while filming. Reviewing the video, when I screwed the tank back onto the device around the 44:00 mark, the air flow controller moved slightly blocking the air flow hole creating that effect which the mic amplified and made worse. We recreated it here just now and once the hole was aligned it went away. It is a quiet tank.
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Vapcell Purple 30A 3000mAh 20650…accurately rated, Sanyo NCR20650A
This Vapcell appears and performs identical to the great performing Sanyo NCR20650A.
The Sanyo NCR20650A has a “rated” capacity of 2900mAh, a “minimum” capacity of 2950mAh, and a “typical” rating of 3100mAh. So while I always try to use just the rated capacity for a rewrapped cell for my ratings, 2900mAh in this case, Vapcell’s rating of 3000mAh can still be considered accurate. It all depends on which rating you use.
I am rating this Vapcell at 30A and 2900mAh.
Unfortunately, this cell has Vapcell’s usual paper top insulating ring so juice spills could damage the ring. Be careful.
Two cells from Vapcell were donated for the purposes of testing. Thank you!
Cell photos:
Ratings graphic:
Test results, discharge graph, photos:
All my test results to date: