Category: Recent News
GRRRRRRR – This deserves a cranky response!!
So I did watch and read this…
‘JUULing’: The dangerous trend gaining steam among teens
So much frustrates me about this.
- They are NOT targeted to kids, they are targeted to adults who want to quit smoking and want to do it with a small compact and satisfying device.
- The flavors are not “CLEARLY” targeted to kids. Adults enjoy flavors too. Imagine that.
- You bring the synthetic marijuana issue into the story? WHY?? What does one have to do with the other? Shame!!!
- And this is the most frustrating thing:
Jesus Fucking Christ – we LOVE the word BLAME in this society and HATE the word RESPONSIBLE!!
- Blame the KID for getting the device.
- Blame the STORE that sold the device.
- Blame these tools on YouTube showing kids how to get, use, and hide the device.
- Blame YouTube for allowing such videos.
- Blame the parents for not being aware of what their kids are doing.
Stop blaming the device and vaping which has the potential to save a lot of damn lives.
Cause if your kids weren’t “Juuling” they’d be doing something else they’re not supposed to.
Good on Juul for answering the questions the way they did.
Thank you for allowing me to vent.
More from the fine folks in the UK! 10 common questions about e-cigarettes answered
Note – This is an older publication, but still a good one!
More from the fine folks in the UK… and from a site called “Cancer Research UK” no less…
From Public Health England – E-cigarettes and heated tobacco products: evidence review
Why can’t we figure this out and support it here in America? Money perhaps?
Recent estimates of additional quitters resulting annually from the availability of e-cigarettes, using the same dataset but 2 different methods, resulted in similar figures within the range of 16,000 to 22,000. Varying the assumptions, and updating these estimates for 2016, resulted in an upper bound estimate of around 57,000 additional quitters annually resulting from e-cigarettes (lower bound around 22,000). While caution is needed with these figures, the evidence suggests that e-cigarettes have contributed tens of thousands of additional quitters in England.
Read the entire article HERE.
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: There are newer “fat ring” Sony VTC5A batteries
The Sony Koriyama factory (“K” in lower left of the two lines of printing) has changed or added a different appearing top cap crimp to its VTC5A cell. This cell seems to perform the same (more testing to be done though) but has a wider ring crimping tool mark ring near its top. See the photos for an example.
Please note…
– While there are genuine Sony VTC5A’s with this “fat ring” that does NOT mean every VTC5A you see with a fat ring is genuine.
– The counterfeiters might have found fakes with fat rings to use. We can only say that there are genuine Sony VTC5A’s with the fat ring in production.
– If you have a VTC5A with a thinner ring this does NOT mean yours is definitely a fake. It might be anyway but there are huge numbers of genuine VTC5A’s out there with the narrower ring.
– To help determine if your VTC, any of of them, is a fake or not carefully unwrap them. If the black top insulating ring is glued on it is definitely a fake.
– If the black top insulating ring is not glued on it could be genuine. A loose top ring does not guarantee it’s an authentic Sony though as some fakes are not gluing on the ring now.
– Look for the two dimples on the top of the cell as shown in the photos. All VTC’s have these. If your cells do not then they are not genuine Sony VTC cells.
– If your cells do have the dimples then they are genuine VTC’s but there is no way to tell which. Some fake VTC5A’s have used other VTC’s.
– The wrap, wrap code, and printing are unreliable indicators of whether they are genuine or not due to their variability between factories and over time.
– Please don’t send me pictures of your cells to have me authenticate them. I am unable to. Use the checks I’ve described here. If you are still unsure and are concerned they might be fakes then speak to the vendor you purchased them from.
NEW FROM REGULATOR WATCH – Ignoring #Metoo | Glantz Sexual Harassment Allegations Leave Most Silent
Here’s the latest from Brent Stafford at Regulator Watch:
It’s a #MeToo moment. Minus the outrage and heavy on the silence.
The allegations are troubling: sexual harassment, racial discrimination and academic misconduct levelled against 71-year old Dr. Stanton Glantz, the most well-known tobacco control researcher in the world.
Glantz specializes in activist science; bringing fame and fortune to his Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education, which he heads, out of the University of California San Francisco.
The allegations were made public in December in a lawsuit filed by Dr. Eunice Neeley an academic researcher who worked under Glantz at the Center for Tobacco Control Research and Education.
Did UCSF officials hear, believe and support Neeley? And, why is there no outrage coming from vocal moralists within the tobacco control movement?
Find out-only on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released Feb 5, 2018
WEB EXTRA – Activist Science (Web Extra)
Junk is often in the eye of the beholder. Whether a piece of science is credible or pure propaganda of the worst… wait our guest should be finishing this thought. He nails it!
In this RegWatch Web extra hear from Dr. Carl V. Phillips, epidemiologist, tobacco harm reduction advocate and expert in research study design.
Carl knows how to do studies right. So, you could imagine he’s got a few choice words for science done the ‘Stanton Glantz way’.
Don’t miss it-only on RegWatch by
Produced by: Brent Stafford
Released Feb 5, 2018
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Which is the best performing 3000mAh 18650 battery?
Is it the Samsung 30Q, Sony VTC6, or LG HG2?
Minding Your mAhs – Ep5 is up on my Battery Mooch YouTube channel:
A PBusardo Review – The Dovpo Vee – Old Is New Again + Last Contest Winner & New
In this video we wake a look at the Dovpo Vee, find out who one the last contest, and kick off a new one!
Failed to mention that you have till Wednesday 2/7/18 at 11:59 PM EST to get your entries in for the contest in this video.
The Links:
Gas Mods
Heaven Gifts – Dovpo Vee
The Video:
*NOTE: Any use of these videos in part or in their entirety without Phil Busardo’s expressed written consent is strictly prohibited.
The Photos:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Sony VTC6A 18650 Samples…beats VTC5A, estimated 2900-3000mAh, 20-25A
I received two pre-production or early production samples for testing from Vapcell. I was told that they will not be generally available for several months, perhaps the end of the year. I do not know who has them in stock now or when they will.
I am testing them now because of the large number of requests I received and to let vendors know how they perform. I will retest these when full production quantities are available as Sony might make small changes to the cell’s performance before then.
The two samples of the VTC6A I tested easily outperformed the VTC6. While the VTC5A hit a tiny bit harder than the VTC6A at the start of the discharge the VTC6A outperformed the VTC5A for the rest of it, especially at higher current levels. This is a great battery.
For a 20A continuous discharge the VTC6A runs at the same temperature as the VTC6 does at 15A. Sony will probably rate the VTC6A at about 5A higher than the VTC6. This means a continuous current rating of 20A for the VTC6A with temperature-limited operation at some point above that. My preliminary estimate for the VTC6A’s current rating is 20A, up to 25A if the temperature is kept below 80°C. This can change at any time as I learn more about this cell.
The VTC6A’s I tested delivered 2892mAh and 3008mAh at 0.5A. This is a larger than typical cell-to-cell variation for Sony cells. I don’t know why. The capacity might change a bit before the cells are available in full production quantities but I am estimating the VTC6A’s rating at 2900mAh minimum and 3000mAh typical.
I have requested a copy of the datasheet but no one has it yet.
Two cells were donated for the purposes of testing by Vapcell (www.vapcelltech). Thank you!
Ratings graphic:
These tests only note the estimated ratings for these batteries at the time I tested them. Any battery that is not a genuine Samsung, Sony, LG, Panasonic, or Sanyo can change at any time! This is one of the hazards of using “rewrapped” batteries or batteries from other manufacturers so carefully research any battery you are considering using before purchasing.
Misusing or mishandling lithium-ion batteries can pose a SERIOUS RISK of personal injury or property damage. They are not meant to be used outside of a protected battery pack. Never exceed the battery’s continuous current rating and keep the plastic wrap and top insulating ring in perfect condition.
Any rating in the tables can change at any time as different grade cells appear on the market or we get swamped with fakes. Please, never assume that the ratings in the table are permanent and will never change! Always download the latest version before considering any cell purchase.
To see how other cells have tested check out this link:
A BATTERY MOOCH POST: Four videos now available on my YouTube channel
My Battery Mooch YouTube channel now has four videos on it with more to come. Topics include batteries for unregulated and regulated mods and do we need to “marry” our batteries?